Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Goose (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

YAY UPDATE! Poor Kagome! I hope she stays and knoks some sence in to Sess! And 5 days is to long, but have fun in Hong Kong anyways!!! :'(

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

I know it won't just work like magick and poof everything is fine, but I hate to see Sesshoumaru so broken and defeated and Kagome unable to truly explain herself. I know things will become clear in due time but damn if its not sad at the moment. Wonderful chapter.

alina (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

I was so excited to see you had updated!I love your story,it's so amazing i'm actually reviewing something for the first time.Such an emotional chapter this was!Can't wait for more!

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

omg omg omg...i hope she can salvage would be sad if they would go there seperate ways...good chapter...

i can't wait to see what happens next...please update soon

Jess (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

Good chapter! I feel bad for Kagome too :(

KAggie (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

I just want to shake those two! UGH! XD I love them both, but oh the frusration. I mean, I feel like I can't completely blame ALL of this on Kagome. If Sesshoumaru had the suspision, then he should say something, but it's Sesshoumaru we're talking about here over all. OH MAN. The tension was just too good in this chapter! Well, I hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a wonderful, safe New Year! :D

REDWOLF (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

I feel so sad for Kagome. Always on the defensive end! I hope Sesshoumaru loves her enough to listen and forgive her. For she was just trying to save herself. Poor thing. Great chapter!

Snowfall (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

That was intense!  I feel sorry for all of them and wonder how you will fix everything.  I'm going back to read it again.  ^_^

knifethrower (Chapter 34) - Sat 26 Dec 2009

You are so cruel, Miss Teak!  She was so close to telling him...  But it is much better for the drama and heartache, so I love it!  Such a forcefully written chapter!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

Amazing story! I have spent all day reading it and must say I am eager to learn of what will happen next.

yuki (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

I've been waiting for this to happen for months!!! omg! u have to update soooon :D

Naraku (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

Don't take forever to post updates for this story. The suspense is killing me.

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

Thank GOD Sesshoumaru found out, finally. Kinda sucks he had to find out that way, but still! I'm so happy he knows. Now it's just him getting 'not as angry' and him and Kagome both working it out. I LOVE this story! Awesome job! <3

loveyaa (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

ahhhhh...i can't wait to see how he approaches her!! Your tale is spun as beautifully as the spider's masterpiece. til next time...

Anonymous (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

omg. i have to know whats going to happen! i literally read the entire story in one day and now i'm dying to find out how his reaction is going to be when he finds out its kagome. i really hope his feelings for her won't change. what if he dismisses her and tells her to go back to the geisha house? :( and i really want to know what hasu and ume are planning. so many questions left unanswered. keep up the good work. can't wait for the next chapter.

Yukino Sohma (Chapter 33) - Fri 25 Dec 2009

This is getting GOOD!!!!! The cats out of the bag. Kagome was not strong in planning. WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO? Whats HE goin got do? Everything is so wonderfully written. Thank you for another great chapter. Sesshoumaru is so nice and generous in getting her that frabric. It cost a tooth and a nail but will Sesshoumaru regret it?. Please update soon.

Adria_Li (Chapter 33) - Thu 24 Dec 2009

This is a major cliffhanger! What would happen to Kagome? Will Sesshoumaru hurt her or what? I would like to know what happens next, MissTeak! ^^ I enjoy "Wisteria" very much!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 33) - Thu 24 Dec 2009

Oh my, the dreaded cliffhanger :(  Please hurry with the confrontation between Sess and Kags.  I am sitting on pins and needles with this story. I hope Sess does not get too harsh with our Kagome; it's her destiny after all.  Nice plot and writing for this chapter.  Hugs and smiles, my friend.

Mindy (Chapter 33) - Thu 24 Dec 2009

WOah AWSome chapter!!!! so glad that he finally found out!! though i wish kagome had told him soonerrrr then maybe he would have reacted better not that i know how hes gonna react!!! man i hope things work out well!! and the get together and make lovely babies XD

Rin Akarui (Chapter 33) - Thu 24 Dec 2009
Ahhh~ The suspense is killing XD Does he finally know that our heroine is none other than Kagome? :3 Please keep up the great work! ^^

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