Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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KAggie (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
YES! FINALLY! :D They now know and are not stupid towards their feelings toward each other now! :D And I'm glad Kagome's blood help ward off that bullet wound which sounded horribly nasty. Awesome idea for it though. Wait...did Youshiro die? D: I hope so or more drama shall insue!

Tana_san (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Perfectly written and so heartfelt. During the love scene "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada was playing and it fit so perfectly there. I just had to listen to Truly Madly Deeply and she sings it so beautifully. So, did her blood help him recover from fever? It seemed so to me. Anyway, this was amazing. What a great thing to read after all the depressing things I've been going through. You always light up my life when I need it, Lady O. Thank you and goodnight. JEN

Rainyaviel (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Yay! New chapters! I can just imagine that Yasha & Masaru got back sometime during the middle of that and promptly turned around and went back outside XD. I can't wait for the next chapters!

Snowfall (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Leave it to an artist to solve all their problems. Thank you for using that song. It's probably my favorite love song. ^_^ I'm so glad that Sesshoumaru is alright. Was it Kagome's blood or his own abilities that made him get better? Inuyasha and Masaru will be so relieved. It would be interesting to see how Kagome handles family and friends if she's going to disappear into the mountains. I hope that she and Sesshoumaru will have enough contact that he can get to know his family and that she can keep in touch with hers. Can't wait to see the next chapter. Thanks so much for posting. It was a lovely chapter. ^_^ Such an exciting story! I love the adventure.

Adriana (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Yay! Sesshoumaru's better!! :) lol and doesn't mind being on bottom ;) So is he going to stay better or is he going to get sick again?? update soon

Saholia (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
One more thing...was it kagome's blood that helped him--or their child's? I know, weird question, but I was just wondering. Perhaps the child simply wanted to air his sire? You never know... :)

Saholia (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
So hot! This chapter had me wishing I weren't studying at the I love how they made up--for a minute there I was scared thinking it was ending. But you wouldn't be so cruel as to leave it at that without letting us, your loyal readers, know what happened next :D

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
OOOOOOHHHHHHH, YES!! Just fluffy enough without being soppy... just touching enough without being maudlin, just PERFECT enough to deliver more goosebumps!!! Just EXACTLY what I needed today, and so very heartwarming. I can't find enough superlatives to express how wonderfully this chapter turned out. You hit all the right notes, and with more than just the song! Obviously, since I am abusing the punctuation once again... I don't seem to be able to stop myself when reviewing your stories. Ah well, you will have to bear with me, dear authoress, since I find myself incapable of stopping! At the risk of redundancy, an EXCELLENT chapter and one so very longed for by all your devoted readers, I am sure!!! :D ~~Wiccan~~

REDWOLF (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
WOW,oh WOW!! What a chapter. Yes, I believe Kagome's blood did the trick! Sesshoumaru is on his way to recovery!

REDWOLF (Chapter 35) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
I wish Kagome would tell Sesshoumaru that she loves him...ah well, maybe next chapter. This is a fantastic fic. I think what makes it more intriguing is the fact that everything is taking time and is explained fantastically. Great job!!

Saholia (Chapter 35) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Awesome chapter! I'm so anxious to see how Sesshomaru get's out of this one.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 35) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Oh, my dear GAWD. You are, without a doubt, the QUEEN of the cliffhangers!!!! Your words, the descriptions, are so very vivid... I am sitting on the edge of my chair!! Frankly, I printed this chapter out to read while having a smoke break outside and nearly walked into the door because I couldn't tear my eyes from the page. You have such a knack for making everything seem so real, it gives me goosebumps! Wow... simply powerful... that's all I can say. Just incredibly powerful - as always - YOU ROCK! :D ~~Wiccan~~

Snowfall (Chapter 35) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
Maybe Kagome's blood could help Sesshoumaru? *whine* I'm constantly checking for updates. You have me on the edge of my seat.

malom (Chapter 35) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
Wow! That was intense! Love it! Poor Sesshy.

Tana_san (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
I can tell you from experience with extremely high doses of Morphine and Percocet taken on a daily basis that there's nothing else, short of being unconcious, that will stop that kind of pain and with Sesshoumaru being one of the most strongest and tolerable of pain beings alive, that demon wine was like a tic tac to him. In short, extracting that bullet hurt like a hell that if it were anyone else, they would have passed out from the pain, if not the wound itself. My daughter and husband are amazed at the tolerance of pain I deal with on a daily basis where the meds have so little effect but to make the pain tolerable. I truly feel for Sesshoumaru right now and am hoping his recovering ablities will work better and faster than a normal/lesser strength youkai. At any rate, at least Kagome will have a "captive" audience and she can finally tell him what she wanted to before he decides to tell her what his thoughts were at the lake before he felt her aura and power. I only wish you could have posted the next chapter too but when I come online I noticed that you were #2 in posting...guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. JEN

Adriana (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
Kagome should take a nap with him!! :) I hope he doesn't get sick or something.. update soon.

Saholia (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
Poor Sesshomaru! The never ending, hopeless romantic side of me was hoping he'd loose control and Kagome would come to the rescue...(yeah, I know, I'm quite the dreamer xD) This was very satisfying though--now I can't wait to see what will happen between him and they'll fix their relationship.

Rainyaviel (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
O.O I hope Inuyasha knows how to null the toxins from those bullets! I dun want Sesshy to lose his arm! It looks like Kags and Sesshy are having a role-reversal... I wonder how he'll take it?

Snowfall (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
Oh wow, I hope Sesshoumaru is going to be alright. Aw, Kagome was doting on him and he 'liked' it. ^_^ Warm fuzzies. That was a sweet chapter. Everyone is worried about Sesshoumaru. Thanks so much for getting them to the cabin! ^_^ And, once again, thanks for posting. ^_^

REDWOLF (Chapter 34) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
So glad you updated. I have waited all day just to read what would happen next. Great Chapter! Can't wait until the next!!

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