Mmm! Nutella!
I’ve wanted to issue a challenge for awhile now but couldn't figure out exactly what type. Then it hit me this morning quite suddenly while I was sitting at the breakfast table with my trusty spoon and jar of Nutella. I’m addicted to Nutella… and I’m addicted to SessxKag fics, so why not combine the two!
So here’s what I challenge you lovely authors!
I challenge any Nutella lovers out there to write a Oneshot (Or longer) involving nutella in some way. It can be innocent and humorous, or it can even go down the lemony and lime routs (after all, you can do a lot of things with Nutella <insert guttermind emote>). So pretty much it’s open to whatever genre and rating.
I do ask however that if you are under age please do NOT write a lemon. If you are under 18 you should not be reading let alone writing those kinds of things.
Why Nutella?
Because Nutella is god, only second to Sesshy! It’s also chocolaty and filled with delicious goodness that makes me happier than it honestly should.
If you haven’t had it before, I suggest trying it if you are fond of chocolate or hazelnuts. It’s simply delicious on pretty much anything.
Deadline: December 6th
Participation Gift!
Anybody who participates may go ahead and grab this banner. Please don't take it if you don't.
**Note: Karma for the first person to enter.