Ok! I'm looking for another fic.

Anyway this one is one were both Sesshoumaru and then Kagome were captured by Naraku in that order. Kagome was thrown in with Sesshoumaru in hopes that he would kill her and possibly eat her since they haven't been feeding him. They've been there awhile and Kagome had been growing some kind of fruit to eat (watermelon? fruit tree?) I don't remember what kind. They escape somehow but I don't remember much else than that. Sorry.
Thank you for your help!
(p.s. I'm pretty sure I read this one on ff.net too...)
(p.p.s. Kagome was growing the plant/fruit from her power. There was no light, because they were in some kind of cavern/dungeon thing. Also I think Kagura and Kanna helped them somehow...? Possibly Kohaku too...