Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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kagomesirene (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

awww...what a wonderful chapter...i'm happy that they make a little progress, but it seems that danger already lurks behind the next corner, and there's still the problem with kagomes tormentors still being alive and well...sigh...oh well for now i'm happy...palse keep up the good work and update soon :)

Rikayu (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

mou... you evil evil person you!  more plot twists!!!  lol.  of course, that just makes this story more awesome than it already is and tells me that there is so much more to read in the future!

I love the playfulness between them in this chapter!  Light-hearted and totally lifts the atmosphere~  I urge you to write more!!!!  cause you know very well how addicted I am to this story!

knifethrower (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

Another beautifully written chapter.  Lovely.

darksilvercloud (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

nice chapter :)) <3 the subtle fluff from sesshomaru! can't wait to see as the plot unravels more of the mystery behind why kagome was kidnapped across such a long distance

love you so much (Chapter 52) - Tue 13 Apr 2010

Arghhhhhhhh! I love this fic!!! =*|   

ObsidianTresses (Chapter 52) - Sun 11 Apr 2010

Holy-effin-moley! Your story is nothing short of amazing!! Omg. I read this thing (almost) straight for about 12hrs. It is truly fantastic and I am glad to have read such a brilliant peace of work fill with cleverness, wit, knowledge, and overall pure awesomeness! It is with writers like you my love for this pair grows to unimaginable heights. Gosh, I hope you update soon and good luck with all of your intense studies!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 52) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

This has been a very interesting emotional ride. I love how you describe what both Kagome and Sesshou are feeling as things spiral out of control for Kagome psychologically. I am happy that things can finally begin to mend for them. And I can't wait for the day that Kagome and confide in Sesshou completely. Keep up the good work and update soon :p

Aynessa (Chapter 52) - Fri 09 Apr 2010

Wow....I just sped-read through this entire story in the span of 2 days, whenever I could find the time to do so. <3 While there are a few things I don't like about this fic, I also find it highly original and very intruiging. I have never seen Kagome as a geisha (well, maiko) before, and as a lover of all things Nihongo, I am very very pleased to see so much culture woven into this fic.I love the depictions of the floating world the geisha live in, and also seeing a sort of "behind the scenes" where the sisters are all living and learning together.

There are a few times throughout the story where I felt like you didn't quite have a handle on Kagome's personality, as she seemed far too demure to me at times and would give up so easily on some things, or say something weak in the face of a volatile situation - as someone used to seeing her blatantly and bravely stand up for others, I thought the scene with Hasu slapping Yanagi could have been written with a little more "fire" to Kagome.......and yet other times, I love your portrayal of her- especially the scenes where she is sharing her quirky knowledge with Sesshoumaru, or the scenes where she is frantically trying to cover up her true identity, and especially the scenes where she displays her stubborn-ness and defiance. As for Sesshoumaru, I feel like you hit his character spot-on, even with the displays of tenderness for her. (which some fools call OOC; BAH, I say!)

Although, I have to ask........WHERE is Rin!?!? She has been mentioned like....*once* in this entire story, and you have taken us to two different places where Sesshoumaru lives. Surely Rin is in one of these places? I cannot imagine him leaving her in some random place???

Reading this last chapter was.....something of a struggle for me. As a former cutter, it was a little unsettling to read of her detached enjoyment and increasing desire for more.  =x I'm very glad to see Sesshy snap her out of it.

Also.....brilliant torture scene! I am by no means a sadistic person, and I actually don't really enjoy torture scenes (so why am I complimenting you on that, lol?), but I see authors shy away from the nitty-gritty too often, and it makes it sort of....less real. Seeing an author actually dare to not have someone come to the heroine's rescue immediately, to have her suffer actual, true torture, and then see the psychological effects of that.........again, I don't really like torture scenes, but KUDOS to you for actually writing about it, and doing so well!!! xD

I cannot wait to see the next update. :3 I hope I don't have to wait long!!! Fufufufufu~

His Lady (Chapter 52) - Thu 08 Apr 2010

this was perfect its sad how kagome believed the only way out was suicide but im glad sesshomaru's sense of smell is greater than everyone else's or else he really would have lost her but i love this story i hope you continue soon

Addy (Chapter 52) - Wed 07 Apr 2010

:D  Amazing story!  I loved this chapter, and I hope you post agian soon!

Setsuai (Chapter 52) - Wed 07 Apr 2010

Wow..... Just wow! I can't express how much I love this story! Just... wow... omg...

Miss.Undo (Chapter 52) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

i love it! it took me like a good 2 days to read everything but it was so worth it. you absolutly have to update! ")

Shae (Chapter 52) - Tue 06 Apr 2010

I like the way she can feel and think things that she knows are selfish, but can then recognize and feel bad about those thoughts. I find it very realistic, rather than making a character to always be entirely one thing. Hooray for conflicting thoughts ^^

Interesting how she... beautifies (is that a word?) the various suicides that she thinks of, I suppose it would be a lot easier to consider each option that way.

I also like the way her thoughts keep luring her back to the knife, like she's drawn to it. It seems to reflect well how depressive thoughts might spiral into suicidal ones.

Silly girl though, never underestimate a dog demon's nose :D (I'm glad she did however).

Love the way he ended up finally getting through to her, words weren't working, but a demonstration of sorts where she was shown what she was doing seemed perfect.

The reference to him protecting her from the traps leading to the jewel even when he was so conflicted was a really nice tough, too. It really shows how much he feels for her (and that he's stuck by her through all of this).

hola (Chapter 52) - Mon 05 Apr 2010
p.s. i also wanna say that aoi-kaji's review was freaking hilarious. awe-rifical? hahaha. you've got a good friend there. :o)

hola (Chapter 52) - Mon 05 Apr 2010
that was awe inspiring. and breathtakingly beautiful..... :o)

Lady Fluffy86 (Chapter 52) - Mon 05 Apr 2010

I truely love this story. it makes me cry it makes me happpy i just cant wait till the next chap. it makes u think on so many different levels. so PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!!!!!!!

redoxide (Chapter 52) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

These last few chapters really rang true for me. I had a friend who, although she did not suffer such extensive trauma as Kagome, reacted in exactly the same way when faced with a personal ordeal. The depression, the frantic mania and the need to inflict self-harm were brilliantly depicted with terrible truth. You really hit the nail on the head where you described Kagome's irritation at what she perceived to be the self-serving curiosity and unwanted sympathy of others. Thank-you.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 52) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

I meant to say "blank stare" not black.. idk why I put that there =,= I'm just stupid I guess @,@ and tired.. oh so tired >,<

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 52) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!! I can't get over at how AMAZINGLY AWESOME THIS CHAPTER IS!!! @,@ It's like... WOW! HOLY SMOKES! lol it was just.......... jeez I can't even find the words on where to start!

Okay wait, I think I got it xD lol. WELL! To start off... I was all happy that you dedicated the chapter to Maddie and I! Thank you so much! ::blush:: such a great honor, Teak-chan ^-^. Okie.. also! At first I was like, "La la la ^-^ teh chapter. Teehee =D" then I started to read  it and I was just washed over w/such sadness and grief at how Kagome was acting and was like, "Oh noes ;-; she said it was going to be better and stuffs!" then when she was about to kill herself I was literally!!! on the edge of my seat just getting closer and holding my breath more every word I read and then when I saw that Sesshoumaru finally stopped her I just let out the breath I was holding and gasped! I was so happy! But at the same time I kept on reading and I got sad because he suffered so much watching/catching her doing that and even more so having to hurt himself physically to stop her from plunging the knife into her heart D= so sad... Your writing skillz are just so.. ::gives black stare into the screen::.... grr I can't think of  a good enough word that's in the dictionary to describe it so I'm going to make one up c; kek, it's so awe-rifical! buahaha c; kek. Anyways! I must say that this would probably be my favorite chapter because she FINALLY gets over it all. I'm just SO happy that it finally dawned to her! Awe-rifical job, Teak-chan ^-^ I'm so excited for the next one =D

♥♥♥♥! Aoi-Kaji c;

swift death (Chapter 52) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

you take too long to make the chapters!! But it was very good

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