Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Mythdefied (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Finally Kagome made a good decision! I knew that would be the only way she could ever get Sesshoumaru to so much as listen to her, but I wondered if she was mature enough, or if she'd learned the lesson well enough yet to realize that. She's in so many ways still immature, or at least she was, but the past day or so may have (I hope) forced her to grow up. 

I should probably break in here and say that it's been so hard, from the position of an older adult, to watch/read a teen/twenty-something make mistakes that most older adults would know better than to commit. But it's in character for Kagome, because she's at that age where she has sense and sometimes listens to it, but not always. She's still young enough and/or inexperienced enough in life to make the really bad choices. She'll learn from this - already has, I think - and grow, but it's still been so harsh to see her have to learn those lessons the hard way.

And, of course Sesshoumaru is so much older, mature, and since he sees her as an adult woman, he won't make concessions for her relative youth. (Women her age in feudal Japan being expected to be full adults and act accordingly.) He couldn't understand that in the future someone her age would still be considered, not so much a child but a young adult, not as wise/experienced as someone older. He's taken her actions as he would someone older (or a woman of her age from his era). What is inexperience and youthful idiocy on her part, he's seen as calculated manipulation and cold-heartedness. It's just never occurred to him that she simply made some stupid decisions.

Hopefully her actions now will confuse him enough that he'll be willing to talk. She's not acting according to the picture of her he's painted in his mind, so maybe that will shake him free of his convictions long enough for her to explain herself. That's going to have to be one heck of an explanation, though, and I doubt he'll believe it at first, either. He'll need proof, if not of her origins, than something else concrete to show him that her feelings for him are at least genuine.

I know things had to get dark before they could get better, but I do hope we're near that light at the end of the tunnel now. I've just been feeling so bad for the both of them!

hikari hime (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Ah; that was the right thing to do.

Now, it's Sesshomaru's turn to do what's right.

Wonderfull, as always.

Dewa mata

Goose (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

"Well go get her Sess!!!!" I kept thinking. Another great one ^_^ Are we getting close or are you going to make them suffer a little longer!?! Anywho, awesome, and like always waiting in suspense for that wonderful update!

Arwyn (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

This is such a beautiful tale you are weaving...

I'm glad that Kagome has decided to allow Sesshomaru to keep the larger portion of the Shikon no Tama. While she wasn't really thinking about it in terms of keeping it out of the hands of the thief in the okiya.

It was a very poignant moment there at the end, with Sesshomaru refusing to call her by Fuji, but by her real name; hopefully he'll catch a clue on the fly by as to maybe that's the reason she rejected him in their previous encounter.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Thank you lawd!  Kagome actually does something right!  I'm so glad she finally listened to that little voice of reason, let's just hope Sesshoumaru can now work past this with her.

Awesome chapter!

REDWOLF (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Now, I do feel like he doesn't deserve her! Because if she had told him to begin with who she was, he would not even looked her way! My heart is broken for Kagpme. Great chapter!

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010
Oh my! I have been so delighted to receive three chapter in less than three days! I understand what both of them are thinking, seeing it from both points of view. I hope that we see some resolution soon because I am seriously wanting to see those two together.

Miju (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

*cry* awww please get them back together very soon! as much as i don't want this fic to end, i do (in a wholly good way) because i want to reach its pinnacle. update soon! :)

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Well its a start. She's finally proving that the jewel wasn't all she was there for, now its up to him *shakes head*

Naraku (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

D'awe. You made me cry. How dare you.

Yoru-101 (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Dear Miss Teak,

I apologize for the fact that I haven't reviewed at all prior to now.

Let me at first say this. You "Wisteria" story is now my second favorite sesskag fanfiction of all time (right after Tales from the House of the Moon)

I have read many sesskag fanfictions, especially the ones that take place in the canon universe, and to me, they all seem the same.

Yours and Resmiranda's are the only ones that have captured my interest to the point where I fangirl in my head whenever I am not reading it.

I enjoy the fact that your writing is very intelligent, and I find myself google-ing half the things that are in italics, just to better understand your story.

I looks forward to reading more from you. <3

Keep up the great work.

RayRay (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Ahhh I cried at the end!! I like seriously--no pressure but i have to say this--must read more! I need to know what happens next. It was so devastating. He was willing to keep her from being killed and was injured himself and she showed she cared by helping him but then, the part with the jewel. I was SO proud she finally snapped and said something before he could ignore it! So sad for him though that no one was there to hear him actually call for her by her real name and not merely Fuji. It was wonderfully written--as always my dear--and I honestly can't wait to read more. Keep up the amazing work and much love to you until next time!

knifethrower (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I don't know what's coming next, and I know you will not take the easy way out, but I finally feel hope for the future...  And the chapter was beautifully written.  Everything fell into place so naturally because the elements of their characters, which make them belong together, all came to the forefront without any obfuscation for the first time... Kagome was pure, loving, and earnest, giving up her claim to possess the jewel, and Sesshomaru was strong and self-sacrificing, giving up his pride and vengeance.  This chapter reminded me of O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi", the Christmas story where the wife uses the money from selling her hair to buy the chain and fob for her husband's heirloom watch, and not knowing his wife's sacrifice of love, the husband sells his grandfather's watch to buy tortoise-shell combs for his wife's beautiful hair.    

Akay (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I love you MissTeak! *huggs* That chapter was really good. Short, but really good. And he called her Kagome. I was happy that she snapped on him. YOU GO GIRL! Because her feelings came out somewhat. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Will we have another soon? *waggles brows* I'll give you cookies?

loveyaa (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Ahh...well it's always darkest before the dawn. I don't no how Kagome is going to get herself outta this one but im sure you'll figure it out. Hopefully it won;t be too long efore both are reunited with her. well til next time...

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

I'm amazed how fast you posted this chapter. It was bittersweet. I look forward to reading more. I trust your plot bunnies and everything will turn out fine. (daydreaming here: S/K will mate and have beautiful babies) lol :)  Hugs and smiles and thanks for updating so quickly.

Akay (Chapter 37) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

OMG is it our birthdays?!?! You're on a roll Teak! *goes read chapter all happily and giddy*

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are people so STUPID!!!!! Kagoem is an idiot for not telling Sesshoumaru when she had the chance, and then she can't even explain why! GAH! You must write more so I can stop banging my head against my desktop!

Starlyte (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

OMG i just wanna cry, i really really want Kagome to be able to explain herself and fix everything but i just don't see how that's going to happen. Please update soon, everythings finally moving along and i can't wait to see where everything ends up!! Thanks for an amazing story!1

redoxide (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

A relationship founded on lies will surely fail...but...but...*cries* Is he going to at least show her the Shikon? After being so ready to risk her relationship with Sesshoumaru to find the Jewel will Kagome simply give up and leave? Maybe some time apart would be better for them both? *sigh* You pull my heartstrings.

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