so it was years.... ago on this site im sure that i read a fic for sessh/kag. i do not remeber the rating. It went something like:
Kag and sessh fall for each other but he refused to mate her and mated a full demon to produce a full blooded heir. The catch was that kagome had somehow magically slipped into a sleep so sessh kept her safely locked away in his castle and would visit her slumbering body once in a while.
At one point his demon mate discovered kagome and vicously attacks when she is in her magical sleep and sessh rushes in to save Kagome and punishes his mate. He refuses to touch her ever again which leaves her to find physical comfort in her female servents arms.
Later his heir is drawn to kagome and recognizes her as his mother not sessh's mate and renounces all ties to his biological mother. Who eventually is banned from the western lands.
kagome some how awakens from her slumber to a present day world in Sesshomarus care.
The exact sequence of things might be off, but I could never let this one go would like to know what happened to it, a little help would be much appreciated.