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Lazurite (Chapter 30) - Sun 24 Aug 2014

I don't get why she's so angry. Yes he fumbled the whole thing, but she's gotta know that he probably doesn't know ny different. Also, Hojo is creepy.

Aryos (Chapter 31) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

Beautiful chapter! I am happy both of them talked it out and now undrstand (somewhat) the others concerns. 

Love it!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Episode 4 of Sailor Moon Crystal has already aired, If you missed it you can watch it on youtube. I'm glad there working things out, keep it coming.

Nicole (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

I loved the conversation in this chapter! Particularly how you wrote about Sesshomaru controlling his instincts... and then explaining his instincts. Awesome job!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

aw! Yey!!!!!
They've come to three major understandings!!!

Kagome has finally explained to Sesshomaru her fears because of her captivity and Sesshomaru has explained not only the mating and courting, but also his posessiveness!

I really enjoy how you are pacing the characters understanding, after all, in real life a coupld just doesn't understand and know the differences in their mate quickly. It takes time and patience. Sesshomaru trying to reign in his instincts so as not to create fear, worry, and panic in Kagome is very telling. I hope that when he explained how much he is holding back that Kagome realizes how much he cares for her. If he wasn't concerned with her fears and desires, he'd just follow his instincts then expect Kagome to understand his side and wouldn't care how afraid she would have been.

Great chapter!

mani16koinu (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

This is definitely the cliff hanger of the century. This story..... so fabulous. 

beachvilla (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Communication is hard when it is the same species.  Glad they are trying to figure things out.  :)  Can't wait till the next chapter.

dancingfingers (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Wow. I mean, I get it that Kagome still have her infamous temper... though I was tempted to wring her neck for being so quick to jump in conclusion, I understood then, why she reacted like that. However, it is still childish of her--because hey... she could just go and talk to him first, or let him explain, or just step back and think over why Sesshoumaru is so damn traditional *snorts*

I admire how you describe his emotions and his scent-investigation to determine her feelings. I looovveeee ittttt and always wonder how his nose could work like that, I mean, if it were me I'd have been dizzy with too much smell around me lol.

And this chapter is just so sweet. Or should I say, Sesshoumaru is, ah, pleasantly considerate to Kagome. He is not in a way or shape to be sweet *clamps hand over mouth* *laughs quietly*

I wonder what the so-called test run will... well, run. Thank you for the update.

Kounami (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Beautiful update.... :) 

NightQueen (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014

OMG!This was a great chapter!! God, I really love "Test Runs" Well done as always.  I can't wait to see what the next chapter holds for my favourite couple. 

consuelo marquez (Chapter 31) - Tue 19 Aug 2014


DevaG (Chapter 30) - Fri 15 Aug 2014

I need for you to update... like right now because i cant wait any longer for the next chapter.. I dreaded this!! catching up to the current chapter :(* SOB* I LOVE this story!!! I cant wait to see what happens Sesshomaru. I want Sessho to get some to. But I agree with Kag, Sessho should of asked/talked to her first. I hope that Kag doesn't go over board, but then again Inuyasha did warn him!!!

DevaG (Chapter 24) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

OMG!!! I love this story and this chapter was AWESOME!!! I need more and I cant wait for Sesshomaru's turn!!!! I am so in LOVE with this story that I hope that it never end. The way Sesshomaru is will definitely mess up the way I view huys now ROTFL!!! So Romantic!!! oh so help me!!! Sesshy was so thoughful!!!

River (Chapter 30) - Tue 12 Aug 2014

*1400's to 1500's, Inuyasha started in 1996, so 500 years could put Kagome in the late 1490's.

River (Chapter 30) - Tue 12 Aug 2014

Enjoying the story, but not sure why Kagome would get so bent out of shape over the marriage proposal.  

Traditionally, the groom would not presume to initiate a marriage without her family's permission. Maybe an explanation to Sesshoumaru that modern marriages do not work that way is in order (because, how would he know?), but Kagome getting spun into tizzy and going off on an hysterical rampage would be immature, uneducated, disrespectful, and a host of other low brow behavior.  Coming from a shrine family, (and being raised in Japan), I would think Kagome would know this stuff... I know this stuff, and I live in the US.

Even in European custom, the groom was expected to get permission from the family before asking the bride for her hand in marriage... a tradition still followed in the 50's and 60's (not sure if anyone still bothers with that now since Women's Lib, but the '60's wasn't that long ago... a lot more rescent than 1500's)

Hopefully Kagome will cool off before she makes a complete ass of herself.

mani16koinu (Chapter 30) - Sat 09 Aug 2014

I really want to side with Kagome here but I just can't. But we'll see what happens and if I am forced to side with her after all lol you never know with Sesshoumaru sometimes. Great chapter as always! 

Kahnartis (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

i like how Kagome handled her friends and Hojo. It may have gone better and differently, if under different circumstances. But due to the ones in the story, I believe it is a very realistic handling. 


And I can understand her feelings about the gift. But like her mother said, she needs to talk first. I'm interested to see what happens when she confronts Sesshoumaru. I have ideas but it is always interesting to read others ideas as well. 


Keep it up! I look forward to it! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

Kagome is overreacting, she needs to calm down and look at it, at Sesshomaru's point of view, keep it coming.

beachvilla (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

Hmm, I wish she would have reacted with more understanding of Sesshomaru's point of view. Still, I enjoyed the chapter. Hopefully her temper won't last long. Can't wait for the next update. 

Temkin Beck (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

Are you sure this Kagome is a japanese woman raised in a shrine? Cultural perspective my dear. I understand that as a writer you can make liberties with your characters, but, the characterization must remain true to your character's origin. Research more about the culture you are writing in to give it a certain amount of credence. 

Though this does provide good drama for the story. Props for that.

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