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Eve (Chapter 37) - Fri 14 Aug 2015

Love this story!

cant wait to read the next chapter!


Eva (Chapter 37) - Fri 14 Aug 2015

Well there you have it. When Bokoseno is angered, there is no longer any tolerance or wait time. As for Arashi, he seems to vascilate. Is he helping the Northern Lord or the future of youkai. He'd better figure it out quick or there may be no youkai left to save.

laenfante (Chapter 37) - Thu 13 Aug 2015

Magnificent chapter!!!!

Wow; such intensity. I love this story more with every posting. May the next one be soon.

Lazurite (Chapter 37) - Thu 13 Aug 2015

Arashi seems really disaffected with this whole thing. 

sonja hand (Chapter 37) - Thu 13 Aug 2015

Loved it Awesome

mani16koinu (Chapter 37) - Thu 13 Aug 2015

That last paragraph was haunting. I understand Bokuseno's anger though and I'm highly moved by the way you managed to communicate it to us (the readers) in your writing. Very good, very insightful chapter. I'm very excited for the next one.

Lazurite (Chapter 36) - Wed 12 Aug 2015

I'm so happy you are continuing this story! I really love it. I don't remember all the details of the side plots but I'm just going to keep reading. Or maybe I'll just re-read it all!

Eva (Chapter 36) - Sun 09 Aug 2015

When the trees get ticked off, you know something's going down. It's about to get real.

Ankita (Chapter 36) - Sat 08 Aug 2015

Awesome awesome awesome chapter loveeed it finally they will.know who the traitor wasss looking forward to the next chapterrr please please please please please updateeee soon soon sooonnnnn * commented on the wrong chapter *  :) hehehhe

Ankita (Chapter 35) - Sat 08 Aug 2015

Awesome awesome awesome chapter loveeed it finally they will.know who the traitor wasss looking forward to the next chapterrr please please please please please updateeee soon soon sooonnnnn

DevaG (Chapter 36) - Fri 07 Aug 2015

I love you so much right now. I agree with the person you had talked about ... I'm invested in this story and the characters; so much!! I love the time between Kag and Shess and then you left me hanging with the intimacy cliffy; All in good reason I hope. I can go on and on about this story because there is not a lot of people who can write so well and keep people captivated in their stories. But you have the gift my friend and though it was was painful to wait, I can only ask you that you put me out of my misery by continuously updating this story. I REALLY love this story and thank you so much for the world that you created.

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 36) - Fri 07 Aug 2015

I've been up late these past few nights catching up ont his story. :)

Good to see you're still cracking at it. I am well aware that life often tends to get in the way of writing, and don't be too hard on yourself if you're not popping out a chapter every few days. Shamed to say that I've been absent for months at a time during the busier periods in my life.

Anyway, enough about that. The story is lovely, with such deeply thought-out word play. You really know how to make a reader experience the emotions along with the characters. I can't wait to read more!


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 36) - Wed 05 Aug 2015

I hope Kagome can save Ko, she been through a lot, I can't wait for the next chapter, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 36) - Wed 05 Aug 2015

I hope Kagome can save Ko, she's been through alot, I can't wait for the next chapter, keep it coming.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 36) - Wed 05 Aug 2015

i'm so glad Ko is okay....well maybe not okay but at least alive.

I hope Kagome is able to save her and help heal her from all that damn dragon did.
Cannot wait until Kagome and Sesshomaru bring the hounds of hell to the North.......

mani16koinu (Chapter 36) - Wed 05 Aug 2015

My girl Ko comes through! Out of all the tragedy I hope Ko makes it out alive, she's been through a lot and she's helping out a lot too! I'm on the edge of my seat here, so excited for what's next :)

me (Chapter 35) - Sun 02 Aug 2015

I've been rereading my list of faves, and I have to say this one is at the top of the list Of ultimate faves.  I'm so happy that you updated.  it's a fantastic story.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 35) - Sat 01 Aug 2015

Ryukostokken needs to die, great chapter. Please update the next chapters soon and not in months, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 34) - Sat 01 Aug 2015

I'm glad your back after not hearing from you in nine months, nice chapter.

Ankita (Chapter 35) - Fri 31 Jul 2015

:) sweet inuyasha  <3 ^_^ thankew for updating 

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