
Date Joined: 2005-08-25
Webpage: findememoire.livejournal.com

I am Kourin. I am a 21 year old woman born on the 22nd of October; and I'm in love with life as I define it. I make things up as I go along, and I don't adhere to deadlines. I am unpredictable and unreliable; inexcusably fickle and undeniably disastorus.

I am a devoted friend, a conspiracy theorist, a law student, and I am often times destructive in my attempt to make everything okay.

I see beauty in small things, and I tend to fret about what I needn't fret over. I adore wintertime; snow and barren trees and elegant trench coats, and the city cast under a vague and constant threat of rain. I enjoy staying up until 5am writing, only to disregard my work later.

Q. Why is Gradual Seduction set in America instead of Japan?

A. Because San Francisco is something I'm far more familiar with, and it's a lot easier to write about something you understand.

Q. How old are Sess / Kagome / Other Character in GS?

A. The ages range with Kagome's memories. From where Kagome is narrating the story, she is 20 and Sesshoumaru is 27 (a 7 year difference everywhere in the fic). Other ages: Inuyasha and Miroku are the same age as Kagome, Kagura and Kouga are four years older, Naraku is one year older than Kagome, and Sango is a year younger. Hopefully, that clarifies any speculation about their ages and, obviously, the legality and morality of this entire narrative, for those concerned with such petty things.

Q. Why does your style in GS differ so much from Atonement?

A. The first reason is that I'm drawing a lot from reality in GS, whereas Atonement has very little basis in reality. Also, I started writing Atonement when I was just under 18, and I am now 21. A lot changes in three years, including your writing style, perspecitve, views, experiences and emotional depth.When I began Atonement, I had the emotional depth of a tide pool, with all too much focus on mental depth and was generally unconcerned with style or flow of the stuff I wrote. As I've gotten older, I learned that focusing more on the characters instead of the miniscule plot details appeal to me more as a writer and person.

Q. When will you update (Atonement / GS)?

A.Honestly, I don't know. I wish I could give you an answer, but my schedule is often very hectic between school, work, training and a social life.

Q. You (changed something / mocked my favourite politician / put some idea / religious belife / opinion that I don't agree with)! I (hate you / want you to change it back / am not going to read any more / blah blah blah nondescript hate message).

A. Tell someone who cares. If you don't have something nice to say, or at least some CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, please don't waste your time reviewing.

Kourin has 2 stories.
Love isn't instant. It's not like they say it is in the movies: surprise, you're in love. It's a process. It hurts, but it's not out to get you. And sometimes, you don't even realize it until you're in way too deep. Rating Temporary. Will go up eventually.
Rating: PG-13 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 12-13-06 - Chapters: 8 - Reviews 14 - Words 19,041
Undergoing Minor Revision I have no idea whether this is still canon or not... The jewel is complete, and Kagome's act of selflessness lands her in her time... with no way back and an empty heart. After six long years, someone is about to come crashing back into her life... Chapter Nineteen, "Uncertainty", is now Posted!
Rating: NC-17 - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Romance
Updated: 05-17-06 - Chapters: 22 - Reviews 59 - Words 53,751

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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