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Alexandra (Chapter 232) - Sun 11 Mar 2012

Sesshoumaru kind of reminds me of my dog. He would follow me around and just chill out with me while I'm doing H.W./ on the computer/ watching TV/ reading/ other.

He's so funny, following Kagome around watching what she does. I smell love around the corner! I hope...

Can't wait for the next update!!

insomniac_amy (Chapter 232) - Sun 11 Mar 2012

Woohoo! So many updates. I love the fact that he is really starting to notice her. The way he is following  her around to see what she does is so funny and seems such a Sesshoumaru thing to do. His  covert operation.

Great job! I can't wait for more updates.

fredisagirl2 (Chapter 223) - Tue 06 Mar 2012

OMG this is so good.  It has taken a few days to read this from start to this point, and I can sa I really enjoyed this story. Will Kagome and Shippo leave the shiro? Will Sesshoumaru realize that he is in love with Kagome, and what about that boy she fought?  I am sitting here waitng in anticipation.

RubyJeweler (Chapter 223) - Fri 02 Mar 2012

Gosh, these updates are very fulfilling. :D

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 223) - Fri 02 Mar 2012


baka_juju2000 (Chapter 223) - Fri 02 Mar 2012

Another wonderful set! I love this story, and it just keeps getting better. Keep up the good work!


Alexandra (Chapter 223) - Fri 02 Mar 2012

Awww. Rin's children are so cute! I think I want one!! XD


I can't wait for the next update!

Loveyaa (Chapter 219) - Fri 02 Mar 2012

Oh wow...quite the tragic tale, especially since Kagome doesn't know. Somehow I doubt that Sesshoumaru will tell her but I dread the day that she finds out. I wonder if she has found her place in the castle. Hopefully her happiness lasts. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

AmoraLynn (Chapter 213) - Thu 01 Mar 2012

I agree with all the others, I love getting many updates at once. As for getting too many emails at once then maybe the person who complained should update thier email to gmail, it groups emails from one sender together. Besides this is your story, it should be written and updated in whatever way is best for you. People read this by choice no one is forcing them, if they don't like the updates then they should unsubscribe to messages and just check it when they feel like it. 

Alesyira (Chapter 213) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

I love popping in to see if there's a new chapter past my latest bookmark - and then I'm always super thrilled when I find there's a handful of chapters that have been added!  Keep up what you're doing.  I love it :) :)

insomniac_amy (Chapter 213) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

Glad to see that you decided not to do just one update at a time! Like many of the reviewers before me, I love getting a bunch at one time, but if you decide to publish only 1 a day, I might whine and beg for more. But it is your story and you post it the way you want to and if you decide to publish 50 a day you'll never hear me complain and I will happily delete all the update notices in my inbox. whether they be 1 or 100 :D

Great job I am so loving this story and look forward to future updates.

Darrakk (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012




I for one really enjoy being able to read through the chapters like this. If people don't like it because it clutters their email, they need only click and shift+click to select them all. Please post chapters as often as you like!

Endlessdevotionx (Chapter 208) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

Soooo good. I love it(: I want to read more and more and more. Great job! And yes! Updating alot at a time would make me very, very, very happy!<3 Hehe.

Keep it going.

Monkeygirl (Chapter 208) - Wed 29 Feb 2012
Whoop new chapter, I can't wait to se where this is going

Loveyaa (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

No!! Post a bunch all at once. If people don't like it then they can read a chapter or two at once and come back later to finish them. I like that the story continues and each little part of the story packs quite the punch. I wonder how Kagome is going to get herself out of this one/funk. I can't wait to hear the story of the beginning and what lead Kagome to this point. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

Oh, c'mon, srsly???  I mean, REALLLY?  As near as I can tell, one person got a bit snippy about it... TOO BAD.  The rest of us ADORE update bombs!!!!  Okay, well, at least I - and the two or three people reviewing before me - adore the update bombs.  I just thought most people had the same option I did to group them all together when they come in and delete them en masse when necessary.  *sigh*  I so love this story, and it's such a treat to just sit back and wait a little while to see if another chapter (or five) have posted, then just click through - almost as good as reading a whole chapter!


But, if you truly feel that you don't want to indulge our greedy little selves... *bigger sigh*  I guess I'll have to deal with it.  One way or another, though, I'm so hooked on this story!!  You could update one a day, or 200, and I would still read and LOVE on it!



An admirer (Chapter 1) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

Why? I, for one, find it a treat to find more than you initially posted when I check again. I find myself going back several times over the course of the day just to see if there is more. I'm disappointed when there isn't more. This story is addictive in that way. I'm also anxious to see where you're taking this slightly new twist so I welcome as much as you are willing to write and give me. The more the merrier.

Also, though I do not write for this site, I do write for several others. I also write novels and novellas. You are the author. You should have the freedom to post as your creativity dictates. While others apparently feel differently, that is my truly humble opinion. I offer it, respectfully, only as support from one writer to another. Please don't limit your updates to five if you have more.

Also, I have a full time job and a life in addition to my writing. I don't spend all day cruising these stories. I check them when I'm free and enjoy what I read when I can.


Sincerely (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

What on earth?!?!?  I've never heard of an author updating too much too soon!   Inuyasha is my favorite anime, and sess/kag is my favorite pairing. I've been reading on dokuga for a while now and have never left a review, but when I saw your comment on the last chapter, I had to say something.

I'm enjoying your story immensely. And I, for one, enjoy having "so much" to catch up on when you update. As the author you update at your discretion. It's your work/therapy/hobby/leisure activity/joy/ whatever you want to call it. It's YOUR writing process and YOUR perogative.  We as readers and fans can whine and complain... as some apparently have, but your writing is good and your fans will stick with you. I doubt anyone is going to run away because you update too much; no need to cater to brats. 

Not telling you to change your decision, but if what your process before works best for you, then I say stick with it.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us.  :)

Hibikari (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

I don't think it's annoying at all :( When I get all those notifications sayin I've got something to read I'm like a kid in a candy store. I'm like YAY YAY YAY YAY SOMETHIGN TO READ!!!! .-. I hope you reconsider I love reading so much of this story at a time. 

PFairy (Chapter 204) - Wed 29 Feb 2012

I really love this story and look forward to the updates. Last night was great for me. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read and you kept providing me with excellent material. :) <3

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