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It's MY Rock! (Updated rule)
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TOPIC: It's MY Rock! (Updated rule)
Shrine Girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 17
Having swam to shore Sessy21 lies in wait for Sesshomaruswifey to walk passed her and wacks her in the head with a large sea crab.
"Ha Ha ha!" She laughs as he snatches up the rock.
"Getty up!" Sessy21 hops on to a giant turtle and they swim away, the rock safely tucked into her lap.
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I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee, since jumping through portals seems to be her pass time, had been doing just that trying to find the rock. Unfortunately, that landed her int he Warcraft III would for a while, where she thought she would never leave! Battle after battle. She fought when it was necessary, ran when there were zombies, and bargained when there was no escape. In the end, she wondered who's side she was on. Clothes battered, with quarterstaff in hand, her eyes glowed with joy at the site of a portal in the decaying forest. With all the energy she could muster, she jumped from the portal, hoping she would finally be where she wanted to be: A place where her rock lay.

Finding herself falling from the sky, she screamed out as she landed on a giant turtle. Sessy21, who had been on said turtle, bounced off towards the ocean. Sessy's hand let go of the rock. The rock landed softly into Smittee's hand, even before she realized it/ She stared at it a while, her brain comprehending all that happened. Eyes widened and she shouted.

"Rock! I have you. I finally have you!"
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 12
Seeing Smittee on the floating sea turtle, Cap'n Rowdy, under the direction of Admiral Sacha, turns her ship towards the twosome, rescuing Sessy21 by throwing her a rope and towing her along. She comes alongside the sea turtle as it's preparing to dive deep, regardless of it's passenger. Cap'n Rowdy saves Smittee and brings her aboard the Daring Dokuga.

Admiral Sacha, being also the Queen Empress of the Universe, uses her incredible powers of cuteness and adorability to snare Smittee in her trap. Smittee's eyes go wide and glassy and she falls to her knees, dropping the rock while squeeing, "Oh, how cute you are! Come here little cutiekins, let your Auntie Smittee give you luff pets and cuddles." Sacha keeps Smittee in her thrall by allowing her to perform belly rubs, while Cap'n Rowdy scoops up the rock and hides it in her pocket as she sails their pirate ship to shore where they leave Smittee and Sessy21, the former still glassy-eyed from Sacha's cuteness and the latter soaked to the skin. As they sail away from the island, Sacha puts her powers to work on Cap'n Rowdy, inveigling the rock from her pocket and possession.

Sacha curls up on her cushion, the rock cuddled against her soft, fuzzy tummy, as she purrs. It's HER rock and she's gonna KEEP IT!
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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R.M. Avalon
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 10
R.M. Avalon has finally managed to achieve her lifelong dream of owning a bird big enough that she can ride around on it's back. She is taking a leisurely morning fly, when suddenly she spots a boat sailing along in the ocean! Swooping down, Ava sees that it's the Daring Dokuga, Cap'n Rowdy's ship! Knowing that Rowdy always has the best stuff, Ava's bird drops stealthily on board and Ava slides down and sneaks around until she sees the most tempting treasure of all: a rock!

The precious rock is currently being held captive by Admiral Sacha, who's legendary powers of cute are as deadly as ever any powers have ever been, she knows that she has only once chance. Ava distracts Sacha with pets and tummy rubs and steals the rock, and then runs for it, escaping the ship on the back of her bird!

Ava holds her prized rock up to the light. This is a beautiful rock, and it's all hers.
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Dokugas very own certified fairy princess, granting wishes with my wish-granting tiara since 2010!
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 12
With a yowl that shakes the main sheets, Admiral Sacha leaps up, straining to pounce on the huge bird as it carries R.M. Avalon away. She is enraged that she allowed herself to be distracted by pets and tummy rubs so excellently applied and, thus, lost HER ROCK!!! It's HER ROCK and she's gonna get it BACK!!!!!
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 17
Seeing R. M. Avalon flying away with HER rock Sessy21 grabs the end of the birds tail and silently climbs up be hind her. Noticing Avalon holding the rock up, Sessy dives snatching it from her hands and falls from the bird. The air rushes past as Sessy21 falls toward the water. Seconds before she hits the waves she remember that she has wings.
"Duh you can fly" She says and smacks her self in the head. Spreading her wings Sessy21 shoots up,away form the water and hurries away from the others.
"MY ROCK!" She yells over her shoulder.
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I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12
Seeing Sesshy21 take flight, Admiral Sacha, now desperate to get HER rock back, grabs Cap'n Rowdy and hurls her at Sesshy21. The two collide and fall towards the water while the rock flies free and Admiral Sacha quickly sails the Daring Dokuga beneath the falling rock and pounces upon it as it hits the deck and rolls.

It's the Admiral's rock and she's not letting it go!

A thoroughly disgruntled Rowdy climbs up a trailing rope, stomps over to the crouching, growling Admiral, grabs her by the scruff of her neck and takes the rock, growling, "It's MY rock, you darned cat!" She drops Sacha gently to the deck and stomps off grumbling and dripping sea water.

Admiral Sacha's brow creases in thought. Her powers of cute, adorableness won't work on an angry Rowdy, there must be some other way of regaining the rock from her person. Then she notices Sesshy21 climbing up the trailing rope after Rowdy... Perhaps there IS a way...
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Quiet Whisper
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 13
After having watched everyone scramble for the rock from a distance, Whisper grinned evilly as she carefully made her way closer to the ship that was the Rock's current resting place.
Not for long. She thought as she pulled out a small package, noting how Admiral Sacha's ears flicked while her nose began to twitch.
Glad that she'd hidden herself under a cloak of invisibility, Whisper swooped in and dropped the package then moved off a ways to watch as the sweet aroma of catnip began to work it's magic.
Within moments Admiral Sacha had fallen completely under it's spell allowing Whisper to slip below deck. After a few moments of searching she found Captain Rowdy grumbling under her breath while petting the rock.
Once she was sure she went undetected, Whisper pulled out her second secret weapon, a very special picture she'd drawn herself just for Captain Rowdy. Within moments of letting it fall to the desk, Rowdy's attention was completely centered on the drawing while the rock was left on the edge of the desk.
Knowing Rowdy would never notice it's disappearance now, Whisper snagged the rock then flew out an open window, trusting to her cloak to keep her well hidden from sight.
"You are mine now my pretty." She cooed to the rock as she headed for the deepest and darkest depths of Dokuga Land. "And no one shall claim you, mwuahahahahahahahaha!!!"
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 15
Watching closely has Whisper goes deeper into the darker parts of the island. Karli trips Whispers and picks up the Rock. "Rockie your come home." Karli looks down at whispers and skips off towards the swamp
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Shrine Girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 17
* Hmmmm I'll just wait for someone else to do the work for me.* Sessy thinks to herself as she camps out just outsode of the swamp.
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Last Edit: 2011/02/01 17:09 By nigh.

I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 14 Years ago Karma: 2
A unusual mission given to him by Lord Sesshomaru. With orders to capture and 'Do with as he pleases' a world renowned Rock that has made its presents known to the West.

"Wonder why I can do whatever I want to it? Ohwell, this is fun!"

War runs fast through the trees deep with-in the swamp. His pray awaits him.
Swooping in bound by bound he spots his target! Pulling tight his bow string set with an explosive arrow he aims to the opposite direction with a loud resound explosion for a distraction against the Karli, he swings down and grabs the rock! Running quickly from the swamp much like a Ghost. After days of being on the run he reaches the Western Mountains. Not sure what to do with the prized rock, he does only thing any man would do with anything worth-while to him... he eats it!!

"Not to bad, could use some Pepper and maybe some Mustard..." Belch!
"My Rock!"

Once his 'dinner' was done he then reports back to the Western Lord for any freelance work that must be done. Feeling wholly satisfied with the completion of his mission.


(I'm not good at this sorta thing, lemme know if I messed up <.<; ...)
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Last Edit: 2011/02/25 20:09 By War.


Broken am I, be as it may.
I see not the blood that flows in depth with my own.
I will defeat you with all the demons I call.
Darkness will reign and you will fall.
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Jade-ed Fang
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 5
OHH nooooo!! my rock!!

Jade-ed cuts opens storms stomach!
My rock, belongs in MY stomach.... let's just hide it..
Jade-ed throws the rock into a pit FULL of diffrent rocks.
Only Jade-ed knows which one is the real one now!
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I\'m Master InuPaPa Tamer, I tame with my RED TEDDY WHIP!
I Claim Inupapa\'s daiyoukai armour!!!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 6
katdemon watches from the shadows, she has been hunting The Rock, her Rock, for quite some time and scoffs at her prey's attempts to hide, the scent of stomach acid and blood still cling to her Rock

taking advantage of Jade-ed Fang being distracted by a carefully prearranged shiny object, katdemon snatches the rock

BWAHAHAHAHA! Her Rock will make a perfect charm for her necklace
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Jade-ed Fang
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 5
NOO!! jade-ed cries as the rock got stolen from her beloved hiding place. My rock!! At night when katdemon is sleeping, jade-ed steals the rock from katdemon's necklace. Its MINE!! Jade-ed scrubs it clean, before hiding it in sesshoumaru's stuff.. (LOL)
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I\'m Master InuPaPa Tamer, I tame with my RED TEDDY WHIP!
I Claim Inupapa\'s daiyoukai armour!!!
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee found strange things to do with her time away from the rock. She learned how to communicate with bugs, and soon she sent them after the rock. After the long time of them searching, a couple of beetles found it, got it to their back, and carried it out of Sesshomaru's things. Soon, it would be Smittee's again.
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I claimed Shippo\'s transforming powers in the claim game.
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 12
Rowdy, while out for an evening stroll, happened to spot two bugs with THE ROCK on their backs, flying it to Smittee. With an ebil smirk, she grabbed a fly swatter out of the branches of a tree and swiftly swatted the bugs, knocking the rock off, which she skillfully caught. "It's MY rock!" she chortled loudly as she went skipping through the woods hiding the rock in her unmentionables.
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
While stalking Rowdy for no other reason that its Rowdy and she was bored, Kirai watches as Rowdy steals the ROCK OF AWESOMENESS and sticks it in her..."unmentionables".

While pondering of how the word unmentionables is completely outdated nowadays because everyone speaks of underwear and bras and the like Kirai chops down a tree. With perfect accuracy this tree lands right on Rowdy and Kirai swoops in and takes the rock from rowdy's..."unmentionables" and skips away humming "I'm a Little Teapot."
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

Master Pie Maker with my awesomely special Pie Crossbow

Ongoing Challenges:
Funny Edible Oneshot(not for YIMs!
I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 12
Laughing in a catly manner, Sacha watches as Kirai brings down her person. Well, Rowdy hasn't been a very well-behaved person of late, so a tree to the head is an acceptable punishment in Sacha's book. However, Sacha is more clever than Rowdy and Kirai put together!

She cunningly trails Kirai, repressing a shiver a her... singing. She signals to her minions, many hundreds of chipmunks that Rowdy had freed from Kirai's enslavement at the pie factory. As Kirai skips through the trees, the chipmunks attack.

Kirai drops the rock in her struggles against the revolting chipmunks and Sacha pounces on the magnificent rock and carries it off in a sling over her back. She runs into the thickest trees and climbs the tallest tree where she curls up on a thick limb and begins to clean HER rock.
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 3
With a fierce war scream, Tara, who has been watching sneakily from the shaded boughs of a nearby pine, leaps from her perch. She lands directly on Sacha's back, using her as a human shield against the millions of redirected rodents. Nabbing THE ROCK from Sacha's significantly distracted hands, Tara proceeds to Ninja leap from tree to tree, heading towards deeper, darker parts of the mysterious wood. MAH ROCK!!
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* \"Oh, Lord! Why have you forsaken me?\" \"CAN IT! When God gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD!!!\" *
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Rowdys girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12
Upon witnessing her darling little tabby cat being so brutally assaulted, used as a KITTY shield and then having the wondrous rock torn from her little KITTY paws, Rowdy leaps into action. She knows she can't possibly catch up with Tara, who is moving at great speed into the darkest part of the woods. However, Rowdy has friends in both high AND low places and she sets the chipmunks to follow Tara, knowing that only they can keep up with her.

Meanwhile, Rowdy sneaks up on Smittee and, when she's not looking, steals her teleportation portal. She takes a quick detour through Kirai's Pie Fight and steals a huge load of cherry pies from Kirai's bakery and borrows Tenchi no mai's pie bazooka. Following the directions from the chipmunks, whose freedom she has supported for years, Rowdy teleports to a spot where she has a clear shot at Tara and immediately fires volleys of cherry pies at Tara, stopping her before she can go another step. Rowdy fires more pies at Tara until she is buried beneath their cherry goodness with her rock-carrying arm outstretched and pie-free.

Rowdy grabs the rock and does a victory dance. It's MAH ROCK!
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Shikon Miko
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 34
While Rowdy was in the midst of her victory dance Kirai set up her ingenious trap. Using rope she fastened a lasso and sent it flying at Rowdy catching her in her middle. Giggle Kirai drags Rowdy and attaches the rope to a conveniently located pulley system and up goes the Rowdy. Kirai snatches the rock as Rowdy goes up.

MAH ROCK!! She thinks to herself as she huggles the precious to her body. She blows a kiss at Rowdy then skips away to steal a pie from the Pie Factory and share it with the rock.
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

Master Pie Maker with my awesomely special Pie Crossbow

Ongoing Challenges:
Funny Edible Oneshot(not for YIMs!
I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant
Christmas Rumours
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Shrine Girl
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 17
Sessy21 watched as Kirai enjoys her pie and tries to escape with HER rock.
"My precious" She says as she jumps onto Kirai's back, pushing her face into the pie and snatches the rock.
"MINE" SHe cries before racing into the night.
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I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 52
'Watches Sesshy21 run away with the Rock'

'Steals the Rock away with a Lasso before shoving it down his shorts and farting loudy'

"If anyone wants it now, good luck"
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Cherry, seeing (and hearing) what Walter has done with the rock, reaches into her handy dandy fanny pack and pulls out some magical sneezing powder. She whispers to it and it flies off, floating into Walter's nose. He gives a great big sneeze. Of course this makes him crack off a great big fart too. She waits patiently behind a big tree while she watches the true beauty of her plan unfold.

Every time he sneezes Walter can't help but fart. When he inhales air he breathes in the funk from his farts. Soon he's dizzy from all of the sulfur. Eventually he falls to his back unconscious and she waltzes right up and bends over him, gas mask in place.

She reaches into his shorts and giggles when she grabs something that isn't the rock. Pulling out the rope she reaches in again and comes up with the rock. Viola! She's done it and without messing up her pedicure with all that physical stuff!

As she walks away she shakes the surprisingly short rope in her hand a bit disgruntledly. It looked so much longer from a distance. 'It must be a grower,' she thought. She shrugs and slides it and the rock into her fanny pack. Turning back, she gives Walter the 'I WON!' sign.

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Last Edit: 2011/06/04 17:43 By All Around Naughty. Reason: had to fix his shorts
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Number Q
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Re:It's MY Rock! (Updated rule) 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
Q watches Cherry's plan unfold from a distance. Inwardly congratulating Cherry on her cleverness, Q pulls out a large, inflatable hammer. Huffing and puffing until it is full, Q then puts on gloves (Being mindful of where the rock has been) and sneaks up on Cherry. Bashing Cherry on the head with the inflatable hammer causes Cherry to drop the rock in surprise, allowing Q to grab the rock and vanish in a poof of Ninja Smoke to her Ultra-Super Secret Hideout.
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