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NorthPeach (Chapter 27) - Thu 10 Jul 2014

OMG, I cannae wait for the next chapter! Seriously, each one is as awesome or awesomer as the next! You go!

smcandy (Chapter 27) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

Well so far so good with the last two chapters. Do keep up the awesome work I lie to see how more the story is going to progress ^^.

Things are getting interesting indeed. I wonder if Sesshomaru can travel through the bone eaters well to Kagome’s time?.


If that will be possible it will be a major culture shock for him and would be interesting to see his reaction to Kagomes time if he can.

I am happy that Kags and Sesshy mom finally meet.



Authoress smcandy

Blossom34 (Chapter 27) - Wed 09 Jul 2014

love it

mani16koinu (Chapter 27) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Kimi is quickly becoming my everything in this story lol she is fabulous. I dont think I've seen anyone portray her as well as you have. My role model lmao

Ana (Chapter 27) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Steamy ^^ Well done!

Thanks for the update! <3 

Lazurite (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

I've been trying to figure out who this spy is for the last few chapters, if he supposedly saw that Sesshoumaru was sick that limits it to very few people. But he's also a hanyou. I was under the impression that all those present when Kagome found Sesshoumaru was ill were full youkai? The only thing I can think of is that Kento or Jun have a hanyou relative that's eavesdropping on that mind-reading thing they do (for lack of a better term).

mari (Chapter 27) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

it keeps getting better thank you.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 27) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Hachi better not tell him that Kagome is from the future, please update the next chapters quick. Keep it coming.

beachvilla (Chapter 27) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Oh how hard it must be to resist...

Love it,  can't wait for the next chapter.

stoictimer (Chapter 27) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Love it!

Shisaa (Chapter 27) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

I love this story. Even without cliffhangers, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. <3

Lazurite (Chapter 5) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

That seemed inevitable.

Lazurite (Chapter 4) - Sat 05 Jul 2014

Kind of surprised he let Gekien live...

Lazurite (Chapter 3) - Sat 05 Jul 2014

That bit with Shippou and Sesshoumaru was sweet.

Haven (Chapter 20) - Wed 02 Jul 2014


This is such an amazing story and THIS chapter is my fave fave favorite so far!!!!!  You have no idea how much I love Sess mom...she literally makes me crazy happy when written in a certain way.  She almost might maybe rival only S/K in my adoration in INY fics.  I love when stories don't portray her as a raging pyscho bitch bc I didn't get that feeling from the story.

Your KIMI is on point - wickedly intelligent, cunning, beautiful, maternal, but above all she is superior, as well she should bc well, she is Sess' mum, duh and you didn't make her evil! Praise the lord.  I love her. I hope there is more "HER"

The exchange between Sess and mum in this chapter is just perfection - everything was reasonably thought out, the strategies makes sense and the dialogue (omg, omg, omg) is exactly as it should be.  The way you write Sess' thought process is just...I mean, I literally have no words, it's sooo good.  

Anyway, I'm just glad I have a few more chapters to read.  Hopefully, by the time I'm nearly finished, you will post another chapter:)

Bravo. I love this story, but I just had to rave about this chapter in particular.

mani16koinu (Chapter 26) - Tue 01 Jul 2014

I literally might be obsessed with this story. I considered getting in trouble at work today just so I could sit and read the new chapter on my phone lolz. I'm honestly interested in seeing what you have planned for Ko. I didn't think you would put her in it past her involvement with helping Kagome escape the North but now I find myself intrigued.  ALSO! Kimi makes my freaking day. I love how you have written her as this conniving, manipulating, but ridiculously likeable in deviousness, character (in my opinion anyway). I'm just tickled. I can't wait to see what's next!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 26) - Mon 30 Jun 2014

Nice chapter, keep it coming.

mari (Chapter 26) - Mon 30 Jun 2014

great update thanks.

wonderbug (Chapter 26) - Mon 30 Jun 2014

The depths of Ryukostokken's hatred and rage are truly terrifying. I am so frightened that he will find out about Ko's vision and/or her role in Kagome's escape. I love Ko so much - you've created such an awesome cast of original characters in this story! Ko is one of my favorites, though, and my heart will be torn to pieces if she cannot find freedom from this monster soon. ;_;

Loved the interaction between Sesshoumaru and Kagome in this chapter! Such sweet and funny (and sexy!) moments :) It's so nice for them to have a little bit of peace between themselves. Can't imagine how this meeting with Kimi and Inuyasha is gonna go, though! - especially if it somehow takes place at the baths, haha

Keep up the awesome work, girl! This fanfiction is amazing :)

NorthPeach (Chapter 26) - Mon 30 Jun 2014

*stary eyes*

So cool....

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