Inuyasha World Map

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Phew, I finished it!
I made a post a while ago about how I was making an Inuyasha world map, and I've finally finished it. Originally I had it go horizontal, but then I realized that I could fit more information better if I went vertically, and now I could get all the locations and their descriptions listed :)
I had a super long post planned for this with explanations for everything, but I don't feel like it, lol. Suffice to say I reread the entire manga, making notes along the way when they specifically mentioned places. Otherwise, I used a calender from 1995 to track lunar cycles so I could correctly place Inuyasha's human nights, and thus correctly guess how long they've been in certain places. I also looked up how far a human could walk in a day (and basically doubled that for Inuyasha) and was able to determine how far they could get from Kaede's village depending on how long they claim to have been travelling. And last, I had a map of feudal Japan that listed villages and shrines of the time, so some unnamed places in the manga were given those names. It was a lot of stuff that all came together to help me figure out where everything was.
Hope you guys like this ;A; It was a lot of work, and I hope it can be of use to some people. I don't think we'll ever really know where everything is, because Rumiko didn't make a map and doubtless never planned to, but I think this is a pretty good stab at it.
I made a post a while ago about how I was making an Inuyasha world map, and I've finally finished it. Originally I had it go horizontal, but then I realized that I could fit more information better if I went vertically, and now I could get all the locations and their descriptions listed :)
I had a super long post planned for this with explanations for everything, but I don't feel like it, lol. Suffice to say I reread the entire manga, making notes along the way when they specifically mentioned places. Otherwise, I used a calender from 1995 to track lunar cycles so I could correctly place Inuyasha's human nights, and thus correctly guess how long they've been in certain places. I also looked up how far a human could walk in a day (and basically doubled that for Inuyasha) and was able to determine how far they could get from Kaede's village depending on how long they claim to have been travelling. And last, I had a map of feudal Japan that listed villages and shrines of the time, so some unnamed places in the manga were given those names. It was a lot of stuff that all came together to help me figure out where everything was.
Hope you guys like this ;A; It was a lot of work, and I hope it can be of use to some people. I don't think we'll ever really know where everything is, because Rumiko didn't make a map and doubtless never planned to, but I think this is a pretty good stab at it.
23.07.2015 22:39:52
that must have been a lot of work devoloping this. It is great!
Seeing this it makes me realize how far the party has traveled throughout the series.
This map sure comes in handy as a reference for writing fanfics. THANKS! ^-^
Thank you!
Thank you!! Yes, it took a long time, haha (I think I took a 4 month break at one point, so much reading!)
Thank you so much! I really hope that this will be of use to everyone in the Inuyasha community, particularly for writing!