It's definitely not rape (not my cup of teas, sorry), but more like Kagome was being scared or something the likes and fled across the world (to some Bahama island? I kept thinking there's a word Jamaica being mentioned and Kagome was complaining how hot it was?) from Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru found her anyway though, and they, ehm, ended up doing the deeds. I think Sesshoumaru convinced her that it's okay to have him, or something the similar, and that was that.
Definitely M rated! PWP type of oneshot.
I remembered finding it on Mediaminer, but for the life of me, I couldn't find it again. Maybe it's on here/Spark? Positive it's a bit on old side, maybe 2008-2010ish?
Anyone have any clue of what I may be talking about? Thanks in advance. I know it might be a bit of stretch.
EDIT: NVM. Found it.