Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I have been looking for this story FOREVER, but I cant find it anywhere....I read it years ago, been its been stuck on my mind for the past few months, and I really want to re-read it....
It is a kag/sess pairing, where kagome is sent back in time right after the final battle, and saves a baby inu no taisho. She decides to take him back to his palace, and winds up having to breast feed him. Because of this, he inadvertently marks her as pack, when he bites her breast. Then, after a while, she leaves, wandering around saving children, and adopting them, though it specifically tells about a half demon child she helped deliver, and the mother didnt want it so Kagome adopted him, however, later on, he is killed by... sesshomaru's mother, I believe... because she is jealous of kagome... She eventually meets a younger Sesshomaru, and visits from time to time. At one point in time, she gives him a lock of her hair so that he can call on her if he needs her help. After inu no taisho goes into the battle where he was supposed to lose his life, kagome saves him, and they travel around Japan adopting children and taking them to a little island they have for that specific purpose, until time caught back up with itself. When the final battle ended again, kagome walks out of the woods showing herself and inu no taisho to her friends and sesshomaru.
Anyways, to whoever reads this.. thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
I think I was reading this the other day. I checked my browsing history and didn't see it but I'll keep looking.
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thank you so much! Please let me know if you find it!!
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 54
Still looking. I hate when stories do this to me. 
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
I know what you mean xp... Thank you again!
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 9
This story seems familiar to me...though I'm pretty sure I read it on ff.net...I also remember as scene, which I think might belong to this story, where Kagome kinda decided to go to sleep(hibernate) after her adopted son/ward was killed and that the only one who can enter her warded room is her soulmate(?) which is Sesshomaru...Sess did enter the room after someone told him about Kagome, though he was dismayed on seeing a youkai Kagome instead of a human one that he was told of...Kagome did woke up but I think Sess was still not mature enough or she was waiting for time to catch up but she ended up travelling around again...this is where her and inutaisho were collecting the children..and also I'm pretty sure no one also knew that she saved inutaisho...this is what I remember from the story...tell me if I'm wrong though and that this is a completely different story...
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
Thats the same one! Do you happen to remember the name of it, or atleast the author?
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 9
Unfortunately no...I can try and search for it for you but it will definitely take a while, unless I'm lucky. I have like a thousand favorite and followed story in ff.net and I'm not even sure if I listed it as favorite or follow...
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0
It would be much appreciated. And I am in no rush right now. I just recently started writing another fanfic, so honestly, I wont have much time to be reading anything for a while, but I will keep a check on dokuga and FFN, so please message me, if you find it, and I should see it, either the day its sent, or the next day..
Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your help!!!!!!
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 8 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Work yet to be done. Rated MA i think this may be it.
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 7 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0
This is it! Thank you soooo much!!!!
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Re:Please help me find this fic!! 7 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 52
I am so happy to see that someone likes my story so much as to seek help looking for it....lol.
Unfortunately this story is no longer on FF.net, it is now here on Dokuga. (sheepishly) I lost my password to my ff account....hehehe. Happy reading!!
Ahhhhh Why did no one tell me that my writhing sucks??? I just re-red this story and there are so many mistakes  . Well Im going to re-write this story so that it makes sense and flows a little better.
Last Edit: 2017/03/08 02:10 By Cressent Moon.
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