I have been reading your stories lately, and I have greatly enjoyed them. Your sense of pace and timing is very good, and I appreciate the balance you create between Kagome's intellect and nievete. However, I have noticed a few words which are being used incorrectly.
First, the word comportment referrs to behavior and etiquette, not the expression of one's face. A correct use of this word would be "The young lady's posture and comportment during the ceremony indicated her fine education and meticulous upbringing." I believe the word you mean to use is countenance, which referrs to a person's face or expression. For example, "Her countenance had confused him and he hadn’t known how to react."
Second, the word sensible is an adjective meaning "shows good common sense or purpose." Sensitive on the other hand, is an adjective meaning "having a strong experience or ability to perceive, easily hurt." An apron on a cook or simple cotton clothing would be sensible. You could also use the word in the context of a thought or action, i.e. "The young man indicated his sensible attitude by first creating a list of things which must be done and then identifying the priorities."
Keep up the good writing, and hopefully, you will take my advice on these two words.
Beyond in love with this story and i can't wait for the next chapter! !!
Jean (Chapter 10) - Fri 18 Mar 2016
I really like how this story is going! You have done a wonderful job on your characters personalities. Hope you are able to update regularly!
Yay an update but it was very short. hopefully though there will be more soon? : ) I do hope so. this is an interesting beginning. Is this going to cause a problem? I was just rereading this a little here and there and I noticed that the old yokai said so long as she isn't spoken for they had nothing further to dispute Sesshoumaru's choice. But she is sort of spoken for. Interesting thought.
cant wait till next chapter!!
Just found your story sounds good can't wait to see where you take this. Hopefully you will update more than once every six years lol.
Corina (Chapter 10) - Thu 17 Mar 2016
Kurs aber lustig!
Ich hoffe das nächste Kapitel komm bald!
Thank God a new chapter. I have being wait forever. Thank you Thank you Thank you
Corina (Chapter 6) - Thu 17 Mar 2016
Wahnsinn! ........also, unsere Herr Sesshomaru wie immer söoooooooo dankbar!
Super! !,
I like this so far. I hope you will continue it. Thank you for sharing it.
Amazing work. Kagome is hilarious! I can totally see her jumping to help someone despite being in the presence of 3 taiyoukais. Sayuri probably is curious who's the woman who captured her ice prince son. I can't wait when sesshoumaru realizes there's no one better than kagome n tricks - tells her she needs to take responsibility. Haha.
Alicia (Chapter 9) - Fri 31 Oct 2014
Please,, update this story... I'll waiting coz its. Really good
Please put up the next chapter soon!
Soooo... What happens next?!?!?!?!?!
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