No Choice In The Matter
Summary/info: No Choice In The Matter
After the defeat of Naraku the Jewel decides that Kagome needs a better love life. So what better way of doing that then sending her to a different world without her permission and bonding her to the first cold hearted killer they see? Naru/Inu crossover.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 78,273 - Reviews: 465 - Updated: 2-24-09 - Published: 6-9-08 - Kagome
Rating: Teen
Summary: After the defeat of Naraku the Jewel decides that Kagome needs a better love life. So what better way of doing that then sending her to a different world without her permission and bonding her to the first cold hearted killer they see? Naru/Inu crossover.
Pairing: Kagome/Itachi
My Opinion: Well seriously i just stayed up til now reading this fic, not only did i laugh so hard at some points that i was in tears i honestly find this fiction not only amusing but logical and not far fetched. Its a Kagome/Itachi pairing, and its her only fic, though she hasn't updated in a while, a bit over a year, I'm kinda hoping that some of you others that like Xovers Naruto/Inuyasha ones will read/review and maybe if shes up to it she'll get back in the swing of things, in all honestly i love this fic as much as i love "Ghostly Companions." I could safely say that if she ever completes this fic and it continues its same path of style and amusement, then I'll love it MORE. okay i just wanted to put this out there.
- r0o