Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Miss.Undo (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

your the best! woot woot please do update again sooner! i cant wait! ")

Saide (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Sesshomaru you naughty boy LOL

Gah! This is perfect, I was wondering when she'll be mentioning that plum smelling stranger she kept smelling.

More suspense here! I love it! <3


ObsidianTresses (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! I'MSOHAPPY! You updated!! :D  Very cute chapter and I can't help but express my love for your story.   I have to say, every time I even see wisteria, I immediately think of this wonderful piece and wonder when you would update. 


Thank you for making it longer and giving us the fluufffff.  It always brings a giant smile to my face!


Please, don't make us beg for too much ;],


Vicky (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

So sorry I've been bad when it comes to reviewing.  Doesn't mean I love your story any less, though.  I loveee this new chapter.  I'm glad Kagome is finally on her road to recovery....I wonder if Kagome's abduction was more than being "at the wrong place at the wrong time".  I can't wait to read the next chapter.  I hope you'll update again soon.  

DancingFlower (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010
wow. i wonder what the 'mystery' is. and who could be the dude with the plum scent? so much suspense. thanx for updating. peace =)

loveyaa (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

With everything that has been going on I haven't even thought about how she got to the geisha house. I do quite enjoy how you are beginning to wrap up all lose ends. I can't wait for Sesshoumaru's and Kagome's relationship to once again grow and develop. It was quite an enjoyable and cute chapter. Hopefully there are many more on the way. Til next time :)

Inumaru_Rapture (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Lovely. I needed that bit of fluff after all those angry, sad, and depressing chapters (but don't take that as I didn't enjoy them. Well written stories draw a reader in so completely, they love both the bad and the in point).  I started reading this on my new droid phone (first new phone in 4 years! woo!) and I'm so exctatic that I can actually read this whereever I go.


I feel terrible. I have half-finished fan art on my computer for you.  I'm working on finishing it, but I've been going bonkers. Lol You'll get it. I promise! :) IR

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Awww, how cute! Fluffy and lighthearted indeed. :3 Finally, after all the angst! Looking forward to the next chapter as always, MissTeak. And you haven't disappointed yet! (BTW, thank you for reviewing my one-shot! lol)

Madison (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

OMG I forgot to include something else, I'm such a air head sometimes honey!

THE PLOT the twist, how Kagome got to the geisha house, it seems way too suspicous, but I can't help but wonder who would bring her there. Of course, you know the answer, lol. But I dont. And also, I wonder what's the purpose, there has to be a reason why someone didn't want her to go back to her time, and they wanted her in the Feudal era. Maybe she had something else to do? Or it was someone evil, because keeping her in the feudal era would prevent something good from happening?

Gosh you got me wondering!

Madison (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

God, girl, you know how to make me panic you know that? My heart was beating so fast at the beginning, especially when she knocked. I was almost afraid she wouldn't and that she would stay outside. And the way you described what Sesshomaru felt towards her previous action, and how he wouldn't regret that he stopped her. And that the scar would always remind him that he helped her live. God, that was just beautiful, especially with the way you worded everything, it had a perfect flow to it.

Then, came some fluff that I almost wasn't expecting, even if you said it was coming, lol. They actually were joking around with each other, and Kagome allowed herself to truly be herself. She wasn't hiding behind a scent or make up anymore. She was just Kagome, and Sesshomaru seemed to love it. She was teasing him, acting like the good old Kagome, lol. And gosh, I almost hope he could make it through the well with her. I mean how cute would that be, and how different would he fell in the modern era huh?

AND then you dare leave it at her asking if she could stay! LMAO GIRL! Do you want me to have a heart attack or something! Gosh, my own heart was pounding, and I'm like, Sesshy you have to say yes! AND HE DID! Hopefully he will be able to keep that self control in check, except if Kagome doesn't mind, then it's all good by me if he loses it. PINK FTW.

Oh, and I like the idea of Rin being with Sesshy's mom. I never thought of her that way, but although she's not that welcoming, and can seem cruel, she never seemed BAD you know, just she doesn't express feelings much, but then again that's where Sesshy got it from, lol.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

You took FOREVER to update! But...i'm glad you did. Awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one! ^_^

Sena (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

ooo very cute! Glad kagome is finally coming around <3 who is this plum scented mystery? hmm

theunknownchild (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Yay! Some happiness and fluff. And of course some more questions...

Great job like always!

88pieces (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

whaa so good.  progress,  ah it is sweet.  as always cant wait for the next one. 

dayna (Chapter 14) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

This story is so beautifully written. I just found it today and I just cant stop reading. So far I love the character development and the suble romance between Kagome and Sesshy. I also love the fact that Sesshomaru has changed and we get to understand his thoughts about his past. I cant wait to see what happens next, so I guess i'll just keep on reading.


Great job!

swift death (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! that was soooooooooooo cute and very well played. Though you did take a long time in posting it, nothernles i am very glad that you have managed to post up a singgle chapter. and for that i am gratefull. But if you can do you think you can start posting chapters more often.

REDWOLF (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010 sure fooled me! I was expecting this to end like the next few chapters, but now, you have given us another mystery and puzzle for Sesshoumaru to figure out! I love stories like this and I always look forward to your updates.

Moriyo (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Lovely! Things are progressing quite nicely.  I eagerly await your next chapter.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Such a beautifully sweet chapter, it was definitely needed after all the sadness ^_^  So the plot thickens!  I wonder just what happened to Kagome that brought her to Hanaka...

Wonderfully done, thank you for the WAFF :D

Khrystyne (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

I'm glad that Kagome is finally getting to some semblence of normal, and Sesshomaru can't contain his curiosity. Great chapter I can't wait for the next one!!


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