Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Inusbabe (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

I hope to see some fanart on this chapter.

It has to be one of my favorites. I was crying for both of them. The pain they are both going thru, you wrote it beautifully. I could picture the scene in my head. A+ job!!!

antonia.c (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

whew! what an emotional roller-coaster ... lovely scene this. :D

while i can't draw to save my life, i m also hoping some kind soul will illustrate this scene ... definitely can't wait to see what the next plot twist will be like.

mary (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

wow! that was emotionally draining!

browneyes2yu (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

This is so poetically beautiful and sad...It is such a pity that it took Kagome's grave suffering for Sesshoumaru to realize the depth of his feelings for the miko and her importance in her life. I hope they find a way to help her heal soon.....and that Sesshoumaru catches that EVIL *ITCH!!!!!!!!!!!Great job!

kotainuchan (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

ohhhhh wow..... i actually cried! i almost never cry. Haha this muuuust be a good story ;)

88pieces (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

that is so sweet of sessho


Sena (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Really nice chapter. I'll see what I can do about some fanart for it ^_~

Running in Circles (Chapter 50) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Awwwwwww... I love this chapter. This is really good. I'm so happy with reading your story. So beautifully written. I can't wait for the next chapter.

browneyes (Chapter 35) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

You know, I was kind of very upset with Kagome in this chapter...well, and in a couple of previous ones, too. First of all, I cannot believe that she really thought that she could snoop around his castle undetected...servants (who are Youkai=heightened senses all around even if they are not in the vicinity) and Sesshoumaru himself (noted for his senses) and Kagome-> inexperienced and weak miko/spy/etc...But the most aggravating thing about this chapter (discovery and confrontation) is that she acted totally un-Kagome like: Kagome blurts things out, so I thought it would have been more believable and Kagome-like if she'd have blurted out/yelled out, whatever, the truth about why she needs the Shikon Jewel and how she was kidnapped and abandoned at the Hanaka - simple "I need the Shikon, is a part of my soul, calling to me!" and "I never meant to deceive you, I thought we would not meet after the three visits and I would never see you again....but then it had gone too far...I fell in love with you....but thought that you loved Fuji" BUT most IMPORTANTLY (when Sesshoumaru asked her of the reasons for her rejection of his advances) "I want MY name to pass your lips and be on your mind when I give myself to you...not Fuji's!" ANyway, just wanted to let you know that in general, I am really enjoying the story so far! Good job!

Brego Whitecloud (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

This reminds me very much of several things...Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) it the name for most of the things.  I did not know what that meant until, after I had experienced being accosted.  I was able to get away 'honor' in tact, but the nightmares continued.  I was fortunate enough to have a friend, years later, after I had stuffed this down, who told me that  'Pain was inevitable, suffering was optional'.  Most people would say that trivialized my situation, but it was actually what I needed to hear at that time.  Friendship was key--frank discussion was as well.  The nods and the sympathy (pity was worse) made it hard to recover.  Grieve and move on to another place.  This is what I am seeing in this chapter.  There is a rainbow and sunshine.  You may see colors in the rainbow you never noticed before, and the sun may shine too brightly, but, we can adjust and move on.


Nicely done.



tika_taki (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

cant believe it but everyday i open just to look for any new chapter of 'wisteria'!! i love the story and the way you write it :) :)  just one thing,dont forget other important issues that made 'wisteria' more interesting: the shard they must complete,person behind kumano as well as people in gion. can't wait for next chapters!

Noacat (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010
Aw, what a great guy.

LadySafire (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

I love the way you handle the trauma of what Kagome is going through. Too many people write about recovering from soemthing horrible like a rape or attempted rape as being easy. It's not, the trauma is always there,, always in the back of your mind like a serpent readying to strike. Only you must learn to control said serpent.

The important thing is to accept, move past and learn to live again.

 You are a wonderful writer, Miss Teak. I always look forward to new chapters to this story. Keep up the wonderful work.



JeniNeji (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

at last. Im so happy things are finally working for them

Rikayu (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

MissTeak!  I have to say that THIS is my favorite chapter so far!  The emotions emanating off the page were just...  I could practically feel the pain and everything that Kagome was going through!  I'm just.. gah becoming speechless!

This was brilliant and I can't wait for more!

MaivenTahl (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

OMG, again thank you so much for writing, these scene must have been incredibly frustrating to write. I must admit my frustration with Kagome as well, although I am the road to recovery is not an easy one after such an ordeal.  I went back and reread all the chapters of Wisteria and found myself missing the playfulness and bantering her and Sesshoumaru used to once share.

Again thank you so much for writing so promptly, it gives me something to look forward too all the time!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

*sniff**sniff* T.T  That was soo sad yet so very beautiful. I was in tears from start to finish. I felt bad for Kagome since she no longer possesses her child-like innocence. And I think that she feels that she can't forgive herself, which only adds to her problems. But I think Sesshou is doing his best to cope with the repercussions of his earlier decisions that led to the current situation. My only hope is that Kagome tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth about everything. Maybe that will help her to recover her old self. I look forward to how Sesshou plans on helping Kagome to recover. And can't Kagome use her miko powers to heal herself? Will she taint the Shikon jewel with her negative emotions? I think that Kagome should be trained to use her miko powers and to defend herself when she is fully recovered. (Who knows... maybe Sesshou could be the one to train her). Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Mythdefied (Chapter 50) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

I love this chapter! I'm really enjoying (if that's the right word to use considering the subject matter) the realistic way you're dealing with Kagome's psychological issues due to captivity and abuse. Of course she's affected, depressed, and traumatized in so many ways; her reactions are so very real considering what she's been through. And the vicious cycle she's trapped in, depressed and needing comfort, yet unable to take it either emotionally or physically, and so becoming more depressed; it's so sad to see and yet expected for what happened to her. I'm so very happy that you decided to explore the issues she has and didn't gloss over it in any way. Not that I want to see her or Sesshoumaru hurting, but I do like the realism and the journey to their happiness is as important as the end itself.

tearsofthefallen (Chapter 25) - Mon 15 Mar 2010
You.Are.Brilliant. Words cannot describe your talent Bravo! On every single chapter! I will remain a faithful reader!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 49) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Does this mean that Sesshou has his work cut out for him? How can they get closer to each other and rebuild trust if Kagome can't even stand his touch? Also, who was the one to tip off Sesshou of Kagome's location? I look forward to seeing if Kagome will tell him her side of the ordeal. Keep up the good work:P

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