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REDWOLF (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

This should be interesting,  Kagome will put Crazy a$$ Kikyo in her place! Great update!

Anonymous (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

Por extraño que parezca esto es lo más apegado a la forma de pensar y actuar de Kikkyo en el manga y ánime.

Yo jamás repudié a Kikkyo por lo que hizo después de haber sido resucitada. Para mi no era la villana  sino solo un vestigio de lo que había sido en vida.

Como muñeca de barro para mi era alguien digno lastima y no tanto de odio.

Pero de la Kikkyo original no me gustaron dos o tres cositas.

1. Nunca acepto a Inuyasha por lo que era. Un hanyou.

Tenía él que renunciar a la herencia genética del progenitor que murió para salvarlo a él y a su mamá como condición para estar con Kikkyo?

No. No era necesario. Ni era lo que inuyasha originalmente quería ( El quería ser Yokai completo para ser más fuerte).

Y claro uno puede querer que su pareja haga ciertos cambios. Como que haga más ejercicio o  deje de fumar o mejorar su dieta, pero no se le pediría ( o al menos no se debería) que cambie de raza o abandone su idioma . Porque no es lo mismo que alguien quiera que abandonemos una CONDUCTA destructiva a que quiera que  cambiemos lo que SOMOS.

2. Nunca llegó a confiar en él y por eso le disparó antes de preguntar y lo selló. Por eso cayeron tan fácil en la trampa de Naraku.

De hecho ambos fueron primero dispara y pregunta después ( Ah! No. Más bien fue pregunta jamás)



neelixo (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

Kikyo is still by far the worst. 

Honeyque (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

That witch should have stayed dead! Those poor children and brain washed Inuyasha. I hope Kagome can get those kids before more damage is done. Stay safe.

SmilingFool (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

Oh the shit has hit the fan and if Kagome doesn't punch Kikyo in the face for suggesting purifing her baby to look human than She best scream and get the hell out of there....  How can anyone do such a thing....  shame on them and on Inu Yasha for putting up with that sort of crap.  When will the hanyo open his fucken eyes...


So sorry for the outburst but I truly love the story and knew of the situation between Inu Yasha and Kikyo but for her to go and help reiki users purify yoki in the unborn babes is heartless even though I can understand well I hope Kagome decides to fight them tooth and nail now that she knows about it.  One more thing to hate Kikyo for.  So I wonder what Sesshomaru will say once he hears this news.  Won't be good.

Newbie (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023


Oh my god. I love all your stories and I really wish you update more often. I wait for the updates every day ????
That being said, kikyo is such a bitch. Suggesting to remove a child's origin before it's born and to control her children so much. It's abuse. Inuyasha had no spine and both of them don't deserve those kids 



Newbie (Chapter 2) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

Oh my god. I love all your stories and I really wish you update more often. I wait for the updates every day ????

That being said, kikyo is such a bitch. Suggesting to remove a child's origin before it's born and to control her children so much. It's abuse. Inuyasha had no spine and both of them don't deserve those kids 

Kathy (Chapter 24) - Fri 03 Feb 2023

Beautiful story

SmilingFool (Chapter 24) - Fri 03 Feb 2023

OMG  I loved this chapter....  It was so so good...  I can't wait until Kagome's stomach grows and the love her and Sesshomaru will give him/her.... or more....  The prince is so happy I can see he accepts Sesshomaru as a son he couldn't have but shows him the love anyways and he adores Kagome as well.  Sesshomaru's mother is so happy she's finally going to be a grandmother....  Too good :)

Young Kagome (Chapter 24) - Tue 31 Jan 2023

I'm ready for the waves! 

KShadeslady (Chapter 24) - Mon 30 Jan 2023

I am always so happy to see an update to this story. Things are going so well for them. I love the "dad" talk Seeshomaru gets from the Prince. That was sweet.   



Lauren (Chapter 24) - Mon 30 Jan 2023

Ugh, my heart. This was such a sweet chapter. I love how they're more communicative and affectionate towards one another. Already leagues ahead of where they were when they got married. I hope things continue to go smoothly. Kagome deserves a peaceful and uncomplicated pregnancy, and Sesshomaru needs calmness to be able to enjoy this time with his mate. 


I know the reintroduction and conversation with Inuyasha and Kikyo probably won't go well at all, but I hope that they can at least settle most of their issues before the arguing/disagreements start. And hey. Maybe one of the kids will come to understand how important it is to love yourself as you are. Fingers crossed.


I did have a question about one line. What did you mean by this: "They breakfasted together before he set off to his story while she took care of her own work at hers."?

cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 24) - Mon 30 Jan 2023

Me gusta mucho esta historia espero que la actualices mas seguido

honeyque (Chapter 23) - Wed 11 Jan 2023

So cute and that was quick! She got preg on the first go.Can;t wait to read what happens next!

Young Kagome (Chapter 23) - Tue 27 Dec 2022

Ugh. I thought I wanted Inuyasha back but now they're so happy together I wouldn't mind never hearing about him again lol! I'm so happy for them!!!

Tai (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Dec 2022

So great!! Thank you for writing can't wait for inuyasha and Kikyo!

cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 23) - Wed 14 Dec 2022

Ya era hora que actualizaras esta historia que está interesantísima por fin la macó y la dejó embarazada, espero que no tardes en actualizarla

Jennifer (Chapter 23) - Mon 12 Dec 2022

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! They finally mated!!!! She's pregnant!!! I can't wait for the next update!

Kathy (Chapter 23) - Sun 11 Dec 2022

Awwww finally!!!!!!????????

KShadeslady (Chapter 23) - Sat 10 Dec 2022

Yah!! Finally! These last two chapters were just amazing. I'm glad you are not finished with us yet. 

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