Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Starlyte (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

YaY finally Kagomes ordeal is over, and shes now with Sesshomaru!!! But i don't know how shes going to feel when she wakes up and finds out Sess asked the lizard to join his army?! Just glad its all over and the main point of the story can get back on track, though i stil want to know who that women was, dont think we've seen the last of her!!

Thanks heaps for the updates,  & i look forward to reading the rest!!!

JeniNeji (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

At last he came. Where is the demoness?

Saide (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

YESSSSSSSSSSS! Finally saved! Heheheh

You have no idea how many emotions are running through my brain as I'm reading it! ♥♥♥♥♥

Now to find who is actually the mastermind of Kagome's capture. :>


Vicky (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Sesshoumaru came to save the day...finally!!!!! I'm so glad this nightmare is finally over.  I can't wait to read the next chapter.  Please update soon :)

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

OMG YAY!!!!!!  At last, her knight in shining armor comes to take the burden off her shoulders.  I feel almost as relieved as Kagome XD  This chapter was 5 hours of your life well-spent Miss Teak!  It was a very promising chapter and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

Keep up the great work!

Snowfall (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Yay!  Sesshoumaru finally found Kagome.  Now I have to wonder what he plans to do with her.  That's a bit of a scary thought.  That thing is still out there though.  I wonder what it is.  Can't wait for it to die.  Yup.  That was an exciting chapter.  Thanks!

Kimberley (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Yayy! Sesshou finally got her back! I wasn't sure how much more of that torture I could take. :( I'm glad she wasn't raped, though. I'm excited for them to talk abou things next. I'm sure it'll be an interesting scene. And Sesshoumaru will realize how much he cares! And they'll be happy! :D Wonderful chapterr.

Sena (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

SO glad Kagome has finally been saved! I've been crossing my fingers for her. Now she needs to recoup with some Sessho lovin'!

Shae (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

That was wonderful, he really did come at the last minute XD Very smart of him to keep that snake demon alive, it can likely tell him more than any of the others there.


I knew it, it's the okami was it? Of the Geisha house :D (or someone who replaced her, but the plum blossoms (and the ability to inflict drowsiness) indicate that this woman was the one who first captured Kagome. So unless she deposited Kagome at the Geisha house, then decided to replace the okami later, then she's probably been just pretending to be nice from the start). It fits up with when the shard went missing, because the okami was the only other one in the room, and I think she might have even been the one to tidy up Kagomes belongings. Oh Kagome, you should have turned around! XD Tsk!


Interesting that the okami (was it... Ume?)  is a common demon from what she said, and not a type of animal based demon. This means she could be a humanoid elemental(or some specific special-powery) type demon, some sort of demon that possesses people, a shapeshifter, or something else entirely. And for what she calls a common demon, I wonder how she got so strong? It could be that she just is so strong, or it could be that she is using the jewel shard stolen from Kagome to enhance her own powers.


At any rate, poor Kagome is going to have a lot of healing to do. And she might have some awkwardness to get through with Sesshoumaru. I'm wondering if he'll still want to send her back to the Geisha house (likely not until she's healed, and even then with him if at all).


As usual, eagerly looking forward to the next chapter ^^

Malindorie (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

My entire being breathes a sigh of relief that Sesshoumaru finally came and rescued Kagome! My gut has been twisting nervously for the past few chapters.  Beautifully written, as always, and everybody in character.  I do wonder how Kagome will feel about that lizard demon being under Sesshoumaru now... but maybe, since the lizard was so close to the thankfully deceased general, he can help Sesshoumaru and Kagome figure out who is behind the whole thing. 

Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter, and thank you so much for updating frequently! I love this story and getting to read new chapters so often is amazing!!!

Sprinks (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

for the moment.

can't wait for whats next!!! =] i hope she recovers... :(

inafeildofsmut (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Im glad kagome is okay and i really appreciate you updating this often.Congratulations on a well written story

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

It's about damn time that Sesshou showed up. What took him so long? And who is the demoness who orchestrated Kagome's kidnapping? Was she the one to send Kagome to Hanaka? And what happens to Kagome now? After the ordeal that she just went through, will she still want to stay with Sesshou? Will she be able to stand a male's touch since she was almost raped? Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next update. :P

Sendy (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

love you!!! Thank you so much for the update!!

amanda wulke (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

YAY!!! *does a happy dance* They're back together,they're back together :) :) :) That made my day.

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

O my GOD!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Yay!!! Sesshoumaru is finally here!! Thank you. Im so happy that part of the story is over. But one question.... Who or what happen to the person the bear monster was talking to??? Anywho, thanks for updating!!!

chelsea h. (Chapter 1) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Thank you so much for having her saved. I thought she was going to die from all her injuries. I cried when he called her name. I was just in awe that he showed up in time. Thank you for such a great update. All hope was lost for awhile. :)

Sala (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010 she dead?  I imagine he still has Tenseiga, if she is.

TruGemini (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

She's alive? OMG! I thought she was done for! I wonder how Sess found her in time? Also, I wonder how he missed the other demon? This is going to get complicated. I know she is related to the okiya some how.

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 47) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

I am glad that they got back together...but now I am vexed...who is the mysterious partner?

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