Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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88pieces (Chapter 51) - Mon 22 Mar 2010

oh i sense some progress going on..

great chapter cant wait for more.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

Oh, Kagome...! T_T

Yohko (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

Can they be happy soon? I'm dying for that to happen..Huhuhu...Anyway nice chapter as always..Hoping you update soon..

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

*Sniff sniff* That was sad but soo beautiful at the same time. I wonder how far is too far when it comes to Kagome's self destructive tendencies? Would Kagome ever be able to be her old self again? How long will it take for Kagome's hands to heal? Is it even possible to give her back her hands without modern medicine? I look forward to seeing Sesshou really seeing Kagome for who she really is and maybe learning the whole truth about her past. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

darksilvercloud (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

i am so glad i came across your story here! can't wait for the next update. i like the way you insert what kagome has learnt as a maiko, into her current situation

knifethrower (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

This chapter made me pause to reflect on the ways Sesshomaru has been presented as the story unfolds.  First, formal and proper, and gentle to those weaker than  himself, within the confines of his station and that of Fuji's apparent station.  Then, as Fuji proves to be literate and less shallow than her older sister geisha, he becomes more personal in his attentions, culminating in the scene in the rain.  But still, Kagome is only revealed as Fuji, acting circumspect as is proper.  When he feels betrayed, he becomes a boiling pot of emotions, and definitely no longer gentle, as Fuji is revealed in the persona of the much more complex and emotionally open Kagome.  At the same time, she is revealed as more his equal, rather than a cherished trinket, thus to be subject to his rage and vengeance.  Then his despair when he finds she is lost, and now in this chapter his moderation in contrast to Kagome's desperate need to do something to cope with her inner state of damage and desolation.  Great writing, and interesting powerful contrast between serenity of koi and cherry blossoms and the ugly jagged images of Kagome gorging and then purging herself, and cutting her soft flesh on the hawthorn thorns.     

Angela (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

wah! i loved sesshoumaru's haiku! so sweet n romantic! ^ ^ hope gome gets better! ^ ^

deAvaric (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

This latest chapter is so sad and so beautiful all at the same time, I love your writing and eagerly await the next chapter.

Yoru-101 (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

Melancholy? Why Melancholy?

I love this angst. Truly, no one does it better than you. I applaud although you cannot hear me, so please imagine what you can. Milady, you truly are talented. I envy you, and as soon as I get back to my scanner, and have my sketchbook back, I will scan that drawing I have been meaning to upload. It is of Kagome and Sesshoumaru by the water with the petals. I will upload it as soon as I can.

In the meantime, please keep up the great work. I enjoy no fanfiction more than yours <3

MaivenTahl (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

Argh! This is so heart wrenching. Once more I went back and reread all of Wisteria and I'm so torn with the dramatic turn that the story has taken. Beautiful nonethless and I'm sure things will grow and emotionally change within our lovers relationship, but right now it seems endless and that there might not be any light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm sure there is still much to happen, and even though my heart bleeds, I will continue to be a faithful reader.

Ugh, lots of frustrating angst, I just want to see things get better, but I know it won't happen over night, but well done, well done!

tika_taki (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

ooohhh... sesshou..what a romantic gentleman *love him* btw has he checked the person who sent him the mysterious letter informing where he could find kagome? (chapter 47,if i'm not mistaken) ..... i wonder who that person was..

JeniNeji (Chapter 51) - Sun 21 Mar 2010

Im proud of him, he's trying very hard :)

Angelicatt (Chapter 50) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

The way you write him is just truly amazing..he as a male is as close to perfection as there is in every way. There will be no giving up with him.

maddie50 (Chapter 50) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

I just read the last few chapters. Kagome's ordeal was horrible. I am trying to figure out who the other demon was. Perhaps someone posing as a Geisha? Just a wild guess. The rescue was great and the aftermath expected, but so sad. I was hoping being close to the jewel would cleanse Kagome someway. Sesshoumaru is a stand-up demon.

I am trying no to go into too much detail in case someone reads the reviews before the chapters. Great job.

Angelicatt (Chapter 49) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

This chapter brought back so many difficult memories for me that I had to re-read it about 5x before I could finish it. The pain is just so raw for both of them...time is both an ally and an enemy in this recovery period.

Creature of Shadow (Chapter 50) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

P.S. I have no idea why that posted twice... stupid computer... grrr... :D

Creature of Shadow (Chapter 50) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

Agh! I feel like my favorite TV show just cut for the season with a cliffy! I started reading this at around ten this evening... It is now three thirty in the morning. As much as its gonna suck to get up in a couple hours, I could not stop reading for anything! I kept saying to myself, 'Ok, this is the last chap. I am going to read tonight.' But the ast didn't come until I couldn't go anyfurther cuz I reached the end point! And I NEVER read unfinished stories! There are only like two other stories I have ever read that weren't complete. But I love this! Please, please take pity on this lowly one, as well as the rest of your readers, and update asap!



Creature of Shadow (Chapter 50) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

Agh! I feel like my favorite TV show just cut for the season with a cliffy! I started reading this at around ten this evening... It is now three thirty in the morning. As much as its gonna suck to get up in a couple hours, I could not stop reading for anything! I kept saying to myself, 'Ok, this is the last chap. I am going to read tonight.' But the ast didn't come until I couldn't go anyfurther cuz I reached the end point! And I NEVER read unfinished stories! There are only like two other stories I have ever read that weren't complete. But I love this! Please, please take pity on this lowly one, as well as the rest of your readers, and update asap!



Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

:wipes eyes: great chapter. that's all I can say. I'm utterly speakless.......

Inumaru_Rapture (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

-sobsob- oh god.  MissTeak, -sob-  I'm a wreck!  I've gone back and reread the entire story up til now, and I can't take it.  I can't take them being apart and unhappy.  Lord, No one could survive that kind of pain.  But you.. you make them so strong.  Even when they are at their weakest, they are still strong.  Beloved author, please update when you can and know that your loyal reader will never let another update pass without comment.


And... despite all the crappy ability within me, I will attempt to draw this with even the smallest percentage of emotion that is between them...

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