Loved every moment. Thanks for the update.
i do so love the fact, Kagome got to mark her Daiyoki. he seems to like it to...:)
Very interesting love the humor
Hahaha I can totally see Sesshoumaru flaunting the mark in a "I got one and yooou didn't!* Way. Oh brothers.
Nicole (Chapter 2) - Thu 14 Jun 2018
Some serious, some funny, some fluffy. I like it :)
Pamela (Chapter 2) - Thu 14 Jun 2018
Awesome as always!!!! I love reading your Sess/Kags stories they are always fantastic!
I'm really enjoying this story, I hope you continue it!
Really nice chapter. Sweet with the exchanges markings. I like the pace this is moving at. I like a slower buildup. Thanks for updating. Cheers!
Joecey (Chapter 2) - Wed 13 Jun 2018
I love it! It's so cute and I can't help but keep smiling! It was so funny how Sesshomaru basically showed off to Inuyasha that Kagome marked him XD I wasn't sure if there were going to be any updates after the first chapter and I'm glad it continued! I look forward to updates! :)
Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about!!!
Absolutely loved it. Hate Inuyasha's interference...loved Sesshomaru's honest answers, especially about having kids with Kagome. :)
Really excellent writing. I hope this is not the end of the story!!!
I choked on my water laughing at the end.
This story is everything I need at the moment.
Job well done!
Keep it coming
Ashley (Chapter 1) - Sun 27 May 2018
Nicole (Chapter 1) - Tue 22 May 2018
This was a delightful read! I enjoyed Kagome's journey of figuring it out :)
On a slight spelling/grammar note: in a couple of places you've used the word "lent," but I think you meant "leant" or "leaned."
Awesome oneshot! You write beautifully!
Loveyaa (Chapter 1) - Sun 08 Apr 2018
Woah... Actions may speak louder than words, but words are needed to speak sometimes too. Nothing like being swallowed up. Quite enjoyed your story. I can't wait to see what you come up with next time to tell us :)
Oh yeah, one more thing...I loved the double meaning of the title. Very cute. :) lol
Wow...what an awesome short story. Wonderfully written.
I found myself grinning at the romantic. Gave me the fuzzies. lol
Love how Kagome became so embolden in her conversation with Sesshomaru after finding out what he was all about.
Loved this one shot and I kind of hope maybe a sequel would be nice...hint...hint. :)
Very well done and thanks for sharing with us.
This is short but sweet, awesome story! Thank you!
I adored this very descriptive awesome visuals and spot on sesshomaru portrayal
Hati (Chapter 1) - Wed 04 Apr 2018
Communication problems between these two is always my cup of tea! Awesome oneshot haha
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