Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Azuremyst (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

Yay! Good chapter, great idea about the winter wonderland and def the painting. Please give us some lemonade!! lol ^_^

Sala (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

With such a request as that, how could we fail to leave you glowing praise? ^_~  As it stands, I hope your workload lightens so that you can bring us the next installment sooner.

Kojishi (Chapter 1) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

I like your story and am always looking out for your updates. Though I do enjoy lemons, I feel the story is just fine without and if you add it too soon it may compromise the integrity of your story. However, if you do decide to add one, I feel your lovely writing style will execute it well. Thank you for sharing your fiction.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

I'm always so excited to see an update for this story!  I think it's lovely :)  I can't help but be anxious about when Sesshoumaru finds out!  Oh my, that'll be some DRAMA.  I hope that you allow them a nice time together before the shit hits the fan ;)  And of course, I'm always a fan of a tasty lemon, but this story could do with or without.

Great job!

violett407 (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009
Wonderful update! And, lemonade please! Seriously, a fluffy, lovey, romantic lemon will be sooo worth it after the upcoming blow-out over her true identity. Keep 'em coming!

Kuddles (Chapter 19) - Mon 09 Feb 2009

Chp 19 Great as always. :D First time in a long time I've actually followed a story.. instead of waiting for it to be completed!

Akay (Chapter 18) - Mon 02 Feb 2009
So close. So very close. Let the rain keep falling he almost saw her entire face. He can slightly recognize her! *on edge of seat* I loved the chapter by the way. *tearful eyes* Can't wait to see what happens next. What will happen with Hasu? What of that "third" meeting? What will Sesshoumaru do? *sighs* I shall wait to see *smiles*

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 18) - Sat 31 Jan 2009
O M G. This story is so wonderful! I haven't been excited for a story like THIS in a LONG time! It is written so beautifully and whenever I scroll down to read a little ahead before going back up and reading what I skipped, it has to be really good! You are such a talented writer! I am glad I took the time to read this story from chapter one to now. Wonderful, wonderful job!

Elenna (Chapter 18) - Sat 31 Jan 2009
NO!! You cannot stop there! It was just getting good! Question though: when will Kagome reveal who she truly is? If I was in her situtation, then by this point, I would start feeling EXTREMELY quilty for letting him fall in love with "Fuji" without knowing it was Kagome under it all. That's just my opinion though. Speaking of which...wouldn't Sesshomaru recognize her scent? I know they never really were around each, but I would think her scent would still be somewhat familiar to him. Or at least something about her would. Like the part in your fanfic where she yelled at him...and he thought that "no one ever stood up to Sesshomaru like Fuji had"....I would think that would have reminded him of the time in his father's tomb or something. ANYWAY...those are just a few of my questions. I LOVE THIS FANFIC! I cannot wait for the next update and this had definitly been added to my favorite list! It reminds me of "Memoirs of a Geisha" but you've made it uniquely your own and I truly respect that! Can't wait for the next one!

Amadoni (Chapter 18) - Sat 31 Jan 2009

For the love of all things, continue, continue, continue!!!

Miju (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009
how sweet :) now, this is rather adorable, and i can't wait to see how it progresses. can we have some jealousy ensue? pretty please? =D (and not from hasu..i am terribly sick of her) update soon!

Ikaru (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009

Now that is a happy chapter.....I'm so happy that she finally gave in and went to him, it was soo sweet!!! How much longer before Sessoumaru realises who Fuji/Kagome really is i wonder, and how will he react.......hhhmmmm......and what will Kags do about Hasu???  Oh questions questions.....ones i'm sure will be answered soon, i adore this story and can't wait to see what happens next!!!


Luna Tenshi (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009
OH Finally! Yay, i'm so glad she stopped being stubborn. Sometimes its good to be selfish and go after what you want. I just hope when he finally does remember where he knows her from that he won't turn her away. Please update soon.

Azuremyst (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009

You MUST update!! I've never been left sitting at the edge of my seat only to be left at a cliffy!! Nooooo!!!! =] Truly love your story! Its under my favorites!

Ana (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009
UPDATE!!! I have been waiting all week for the new chapter. It's really sweet. I love it so much. Smells like there's going to be a little bit of trouble pretty soon, as he is starting to recognize her, but I hope not to much. Please take care and update again soon. I can't wait to see what happens next.

katlady (Chapter 18) - Fri 30 Jan 2009


maddie50 (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Jan 2009

Finally Kagome went out to see him. I was getting so restless while she stalled and he waited in the rain. Whew. Now a new problem is raising its head.

Vicky (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Jan 2009

Ohhhhhh....he's finally starting to realize who Fuji really is.  I can't wait to see his reaction.  Please update soon.

Daisuke (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Jan 2009
New to this site, and love this fic. 2 words, "LOVE IT!"

Kyuthe (Chapter 18) - Thu 29 Jan 2009

GAH! The anticipation is almost unbearable! Please let the ball drop--well in this case, the face paint-- long enough to get an ID. I don't think I can handle the suspense much longer. *sob* 

I'm having 'ohemgee-itis' right now. Everything is coming together in a tumlut of emotions, and I'm feeling helplessly drug along. I want them to have smiles all around, but there are a few barriers that keep hovering in the back of my mind: Hasu and Sesshoumaru's sensibilities at the forefront. Congradulations on firmly placing me in the same emotional state as Kagome. @_@ 

I eagerly awaite your next installment;

Thank you for sharing,



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