Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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DawnFire_ice (Chapter 32) - Sun 06 Sep 2009
Another stirring chapter!!! I love it!! I look forward to your next update!

DawnFire_ice (Chapter 32) - Sun 06 Sep 2009
Another stirring chapter!!! I love it!! I look forward to your next update!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 31) - Sat 05 Sep 2009
OOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!! Yoshirou and Hiroshi are such bastards for trying to make Kagome sign an agreement that stipulates that if her child is male and very powerful, she'd have to have children with his brothers as well. And on top of that, he slaps her, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES?!!!! I'd be just as livid if I was persuaded to enter into such an agreement. Speaking of which, what species of youkai are the Tanakas anyway? They can't be inu. Could they possibly be neko? But I hope that the one that kept her from falling was our beloved Sesshomaru. I can't wait for the next chapter. (I hate cliffies! *pouts*)

Soudesuka_Shurikens (Chapter 31) - Sat 05 Sep 2009
OMG. what a cliffhanger!!!

Adriana (Chapter 31) - Sat 05 Sep 2009
Sesshoumaru has arived??!? right?? I hope he has! I cant wait to see what happens! update soon!! PLEASE!

Me (Chapter 30) - Fri 04 Sep 2009
Awesome story!!!!!!!!!! LUVITLUVITLUVITLUVIT!!!!!!!!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Sep 2009
I hope Sessoumaru uses his brains here before someone gets hurt. I really like your story!

ahhhhhhhwesomeness! (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Sep 2009
i luv this fic sooooooo much. ur writing is great and story is great!!!!! sesshoumaru sama needs to appear!!!! :D *sigh i luv u!

Saholia (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Sep 2009
Awesome chapter! So, Yoshirou's on his way to the resort? Will Sesshomaru catch their scent? Will they be attacked up there alone? I can't wait to know what will happen next!

Snowfall (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Sep 2009
Oh, I didn't know you put up another chapter yesterday! That rat bastard is getting to close to Kagome. I hope Inuyasha can at least give him a hard time. Heh, now Sesshoumaru's whole family will be nearby! Don't fuck with the Inu's!!! ^_^ Sorry, this whole family business for Sesshoumaru makes me real happy. Masaru is too cute. I hope Yoshiro doesn't track them down before they get to Sesshoumaru, but he probably will. Can't wait to see what happens next. This is so exciting! *hugs*

mindy (Chapter 1) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
AWsomeee New chapter!!! i cant wait till she finds him at his home!! and a baby!! Awsome plot you have here!! thanks for updating so fast!! makes for a much better story!! hahah keep at it !!

Tana_san (Chapter 29) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
I'm just lovin' all of this. InuYasha is just too funny for words. He has no inhibitions whatsoever when it comes to speaking what's on his mind. He doesn't care if he should respect certain people and curb his language. Whatever he thinks, he says. It's good to know that Masaru has a mother to teach him manners when speaking and to respect his elders because InuYasha hasn't learned anything remotely respectful in all the centuries he's been alive. But then it wouldn't be as fun then would it? I can just imagine his wife slapping him upside the head everytime he's like that in front of his son and telling to be a better example to their son. We mothers can be pretty scary when it comes to our young. I can't believe that Sesshoumaru turned tail and ran. I mean, I know that that was NOT what he wanted to hear but geeeez, really. And I agree with Kagome, she should have thought to tell him about her feelings toward him before the whole being pregnant thing. But, I enjoyed seeing him totally in shock. His Inu knew it was pupping her, ne? See what happens when one denys himself nooky for centuries and a fertile female comes along? The need to sate one's lust doesn't think about prophylatics, it just wants to sex it up! JEN

Snowfall (Chapter 29) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
These last two chapters have been fairly amusing. Kagome is a verbal clutz and I feel so sorry for Sesshoumaru. I just wanted to shake her. LOL "Yay!" for more intelligence on Inuyasha's part. I knew there was a reason he stopped at that place! I had a sneaking suspicion that his noise-making was done just to get Sesshoumaru out to find Kagome. OMG! Inuyasha was so funny when he was telling Kagome that Sesshoumaru knocked her up on purpose. *snicker, snort* (Believe it or not, the title of the next chapter on one of my fics is 'Accidentally on Purpose'. LOL) The part about the growl was too funny. I had wondered whether or not Kagome would get pregnant. She couldn't have been taking the pill while she was unconscious. I would like some insight into the reason Sesshoumaru is so repulsed by civilization. Did something happen to him? Is it a simple lifestyle choice? Was he always like that? I'm really surprised that he didn't consider, at least fleetingly, simply killing Kagome and the child. He's such a mystery. Either I missed how Inuyasha survived that battle, or it's another thing to look forward to. I'll bet he's depending on Sesshoumaru to keep his son safe. Hanyou or not, I don't think I'd let my kid wander off into the mountains like that. I sure hope Yoshiro doesn't get after them out there. Sesshoumaru will be pissed at Inuyasha for letting her go. Tough cookies, he should have been there. I didn't have time to review your other chapter today. Sorry about that. I read it real quick at work. I'm going to go back and reread both chapters now. Thanks so much for posting two chapters today! ^_^

malom (Chapter 29) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
Seclusion is shaping up to be Oroyukae's best offering yet. Sesshomaru as a reclusive mountain man is certainly a refreshing interpretation but the biggest surprise is the extent to which a fatherly, brotherly, and matchmaking Inuyasha seem to be working out. Unusual, yes, but the dialogue manages to stay within the bounds of his brash personality, so much so that the reader can hear the anime's voice actor in their heads. Furthermore, it is a testament to the author's skill (and perhaps, abundance of life experience) that the relationship between the main protagonists seem to progress from their own realizations and resolutions, without deus ex machina. Even the employment of amnesia as a plot device is neither contrived nor illogical. While the language can still use some pruning and polishing, the rambling and rolling feel of the sentences have become a trademark of Oroyukae's style. For those who desire a reliable found of entertainment, Seclusion is a must-read.

REDWOLF (Chapter 29) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
ahahahaha! Sesshoumaru chickened out! Kagome should make him work harder for her NOW! Great chapter!!

Saholia (Chapter 29) - Wed 02 Sep 2009
OMG YUMMY!!! I absolutely loved this chapter, though I wonder what Inuyasha will do when it turns out Sesshomaru really did go to his mountain home.

Saholia (Chapter 28) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
Awww! Damn, and I thought she was going to tell him she loved This was certainly unexpected though--but not unwelcomed! I love where this is going. Wil he accept the responsibility? Will he still be sour towards her? *sigh* I need another!

TruGemini (Chapter 28) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
ah man...that's jacked up! I thought she would have said she loved him! The pregnancy is cool though.

Patricia (Chapter 28) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
the last line of this story was sad. i felt bad for sesshomaru. i was excited to see you update again so soon. im excited they finaly met and cant wait to see what happens. please keep the updates comming!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 28) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
Oh WOW, I didn't see that one coming, but a welcome twist, nonetheless. I agree, though, that Sesshoumaru needs to kick some serious butt for putting Kagome through what that family had planned for her. Absolutely despicable. Maybe Yasha and Sessh will at least have some sort of familial relationship from this?? I look forward to the next update.

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