Inuyasha's not perfect, and this is obviously a SessKag fic (why else would I be here) but still the amount of OOC, utter DISRESPECT you show the character Inuyasha in this story is extremely hard to stomach. I won't lie.
See, even this now. Even her mom's like, "oh, just give it a try with him! Your love is a ship, look for the light house, blah, blah, blah"
This is a problem that extends much further than your fic, or even fanfic in general, but it's no less annoying, here.
"Give it a try with the guy who acted completely irresponsible while you had no choice but to grow up for someone else!"
How about this. "No. I don't have to. All of you can quit trying to make me into a sheep like you."
The worst part of Fics like this is the air of delight side characters take on while trying to convince the main character to settle for some absolute honorless cretin.
Okay but what the hell did Kagome say that was wrong? Sango's being logical and compassionate, sure, but her "Sessh?maru's trying, unlike you" line is completely out-of-line--in fact, it was the only out-of-line thing spoken between them.
Now Kagome's gotta feel guilty because Sango wanted to act sanctimonious and spout off? Bullshit.
Ohh my babiesss this sucks for them
Awe man it was just getting good. Yeah that chapter was really short for my hungry mind needing to read.... Update soon.
Wow, that was a sad chapter poor Kagome, miscarriages are always hard to overcome but they will. At least the brothers are getting along....
Ohhh nooo, i hope they can get through whatever comes their way I know it will be hard. I can feel it. Poor them.
Another great chapter but evil ending. Please don't keep us waiting too long for the next chapter. Thanks
Again soooo much enough, they way your make us the readers FEEL every word its so realistic
Ah, man again...... LOL, hopefully, she tells him before something happens... Kagome's prone to things always happening to her.... Loved the chapter update soon.
I decided to re read this story and damnit if the end of this chapter does not bring me to tears eveytime. I love it!! Wonderful story you are an amazing writer
Throw me off the cliff!!! Ohhh myyy such a good update I didnt expect that for sure. You are sooooo meannn with that cliffhanger ohhhh ohly cannoli i believe they can get through this!
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