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LM Bluejay (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

HOORAY!!! Fun...

Kay (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

this was wonerful!!

I'm on a sugar high from so much fluff~

aww~ it was just adorable. I can't wait until this fluff gets more interesting. haha

thank you for such a delightful chapter (and fic). =)

Rikayu (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

*pauses for a deep breath*


I really loved how playful it was between Sesshoumaru and Kagome at the festival!  And of course, revenge is so very, very sweet!  Seriously!  It was adorable as it was hilarious!

Then after the playfulness came such and intense moment and it just seemed to balance out the chapter very well~  Now, there's absolutely NO denying their feelings for each other!  And I literally went "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" when they got interrupted.  My father even rushed into my room thinking something was wrong with me LMAO.

Anyway, you seriously delivered on the fluff with this one!  I'm absolutely craving for the next chapter now!

Fuyuhii (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

AWWWW~! Sesshoumaru BLUSHED! SO CUTE! I could just gobble him up right now. I like the progress between him and Kagome~ :D More please~!

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

I wholeheartedly agree with you. It's just fun reading a virginal Sesshoumaru. XD I'm glad they are finally taking a step up their relationship. Woot!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Yuuuuuuushhhh MA!!! YES YES YES xDD hahahaha... I love it. Two virgins. Oh my... this is going to be FUN.

I hope you update soon and that you're great and amazing and having a happy life. ^^

Love ya


DestinysTears (Chapter 7) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Awwwww!!1! I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS CHAPTER. Sesshomaru's reluctant desire to ask Kagome to stay was just... Ah! You know, if I were the bus driver, I'd probably be SUCH a rubber necker that I would very slowly drive away to watch the love-hate drama unfold before my very bus-driver eyes~ Ohhh, jyess... We get to know more about mysterious Sesshy~! *does a little happy dance* Okay, I can hear the birds chirping outside, which could only mean it's bedtime for me. :resists urge to click the next chapter button:: Until next chapter! Wonderful job, midear!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 20) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Oh, honey... you do know how to get to someone's heart... Poor Sessh :(

You know, I can't believe you were able to write that... as a writer myself, I think it's really hard when you're writing really sad stuff.

You're strong. :)

I loved this chapter... it brought them together to a whole new level.

DestinysTears (Chapter 6) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

T_T ...I think I need a moment... *sobs uncontrollably* I was hanging on to every single word till the very last! I feel so bad for Sessh, but so angry at him at the same time. Kagome is so sweet and unselfish and Sessh is shamelessly exploiting that! OH and that granny! *growls* At first I was heartbroken to read about her spilled groceries, but then..! Hm, and I wonder what Kagome is going to do with herself for the night... Poor dear! Man, you have such a way of making the readers feel so emotional about the things you portray in your stories. ^^ It's 3am over here, and I wanted to just read a chapter before I went to bed.... That's what I told myself at least... Okay, one more chapter and I am DONE for the night! ...Er, morning.

Mishikaiya (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

...So. Good. You write them so well together. Love it. :)

Rissa (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

By the end of the last chapter I was spazzing. <3 keep it up I look forward to more updates.

Britt (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Its official. You're god.



I love how awkward Sesshoumaru is. It's... It's amazing!

DestinysTears (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

AH, I LOVED the end scene with Kagome making breakfast and Sessh being his usual self~! It was so - aH! *melts* I could picture everything right down to the magazine he was reading. And I really liked how you referenced Roppongi. Go Roppongi!

Ambra (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

So fluffy... so fun! Yay!

Yes, I must agree: a virginal Sesshomaru breaks the habit. ;) It would have been cool to add to the mix a more experienced Kagome, but even this way the story is developing well. :)

As always, good job!

Miss C (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Darn it, so close Ms. Teak!! Darn the fireworks and people. mu ha ha haa!! Great Job!!! As always!!

KAggie (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Now I'm all hot and bothered! XD This overall chapter was just the right push to finally get those two up to the next level. And a virginally Sesshoumaru is even better than the typical sexed-up Sesshoumaru. I love it, love it, love it! :D I hope they don't become too bashful again when it comes to the upcoming chapters. Move that separating wall aside in those bedroom dears! lol Wonderful job! I can't wait to hear more! :D

Saide (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Did I just read the most blush inducing chapter of all??? 8DDDDDDDDDDD

My heart is still pounding from all the excitement here while squealing inside my brain. 8DDDDDDDDD

A virginal Sesshomaru such a wave of fresh air! tsundere. >D Me likey >D Hahahaha <3

What's gonna happen next? I'm dying to find out soon! 8DDDD *hugs*

JuSaCru (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Dear MissTeak,

That was awesome!  I've been afan since Six Months in Heaven, but I've never written a review or even made a comment.  I must say that I loved the description of the festival.  I've never gotten so many images while reading anything.  If I were still drawing, I'd be sketching like crazy right about now! :P


I look forward to the next chapter, and your next story!



Mariposa (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

OMG you are such a tease!!! But this chapter was amazing and virginal Sesshoumaru is so cute! I Loved how Kagome treated him i public and how Sess teased her about the babies :D this is my favorite chapter so far. Cant wait till your next update and I really hope its soon!


REDWOLF (Chapter 21) - Thu 15 Jul 2010

Phew weee! Kagomes gonna make a lover out of Sesshoumaru yet. GO KAGOME!

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