Okay, this might sound a little strange, but hear me out.
Some of the greatest stories out there are unfinished. A lot of the authors of these stories are not able to be contacted anymore, but there are some that are still active on various sites. Some lose their muse, some just back their characters or stories into corners and cannot figure out how to get themselves out again. It is a terrible shame to see some stories that you love remain unfinished or on hiatus.
I was thinking about maybe starting a group where authors that have stories like this could ask for readers to go through their stories again and maybe offer advice/inspiration or perhaps just cheerleading and encouragement to take up the thread and pen/keyboard again to go forward from wherever they left off. Maybe it could be something where authors go to ask people for help, or fans go to see if their favorite authors would like to be included in a project like this.
Does anyone see the value or potential in something like this? If so, would anyone be willing or able to help set it up? I would like to have something to do with the running of a group like this, but do not know if only certain members are allowed. Plus, it would be nice to have banners or something and I have absolutely no idea how to make those.
Please give me feedback on this. The idea has been brewing in my brain for awhile. Did anything like this already exist? Does it still, and I have just not seen it?
I know there are about a million questions in this post, but anything you guys could offer would be so helpful.