Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Yohko (Chapter 31) - Sat 05 Dec 2009

I'm really glad for the update!!! Things are looking really interesting. I hope Sesshoumaru finds out Kagome's secret the next chapter. Update soon! Thanks. :D

Tana_san (Chapter 30) - Sat 05 Dec 2009

Thank you very much for this new posting of my most favered fics. It's getting more interesting with each new chapter. I honestly think Kagome is underestimating our dear Lord Sesshoumaru. He can not only hear but feel her heartbeat and her ever changing emotions. She honestly needs to take more care if she wishes to remain anonymous. She must have forgotten or is not thinking about EXACTLY how senitive a youkai's senses are. I am growing concerned if he would be totally unforgiving in his anger when he does figure out that she is Kagome, the Shikon's rightful guardian or smewhat understanding as to why she feared reveiling her idenitity to him. It states nowhere in the site rules that this has to be a see/Kag romance, so I know it can go either way. I just know your talent and personality well enough to know you are going to keep us guessing and ever vigilant for updates to see what happens next. Thank you again for the chapter dedication. Hugs, JEN

knifethrower (Chapter 30) - Fri 04 Dec 2009

I'm contemplating how Sesshomaru will react when he figures out it is Kagome, and she is after the jewel.  On a superficial level, my first thought is that he will feel betrayed.  But Sesshomaru is, especially in this story, a noble in a Byzantine socieity.  Maybe he will respect her as an actual player.  Kagome has every reason to have an interest in the jewel.  Even Sesshomaru would acknowledge she has a responsibility to the jewel.  Remember when he chastized Kagura because she sought his help, instead of taking care of her business herself?  Maybe he would respect Kagome, for doing what she has to do.  Versus how he feels for Fuji.  Fuji gives him someone to be kind to, who he can interact with differently than anyone else in his life.  I'm sure if Fuji appealed to Sesshomaru as Kagura had, he would react totally differently.  She is dressed and painted, and often wears a wig.  She is trained to entertain, on a surface level that makes her more of a symbol of womanhood, than an actual individual.  The "love" that they have developed for eachother while Kagome is Fuji is a mask.  He could have much more with the real woman.  Will he be wise enough, enough of a chess player and courtier, to react on this other level?       

RayRay (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

Ahhh he's almost pieced the puzzle together as to who she really is and she finally found the jewel! Such an ending, I was like "Nooo, figure it out!!" :P So silly, I know, lol! Anyways, I enjoyed the new chapter and was delighted to see you had updated! I look forward to reading more when it is updated again and your writing is amazing as always. Much love to you my dear <3

kagomesirene (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

awww...this story is just so great...i just hope kagome gets the chance to tell sesshou how she feels before he kicks her out for breaking his trust/ realizes who she really is >.< i love drama, but a happy end even more so


very please if you by any chance have time to update very very soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease do so!!!!!


jgem (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

I was just wondering to myself if MissTeak had finally worked out the plot to Wisteria, when behold! An update!

Another great chapter to read. I keep holding my breath, waiting for the moment when Sesshoumaru figures out who Fuji is. I can imagine that Kagome, will in some ways, feel relief at no longer having to hide the truth and being allowed to be herself. Still, I'm sure that Sesshoumaru will feel betrayed on some level.

By the way, I really like how much attention you put into the details of the story to keep it historically and culturally accurate. When I first started to read your story many months ago, I was a bit dubious when I saw it involved maikos and geishas, as often times the writer confuses things. As I saw how you worked to keep things accurate, it allowed me to be drawn into the plot of the story and enjoy it even more. Not to mention, I think this would make it a bit harder as a writer as you would need to be sure that you were consistent.

Anyway, great job on this chapter and the story!


WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

I'm so glad that you have decided to update again. This chappie kept me at the edge of my seat. It made me wonder what Sesshou will think of Fuji when he finds out that she is actually the Shikon miko. And how did he get a hold of the shards? Will things still remain the same when everything is all out in the open? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Rowdys girl (Chapter 14) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

I am not surprised you haven't been getting a load of reviews. It is so hard to review a story that is breaking your heart. You display such insight into the hearts of your characters, making them so real, so easy to care about, to love, to hate. It is so beautiful, and so beautifully written.

CosmicAnomaly (Chapter 30) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

Omg I've been waiting for an update to this story for SO long. I am ECSTATIC that you updated and I can not wait another day to find out what happens next.

Update soon this time, please. =D

OT (Chapter 29) - Tue 01 Dec 2009

It's the invisibility cloak xDDD
Or not... Haha. Update soon! I can't wait to see what Kagome does next!

ADHD Girl who reads the last chapter of a book first (Chapter 29) - Fri 20 Nov 2009

Really like your story. The details are both well thought out and beautiful. However, when is Sesshoumaru going to figure out that Fuji is Kagome? Is he going to buy her mujiagi (can't remember how to spell it, sorry)? Maybe a clue on how many chapters will it be before you get to those two things (pretty please).

LadySafire (Chapter 29) - Sun 15 Nov 2009

I so love thjis story, I would love to see an update soon on it.



abby (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 Oct 2009

So, I just wanted to say that I am totally addicted to this story!!! It is so great! I love it! It's so original to anything I've ever read!!! And, oh yeah, Hasu is a bee otch. LOL But I love it!!! I had to say that before I stopped reading (and that's only because I really want burgandy hair!lol)! I discovered this story on but thanks for telling that you had it further here! This site is awesome!!!

Mayalene (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Oct 2009

What an amazing story line so far. I really enjoyed it. I hope that you keep up the good work.

Nilee1 (Chapter 29) - Sat 17 Oct 2009

Crescent Dreams (Chapter 1) - Fri 16 Oct 2009

Yay!  I'm so happy to have found your story again.  The last(first) time I read it, I only got up to the chapter where Sesshoumaru had taken Kagome on the horse-back ride.  I love the story, and I really hope Sess doesn't go crazy when he eventually comes to know who Fuji really is.  Please update soon!

amanda wulke (Chapter 29) - Wed 14 Oct 2009

Uhhh I am DYING!!!!! It had been forever since you have updated. This story is one of the best I have ever read, don't let it die. UPDATE ALREADY!

lavviesena (Chapter 1) - Wed 07 Oct 2009

Love the story!

gigi (Chapter 29) - Mon 07 Sep 2009
this story is just straightout wonderful i am literally on the edge of my seat when reading this anyways i just have to say aaaahhhhhh he doesnt no that shes kagome yett!!! is he going to find out sometime soon? is she seriously going to steel the jewel? will she get away with it?

amanda wulke (Chapter 29) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
This is really great I'm so glad you've posted a new chappie! I absolutely adore this story. Post again soon!

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