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Elwina (Chapter 32) - Sun 29 May 2011

Argh!!! I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!!!

I've been waiting for updates like crazy!!!

This is the best birthday present!!!

I didn't even wait to read a word of the chapter before reviewing..

Ilia (Chapter 33) - Sat 28 May 2011

omg loved this chapter so much keep them coming

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 33) - Sat 28 May 2011

oh MissTeak. I was dreadfully lonely a few weeks back for a good story so I found myself re-reading this fic only to be surprised when you returned with more chapters recently! I've been using my SessKag fic reading as reward for getting my classwork done.  As was previously said - d'aawwww cuteness! =D Beautiful seeing their relationship progress!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 33) - Sat 28 May 2011

Yay!  So love the fluff :)  Another chapter so soon - you spoil us.  That was a great little transition to what I am guessing is the trip to Tokyo to meet momma and Souta.  I can't wait :)

Jenniferelaine (Chapter 33) - Sat 28 May 2011

d'aaaaaw!!! i'm drowning in the fluff....and i love it >u<

lara (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

This was great & I only hope there is more to come.Besides I hate to think that the 2 of them have only had sex once.

REDWOLF (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

ALRIGHT KAGOME! I was scanning down the page, my eyes were starting to droop for a nap, but BAM!! I see this story and I perked right up and went to reading. Wide awake now and just so happy ;)

MaivenTahl (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011


I'm so sorry to hear about your laptop! Such an event can be entirely disheartening. I just thought you were diligently working at school and set aside your stories for summer. 

I am greatly pleased and happy that you have begun writing again. Wisteria and Happily Ever After have been some of my favorite on Dokuga and other sites. Thank you so much for coming back!!!

I am greatly thrilled to have you back as I am sure many others are as well...thank you so much and good luck in your new writing adventures! Sometimes a break is always the best before delving into more indepth stories! I look forward to reading your stories.

Most Unlikely Angel (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Omg!! to be honest, i completely forgot about this story...luck though i had it on story alert!! i was so excited when i saw it update. It stil remains one of my favourite  stories ^_^ Now onto the story itself. i think that Kagome has made relaly big strides with Sesshoumaru when it comes to his family and i can't wai tp see how their life will run once the family leaves!! and then there's the actual meeting of Kagome's family ^_^ oooh i can just see that happily ever after that i've beeen hoping for since the beginning, lol Anyways, keep up the great job! Until next chapter....

keep on writing and i'll keep on reading

MUA (Most Unlikely Angel) 0:)

GG (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Thank bologna you're back! I was starting to worry you wouldn't return. :(

I love your stories so much! thanks so much for returning to us :) <3

this story is one of my absolute favorites!

darkmoonlight (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

I MISSED YOU!! It's like when you've read a good book, every now and then you can't help thinking about certain parts of it, until you read it for a second or multiple times. I'm so glad you're back. Oh and take that stuck up Nishimiyas.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Yay! It is so great to have you back.  I really missed your writing.

Sorry to hear about your computer.  I've heard more writers lose so much that way and didn't download anything to a backup drive.  Gotta love those little flash drives.

Anyway, this was a great chapter, and it will be interesting to see if the family just leaves, or continues to dig a knife in and twist it a little more  just to get in the last word.  

Alexandra (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Welcome back!! I'm so glad that you are finally returned!!! I fell in love with your story Happily Ever After and I thought it was a fluke that I recieved an email saying that you updated this wonderful story of yours. You have a wonderful talent of writing storys and portraying difficult situations that test a person's character. You did such an excellent job with Kagome and Sesshoumaru, it's amazing! Thank you for updating, it made my week so much better.


Again, Welcome Back Miss Teak!! =D

Miko-san (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Yay! I'm so happy you're back! Sorry about your laptop though!

I love this story and Wisteria too! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us! Oh, and I was just wondering if there would be any more lemons. It would be awesome! Not that I'm a prevert of anything...>_>

Naiadine (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

MIN-CHAN~~~~ You're back with an update! You totally made my day. :D

I have to say that this chapter is a magnificent closure to the Nishimiyas fiasco. Genuine, heartfelt, straight to the point, emotionally charged sans the hyperbolic drama, and graceful impact. Your pen is definitely mightier than the sword. I'm one for semantics... And your diction delights me! Clean, but the words you chose delivered just the right amount of emotion in each scene. Kagome's retort to the Nishimiyas this time round is simply gorgeous in terms of flow and impact. Empowering, that it is.

Great chapter! Hope to see more updates from you, dear. :) All the best~ (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Hell yeah!! Kagome sure told them!!! This chapter was awesome, can't wait for the next one!

moonsofsaturn (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

You're back!!! I am a huge fan of your stories, especially Wisteria and this story. I am sorry to hear about the laptop as well. (I have no connection to them, but I use to backup my files if my laptop crashes.) Sorry if this is not relevant for reviews. Thanks for the update and I am glad that Kagome stood up to them. :) 

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

I'm so sorry to hear about your laptop! *hugs* I understand the drain that comes from losing work --I never quite got back into the swing of things again with my online RPs after my last laptop's harddrive went out without salvage. Honestly... I'm still having to deal with more writer's block than usual from that  fallout, though it was only a variable it was a rather large one.

I'm so glad you're back! I was quite worried about you and debating sending messages to see if you were okay. Such a long silence from you on the many stories of yours I watch left quite the vacuum. I'm just glad it was your laptop, and not your health.

So much accomplished this chapter! And all without Sesshomaru saying a word! *laughs* How fitting is that? ^_^ I am glad Kagome was able to find both action and words to soothe the pain she caused Sesshomaru with going to talk to his father against his wishes as she did. it as something that has had me worried all this time and for it to be even silently resolved I am beyond relieved. It was sweetly done, and believably too.

Although I am pleased with Kagome's final words to Sesshomaru's 'family' I hope that not all of the family ties are cut forever because of this. Poor little Rin will likely be quite heartbroken for one, and I would like to see the elder and Kiyomaru at least keeping in touch as well. There's only three others with whom I wouldn't mind them keeping communication -and I'm sure you can deduce which three- but in rare form for me the others can all sit and rotate. I understand, as Kagome was forced to do, that reality cannot be a fairytale Disney ending. As much as I love reading those I appreciate the more realistic stances you tend to portray in your works for their own merit. I love reading your grasps on realism even as they sometimes hurt to accept.

I'll still run to my Disney Happily Ever After tales for true escape. ;)

Again, so glad you're back! *hugs*

Thanks so much for writing!

Silverwing (Chapter 32) - Sat 28 May 2011

Yay! I've missed this story! Kagome is so kick ass and I love that you make her the protector not Sesshoumaru so much. Thank you for continuing the updates and I am sorry you lost all your stuff!

Ilia (Chapter 1) - Sat 28 May 2011

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So happy ur back one of my fav storie ever!!! please update again soon

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