alrighty guys, ya'll did really well in the last assignment, lets keep it up with this one as well!! I wish you all luck!!!...oh and dont forget to sign in in the forum when you are done so you can get your lovely banner
Kindred Spirits by Shadow Dreamer Reviews The eastern (Kags) and western (sess) lands are at war. A war that has been going on so long that the reason has become legend and is only fueled by the hate between the lands and the need for revenge. Can the two leaders end the war and bring peace and prosperity back to the lands? I used to be on single spark but as some of you may know they are closed, so I'm putting my stories on here.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action - Updated: 07-10-08 - Created: 07-09-08 Chapters: 7 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 10,929 - Reads: 117
U and Me by Never Let Them See You Cry A.K.A. (Shannah Terry) Reviews kags pov short and sweet Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Romance - Updated: 07-10-08 - Created: 07-10-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 305 - Reads: 181
Was this meant to be, You and Me by Mgg821 Reviews I don't know where this story is going so tell me if I should continue! If I do I'll have a summary and the tittle would probably change!
Rating: T - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Humor - Updated: 07-17-08 - Created: 07-17-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 1,222 - Reads: 16
Aishiteru by Kayrin Reviews
What if the gods were cruel and roughly separated two who loved each other more than anything else? This is the sad tale of a love between an angel and a youkai.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Dark, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 07-18-08 - Created: 07-18-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 1,565 - Reads: 44
Love Will Find A Way by Lady_Sesshoumaru Reviews (Previously titled Only You on a single spark) He died to save her life...Can she find a way to bring him back? Or will his memory be the only thing she will ever have? RRR please! (Rating may go up in later chapters)
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Tragedy - Updated: 07-19-08 - Created: 07-19-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 874 - Reads: 16
Weep no more by VampireGoddess12Xx Reviews “Shed no tear, Oh shed no tear, the flow’r will bloom another year,Shed no tear, Oh shed no tear, The flow’r will bloom another year, Shed no tear, shed no tear, shed no tear, shed no tear,Weep no more, Oh weep no more, Weep no more, Weep no more, Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Tragedy - Updated: 07-22-08 - Created: 07-22-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 948 - Reads: 46
Mistress of Time by Midnight Maiden Reviews Sequel to "Arrival of Death" Kagome is back and so is evil. Naraku left the world with a dark secret. Now evil is readt to take Kagome. With Sesshomaru by her side will her love for him bloom or will it be ruin?
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Romance - Updated: 08-13-08 - Created: 07-23-08 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 4,316 - Reads: 51
In the Court of the Sun King by RebaJean Reviews A little incident in which Kagome and Sesshoumaru encounter some old friends. A side episode to Third Rate Romance. Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Friendship, Humor - Updated: 08-01-08 - Created: 08-01-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 1,126 - Reads: 90
Starring: Kagome Higurashi and Sesshomaru? by Sessy's Kijo Reviews Sesshomaru is not going to be told what he can and cannot do! Nowhis pride has got him a starring role and a kissing scene with thatinfuriating woman! What happens if the play isn't just pretend, and fictionbecomes reality when destiny takes control! Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Romance - Updated: 08-06-08 - Created: 08-06-08 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 5,630 - Reads: 35
Innocent? by Kiyota Reviews
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Romance - Updated: 08-14-08 - Created: 08-14-08 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 812 - Reads: 301