Awww, the fluff at the end was really nice. You can see that they've developing a deeper bond ^_^. It's nice to get the background on Seshoumaru and i'm really curious as to what will happen when the family arrives. I very much doubt, seeing Kagome's previous actions towards those who illl speak Sesshoumaru, that she will take any insults siting down, lol. Until the next riveting installment...
Keep on writing and i'll keep on reading
MUA (Most Unlikely Angel) 0:)
Awwwww more fluff. Very good. And Sesshomaru starts to confide in her, and that's even better. They're going to stick together now, and Kagome is going to box them stupid family's ears... or not? lol
I know I would XD
Dewa mata
Kittie (Chapter 19) - Sun 11 Jul 2010
The last chapter brought tears to my eyes, it was very beautiful.
aww, i knew there was a backstory lingering there =[
i love how beautifully you've written this, geez i love everything you write haha
so true to life really; i cant wait for kagome to meet inuyasha hehe i'm sure thats who it is
on another note, i was wondering if you would mind telling me the name of the manga that inspired you to write this?
i would love to see what sort of manga it is :D
<33 vivienne
REDWOLF (Chapter 19) - Fri 09 Jul 2010
Well, if Sesshoumaru has to go and meet with this ignorant ass family, I hope you let Kagome rip them a new one. Kagome is the perfect person to put them ALL in their place, especially that idiot Inuyasha. Great chapter, it broke my heart for him.
I just read this whole story in one sitting, and it's amazing! I went to click to the next chapter, but there wasn't one, sadly. Keep up the good work, Miss Teak!
Poor Sesshoumaru :( I'm hoping Kagome might surprise him and instead of getting upset at the treatment, unleashes her anger on them for treating Sesshoumaru like crap.
Its something I could see her doing, I'm sort of that way myself. I can take a lot of crap before I'll explode if I'm the one being abused, but if I think someone is being snotty to hubby, out comes the claws and I'll tear them a new one!
I'm glad he's finally opening up to her. Being on his own so long I'm sure its been hard, but now he's finally starting to realize he isn't alone anymore and its okay to depend on someone else :)
L-desu (Chapter 19) - Fri 09 Jul 2010
aaa and now i finally catch up. love this story, so full of drama, heartbreak and character depth. love the way they're slowly progressing in their relationship. i think you're moving them along at a very nice pace. can't wait to read more!
Thanks for the update!!!!
Poor Sesshoumaru :( that is so not fair...
Update soon. I want to know how they overcome the Family issues...
:( I am so sad
Wow what a well written chapter full of emotion
thank you very much
So I've spent the last two weeks reading your story off of my cell phone because my laptop got fried in a storm. And the reason I couldn't just wait to read it until I got my new laptop is because this story is awesome!!!!! I love it and I can't wait for more. You are an incredible writer, you give just enough description and dialogue to balance the story. I think its fantastic, keep up the updates!!!!
hola (Chapter 19) - Fri 09 Jul 2010
aw! wittle bitty fishies! what a cute idea! :)
sesshomaru really seems to have gotten the short end of the stick in life. :/ am i gonna hate inuyasha in this? i feel like i already do... *sigh* i'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)
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