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Mistress Sianna (Chapter 14) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

I LOVED this chapter!! I could not have come up with a better description of Sesshoumaru's hair: 'magic and happiness.' That was absolutely priceless!!! Well things seem to be moving along nicely. I feel that this truce they have come to will open the door for greater things. I can't wait to see if those things involve the removal of clothing! XD

The end of the chapter was rather exciting. I can't wait to see what happens next!!

Oh, almost forgot, I can't remember if it was chapter 13 or 14, but the part where Kagome imagines herself wandering off into the woods to discover if the trees a mile away from the campsite were as boring as the trees back at camp, was absolutely hilarious to me!! LMAO!!!

Mistress Sianna (Chapter 13) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Forgive this Sianna for the super late review!!! *gives puppy dog eyes*

Now that that's over, great chapter!! I loved that Kagome got old Sesshy to talk about his dad and the battle with the bear demon was a nice touch. I was kinda glad that Sesshoumaru didn't jump in and save her and that she managed to save herself. Okay, off I go to read the next chapter. Again, great work!

Lawis (Chapter 14) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

i'd love how they start to feel more about each other, that's more realistic than....puff ooo my good i like her and the other way a round , sorry for my poor english i speak spanish  so i'll tell you in spanish  ME ENCANTO, SIGUE ESCRIBIENDO ASI!

Luna (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
Damn that chapter left me wanting for more... I wonder what "embarasing" thing will happen to kagome now that she is almost butt naked during a battle. I love this story I check every hr or so on my phone to see if you have posted... I wish I could give some Ideas but they are all perverted at the moment.

Lumiere (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

well i hope u never get to go throu that ....

super awsume incredible fic your writin and i  hope to read more as soon......

i was kaome going to be kidnaped now wile \sesshoumaru is busy or are  u waiting for deaper filigs to develop from him so that he actualy gets a litle despret before he hinds her???

love the story    Lumiere

Sassy C (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
Okay, I have mixed feelings, so excuse me for being blunt about them. I loved this chapter - it was amusing. I enjoyed reading Sesshomaru's thoughts because they were very, very funny. However, I also thought it made him seem very out of character. Still, I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I really, really like this story and you are a very good writer.

Jenna (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
OH OH OH! The distraction, OBVIOUSLY. This really is such a great story, and the plot is really coming along. So many stories now have the relationship moving forward at lightening speed, but this is going at a good pace. I particularly liked Sesshomaru's reaction to the -refusing to marry a God- bit. There are a few spots where I noticed that some prepositions or other small pieces of speech have been left out, but it's not bad, just something for you to consider. It's a great idea for a story and I really look forward to reading more as you move along. Best of luck. There it goes into my favorites. Jenna

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
Wellllllllll I love your story! It makes my day with every chapter! Kagome is fun and hilarious while Sesshoumaru is... bland and trying not pay attention to Kagome's woman-ness lol. But I always look forward to the next chapter. Wondering how they're going to deal with the new enemy.

swasdiva (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

Sweet God, you are a comic genius. I just keep laughing like I belong in a padded cell. More importantly, though, you slip very sweet and tender scenes in between the humor. Quite a refreshing story you've got here. Great stuff!

Snowfall (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

I'm sorry you haven't gotten many reviews lately.  They are the icing on the cake of a story.  Your story is very amusing.  I like the lines and thoughts you give the characters.  They are funny.  It's nice that I don't trip over constant errors.  I like the current action taking place.  Kagome 'dusted' a bear youkai!  Yay!  I can't wait to see what happens with this next foe.  ^_^

Thank you for writing and posting this story.  You're doing a wonderful job and I'm sure it's hard work.

Noacat (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

I'd write a longer review... but I'm tired and my head hurts. This chapter made me laugh from beginning to end.

Angelic Memories (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
Looking for my dignity? Attempting to grow gills? Trying to drown before I can embarrass myself even more than I already have? I love this line. I have no idea why but I do. It's just perfect. Of course I love the rest of the story too. I just could help but point out my love for this line.

Mara (Chapter 14) - Wed 10 Jun 2009
I'm loving this fanfic! Don't get depressed... it's very good! Hope you don't give it up... I'm rly curious about what's going to happen between them! And... GOD! Sesshoumaru is so hoooot²²²!!!

Angelic Memories (Chapter 13) - Mon 08 Jun 2009
I love the way they are warming up to one another. Their converstaions are always humorous and even more so when Kagome is talking to herself... which I know I've said before, but it is always good to point out the things you like. I like the way she accidentally stumbled across this new ability. Keep up the good work and I await your next update almost patiently.

InuLover (Chapter 6) - Tue 02 Jun 2009

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!  The last chapter was hilarious, and I love your storytelling..the humor is great.  I can find no fault whatsoever with your grammar, punctuation, etc. either.  Keep up the great work, and thank you for writing such a wonderful story.  Kagome just has no fear does she!?  And, I love that she just is not impressed with gods, or lordships, or whatever.

Mistress Sianna (Chapter 12) - Tue 02 Jun 2009

Hi darlin'!! The first thing I want to say, is DO NOT feel pressured into doing/writing anything you are not ready to write yet!! This is YOUR story, and if you feel that it will set the proper mood to draw things out, then you just draw them out baby!!! I have learned that the story is far more satisfying when it is done that way!

Now that that has been said,  I will tell you that I quite enjoyed this chapter. I like how you portray Sesshoumaru. He has that sort of cold detachment to himself, but he also seems kinda curious at times. He is not overly quiet, nor needlessly cruel.  Very nice! As most of us know, he is rather a difficult character to portray well, and I like your take on him! Keep up the good work!



stars (Chapter 12) - Tue 02 Jun 2009
please updata

madalina moruz (Chapter 12) - Tue 02 Jun 2009
ok i just laught my pants off ...your great..."what your favorite colour ?" ...just yummy ....just can't wait the next chapter :P

Sassy C (Chapter 11) - Sat 30 May 2009
On the contrary to your final author's note about this chapter, I find it really good. I like seeing into Sesshomaru's mind, and the way you write him - and Kagome, for that matter - is very in character. I wonder what Inuyasha will do when he goes through the well to find that Kagome never reached her destination? Mwah ha ha. Please update soon!

Mistress Sianna (Chapter 11) - Fri 29 May 2009
Stupid dog? her mind supplied hopefully. I burst out laughing at that part!! I know I am sooo late reading this chapter, but I was and still am having problems with my laptop, so I had to use the desktop which is ridiculously slow!! And don't feel bad about the chapter, I thought it was fine. If nothing else, I surely got a laugh out of it! ^_~* ~Sianna

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