Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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dianne (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012
"is he trying to seduce you?" "He's seduced millions around the world!" XDD that had me, literally LOLing! unfortunatly I was in class so everybody gave me funny looks... but thats ok! XD please update soon

Lumi (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

I was not expecting that. Still laughing as I type this.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

:sputtered laughing: You did NOT go there.

:faceplants: You did. You went there. oh High Ones... :convulses in laughter:

Edward is so Lame. If he wasn't a Telepath I would have been fed up with him that much sooner. Alice is cooler. And Emmit. I'm a Jacob fan. But not for Bella. :makes face: Bella's even More Lame than Edward.

But 'Twilight' is fun... in that "I want to read a whole set of books in one day" kind of way. Or just skim for the good parts -that'll take maybe 40 minutes. ;)

But I love that Kagome went off on Sesshomaru!!! ^_^ Booyaka!! Totally awesome! She's gotta pull the alpha female on him to kick him out of his emo-funk -then tell him under no uncertain terms will she let Her Mate leave on her. On THEM.

...and my review is longer than the chapter too. :laughs:

Thanks so much for writing!

Alexandra (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

hahahah! I like how Kagome put's Sesshoumaru in his place. Freaking pulling an Edward like that...

On second thought, if Sesshoumaru see's it as a challenge, then he can dissolve all the

Keep updating!!! XD

helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

*snickers* well at least there's one good thing that came of those books...figuring out when a guy is being all emo and gonna do something stupid in the name of his lady fair. *yes I've read all of the Twilight books minus the Bree Tanner one, but I prefer Twilight fanfics I think...LOVE the Host though*


wonder what'll happen when Kagome finds out Sess is the one writing the notes...and that he's doing it in the future too...obviously he won't give up on wooing matter what he might think

Nilee1 (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012


WHAT?! (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

why would you bring up "Twilight?" why? i dont understand...

koneji (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

*Shrieking in laughter* I never expected you to do that! What an interesting little addition. Another great drabble!

Lyss (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

LOL xD that was great! xD Stop that right now, Sesshoumaru!!! haha I love the title of the chapter as well! xD this. made. my. night!

MissKatt (Chapter 123) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

Awwwww, my Lilli-kins!!! You are so, so welcome!!! I plan on drawing more ;) you have an amazing story here and you deserve the appreciation :)



dianne (Chapter 122) - Sun 05 Feb 2012

AWW! poor sesshomaru!

This story just keeps getting better and better, please update soon!

MissKatt (Chapter 122) - Sun 05 Feb 2012

Awwww :( poor Sesshou...

SessQueen (Chapter 122) - Sun 05 Feb 2012

Poor Sesshoumaru. I hope kagome convinces him that he is not like his father.

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 122) - Sun 05 Feb 2012

OML, I might cry.

Bird That Flies At Dawn (Chapter 121) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

Aw, that's so mean! :(

SessQueen (Chapter 121) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

Poor Inu Mama. Definitly hate Sesshoumaru's dad.

JeniNeji (Chapter 121) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

.... :sniffs:

JeniNeji (Chapter 120) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

This seemes like the start of someting awful...

Loveyaa (Chapter 121) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

What a sad story. I wonder what the purpose of telling it is for Sesshoumaru. I mean no one can blame anybody for the way they all reacted, so where does that leave them all. I wonder how the story ends as well. I can't wait to see what happens next and how it brings Kagome's and Sesshomaru closer :)

MissKatt (Chapter 121) - Sat 04 Feb 2012

D: wahh!

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