Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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Bookwrm150 (Chapter 110) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

If Kagome is dead, wouldn't that mean that Seshomaru is as well? Per what you stated in earlier chapters? And also, their mating would be nulled, also in  accordance to what you said earlier...hmmm, I feel this story is going to get very interesting very quickly

theunknownchild (Chapter 110) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

Oh shit...that is horrible! Good thing his sword brings people back from the dead!

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 110) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

Well, I partially blame InuYasha. He ddin't even do anything.

KEdakumi (Chapter 110) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

Daddy is a warped individual, ne?  Yup, that should be a good wake up call for him.  I guess since she died, they aren't mated anymore and now he shouldn't be able to force her to do it again.  He's going to have a looooong way to go to get into her graces again.  I love it.  Can't wait for more.

Anonymous (Chapter 109) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

Poor Sesh when he realizes hes been chocking his mate. He's going to be upset. Love that u updated. 


theunknownchild (Chapter 109) - Sun 22 Jan 2012

Bahh! Horrible cliff hanger :( But great job as always!

JeniNeji (Chapter 109) - Sat 21 Jan 2012

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 109) - Sat 21 Jan 2012

Wow, his dream sounds intense.

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 108) - Sun 08 Jan 2012

Holy. Crap. 

Have a blast in South America!


Also still loving the story, you know this. Sess is really going to hate himself when he wakes up. 

Looking forward to it!


The Hatter Theory (Chapter 108) - Thu 05 Jan 2012

I'm going to miss these updates. I hope you have fun in south america (lucky girl, I bet it's warmer where you're going). Anywho, have butttons of fun! 

Loveyaa (Chapter 108) - Wed 04 Jan 2012

And of course this would be the one time that Inuyasha doesn't rush into things without thinking bout it first. I'm surprised Sesshoumaru hasn't snapped out of it yet and what will snap him out of it. Why wouldn't he be able to feel his mates pain, distress, anything...Well I can't wait to see what happens next :)

rss (Chapter 108) - Wed 04 Jan 2012

Have a safe trip and Come back soon...


Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 108) - Wed 04 Jan 2012

Aw, though serious, this chapter was actually kind of cute.

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 107) - Tue 03 Jan 2012

Oh, what a great clifhnager.

rss (Chapter 107) - Tue 03 Jan 2012

hope he comes to his senses soon... 

Izale Karma (Chapter 106) - Mon 02 Jan 2012

epp! wake him up soon!!can't wait for the next!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 106) - Mon 02 Jan 2012

Oh wow. This. This needs to be updated. Like NAO! I'm really curious to see what happens when (if) she finds out about the dream. 

Ai (Chapter 106) - Mon 02 Jan 2012

Absolutely adore this fic! Can't wait for more!!

Avidreader (Chapter 105) - Sun 01 Jan 2012

Happy New Year!  Enjoy your trip, be safe and have a great time!  I'm sure all of us will be looking forward to more updates afterwards!  

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 104) - Fri 30 Dec 2011

Oh that's just AWFUL! You're leaving it there, like that? How cruel. how incredibly mean. I love this story soooooo much. And I will miss the updates, but I do hope you have an awesome time in Argentina and that you have a metric buttton of fun. Happy New Years!

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