Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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thirteenxwishes (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
Aww! ^^ This chapter made me smile this morning - a good dose of S/K romance was exactly what I needed. I like the way you integrated culture from both West and East into this chapter, with the tea ceremony followed by the waltz. And I think all of us echo Kagome's desire for their happiness to last forever in an endless waltz. But somehow, I don't think that's what she (or we) will get, especially when Sesshoumaru finds out that she isn't who she says she is... :S Still, I'll enjoy the moments, while they last! Great chapter, and looking forward to the next, whenever it arrives. :)

Ayako Rin (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

LOVE Your story as usual ^__________^ One thing I noticed that you might want to fix was....

"There was no snow at all...The ground was covered with snow and pebbles with designs..." ~ How can the ground be covered in snow if it "there is no snow"?


And....that's it...because I got too absorbed into the story again =P

Amrix (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
Aa! Love it :3 Poor Kagome I wonder if she can hold it much longer about her true identity. Gah! I cannot wait until next chapter. Im sorry for not leaving a rewiew for chapter 24 but as you probebly could guess I love it too :D

redpixie (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

Oh my god, HOW do you do this ??? You keep me in the edge of my seat during each and every chapter ! I can't help but love every line you write, it's all so perfectly... perfect! =P

And yes, it was romantic =) I loved the 'filling the void on the right' part, I'd never thought of it like that =)

I'm really getting addicted here, I hope you update soon!!

Lilli (Chapter 24) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

I can't wait until you update!!!!

Is Sesshoumaru going to find out Fuji is Kagome? Is Ume-san the one who stole the jewel shards? Or is she possessed?

I have so many questions!!!!

Please, please update soon!!!

LovelyGardenia (Chapter 24) - Thu 05 Mar 2009
Wow! I love your story! It's so romantic! I barely see such great romance stories! I'm kind of scared of what will happen when Sesshoumaru finally discovers Fugi is Kagome. I hope he will understand and continue to be all lovey and romatic and cute, especially if he gets his arm back! ^__^ Please don't take too long to update! I just love this story! It's so damn addicting! Great job by the way! ~LovelyGardenia

Brights (Chapter 24) - Thu 05 Mar 2009
Wow! That was such a cute, awesome, and romantic chapter! Sesshoumaru is so romantic and cute that it makes me all fuzzy inside! *sighs dreamily* Anyways, I hope Kagome tells him who she is soon before he finds out by himself and feels betrayed and angry. I have a feeling Kagome's miko powers will return once she's closer to the Shikon Jewel or at least they should since she is the Shikon Miko as much as she is Kagome. Oh, and I think it would be awesome if Sesshy got his arm back that way he could hold Kagome with both arms, awww! *eyes glaze over* I can't wait to read more! I understand that you have a life outside this story, but please do not leave us hanging for too long! This is such a romantic and amazing story! I NEED to read MORE!! XD You're awesome!

Tana_san (Chapter 24) - Wed 04 Mar 2009
I bow respectfully to you, my dear friend. Your writing style is so refreshing. The romance is what every girl dreams of and you have kept Sesshoumaru as a believable character with one of wealth and educated upbringing. It's believable that he would have had access to the finer things life has to offer and have knowledge of how to treat a woman just the right way should she be worthy in his eyes and our beloved Kagome seems to be very worthy in his eyes. I think with her being so close to the almost fully completed Shikon Jewel she will be emitting more of her spiritual energy because of it and if that happens Sesshoumaru will be able to feel her miko strength coming back. He's already felt something about her that's fimiliar so it won't be long before the secret is out (not that she was wanting to keep it a secret). I could honestly see her point the way you explained it in this last chapter. She does need to tell him though before he either feels her power or recognises her in the morning without her makeup(or did she bring it with her?) Oh, but I have so much to say tonight. I should just keep quiet and allow others the space to write their thoughts but really, if your fics weren't so good I'd just say but a few words of approval and be off but you are much too good a writer and you inspire my imagination to go wild. Oh and I do understand that you'r life is going to get busy but PLEEEASE, find time to update at least once or twice a month so we don't all go through withdrawal from a lack of that kind of romantic fulfillment that only you write. Love ya! JEN

hikari hime (Chapter 24) - Wed 04 Mar 2009

Yaaaaah! You evil evil... evil! lol. Telling us you won't update as often and leaving us there!

That was mean ;)

This story is addictive, really. I hope Sess is not going to misunderstand her, she didn't know the Shikon was there in the first place... I hope he won't think she was planning this from the start...

Take your time hon, but I still look forward to the next chapter! -SQUEEEE-

Dewa mata

Vicky (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009 just keep giving us cliffies.  You're so evil.  I hope you'll update soon. 

maddie50 (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009

Thank goodness Kagome finally lightened up or her visit with Sesshoumaru was going to be miserable for them both. He appears to be absolutely smitten and he is so romantic. He has gone to so much effort to not only see her again but make the trip to his palace enchanting.

It makes sense for Sesshoumaru to be keeping the jewel safe. He is the most powerful demon. I wonder if the jewel's call will make her priestess abilities kick into high gear, therefore detectable to Sesshoumaru's senses.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009
Wonderful story telling as usual. I felt almost like I was present, watching the events unfold. It was very romantic and I could feel the cold and 'heat' coming from them. Nice chapter. Good luck in school. Many *hugs and smiles*

Giannix (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009
This chapter is so cute!! good job!! well i hope you can write as soon as you can =)

not-active (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009

Oooo you left it at the worst possible spot since you wont be updating as much!!! Yay for more as soon as you can! :)

thirteenxwishes (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009

I've neglected reviewing before, which makes me a very, very bad person.  D:  But I'm here now, so I hope that makes up for being a silent reader.  Anyway - turning on the suspense this chapter?  :)  I'm definitely not complaining, always love a mystery to puzzle out, and it just makes me more eager for the next update!  ^^  Your writing style is lovely - exactly the right balance of description and dialogue, and you portray Kagome's indecision and burgeoning (or should that be 'already burgeoned'?  :P) feelings for Sesshoumaru in a very realistic way.  

In short, another brilliant chapter for a brilliant story, and you've hooked me as a reader (and reviewer, to pay penance for my laziness x.x) for the duration of this fic.  And definitely afterwards, too.  ^^  *cheers you on*  Well done, MissTeak!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009

Ooo dun dun dun....If Kagome thought it was hard to keep her secret already, being around the jewel won't help matters any!  Sesshoumaru is being so sweet!  It makes me melt *swoons*  You did a wonderful job of describing the scenerey, and I'm sad to see that they writing streak has to be slowed down for a while.  But I'll be waiting patiently!

Dominik Journot (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009
OMG, I'm actually entranced by this fic. I keep on daydreaming about where you will/won't lead the plot. I know you have a routine to live, but please, don't abadon us! This is one of the best fics I've read so far!

Chelsea H. (Chapter 24) - Tue 03 Mar 2009
Your skills as an author are absolutely amazing. Your cliffs are terrible lol. I'm so into the story and then it just.........ENDS! It's all good though. Keep on writing because I'm interested in seeing how this ends

Sesshyangel (Chapter 23) - Sat 28 Feb 2009
Don't tell me that the mist is possessing Oka! Hmm, it had gotten to the point that I didn't expect u to introduce another villain in here. I was content focusing on Fuji's trials. Heh. Pls update soon!

Giannix (Chapter 23) - Sat 28 Feb 2009
Good job!! thanks for this new chapter! i liked it!! update soon!

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