The strength of the Shikon by criticat

Chapter 1

Ah my very first fanfic! Do enjoy it :)

I do not own Inuyasha or other characters in the story.

Chapter 1

"Well here it is" Inuyasha placed a tainted shard onto Kagome's slightly trembling hand, the dark splinter turning clear and pure at the contact. Kagome nodded and pulled on the fine simple chain around her neck, bringing out the bottle containing the rest of the jewel. It was hard to believe that it was them that gathered all of these. Now, it felt as if it had happened to a completely different person, that these episodes of her life didn't belong to her but to another. The clear fragments shone in the bright daylight, deceiving all around them with their purity, for they caused more pain and suffering than they were worth.

Kagome took out the contents of the bottle, remembering the faces of the many humans and youkai that let themselves be consumed by their lust for power before her eyes. She did not want to reminisce about them, it was almost unbearable to recall some. But as she clenched her slender fingers around the cursed and now nearly complete jewel, she knew that their sacrifice was not in vain, as she now held the last splinter in her hand.

This was when it finally dawned on her. This was it. This was the last shard. She held her breath and slid her trembling hands together, watching as the piece merged with the rest of the jewel. An eerie glow formed over the complete gem for a fraction of time, before disappearing completely, leaving the unpolluted and complete Shikon.

"I must make the wish now."

Her words met silence as the rest of the group observed her, too remembering and mourning the people they lost during their quest, before Inuyasha broke the peace.

"Keh. Stupid wench. If you do that how will we make Naraku come after us? You better give it to me"

Kagome withdrew from him in response, cradling the jewel to her person. As he was about to reach for the jewel Sango narrowed her eyes at him and stepped in front of Kagome, assuming her battle stance with practised ease. The hanouy growl changed abruptly into a yelp as he felt his hand being slapped away by the seething demon slayer.

"It is far too dangerous for the jewel to be around any longer Inuyasha. What will happen if Naraku will once again acquire it?" She couldn't help but feel anger rise within her at Inuyasha's infantile request and bratty tone it was delivered in. He knew what the destruction of the jewel signified for them. Not only it meant that finally the deaths of her loved ones would be avenged, it also was a sure way of crippling Naraku significantly and thus ensuring his destruction. This is what all of them wanted, whatever Inuyasha chose to believe.

"Keh! As if I would let him" he said, annoyed that even after all this time they spent travelling and fighting together the rest seem to have little faith in his abilities. Didn't he prove his loyalty? Apparently not. The slightly angered hanyou felt a heavy hand settle on his tense shoulder as Miroku attempted to reason with his friend.

"Nonetheless, it will be better for all if the Shikon will be gone for good." He felt the half demon tense at this, hoping that even in this state Inuyasha will see sense. His ears now were flat against disheveled silvery mane, giving Miroku enough reason to believe that his stubborn friend was about to give in.

"Kagome has been altruistic enough, whilst protecting it. We cannot expect her to carry this burden any further now".

"As if she did anything to protect it!" Inuyasha spat out feeling his anger rise once more "She lost it as soon as she realized it existed and shattered it on the same day! If it wasn't for me, the wench wouldn't survive long enough to get the first shard. She is just as useless and pathetic now as.."

"Enough!" Sango felt her blood boil. The insults Inuyasha so eagerly and freely bestowed on her adoptive sister were really starting to grate on her, making the slayer wish that she too could subdue the pig-headed hanyou into oblivion.

Kagome was diffident as it was and his regular verbal abuse was not making it any easier for the miko. However now, she hasn't reacted at all, seemingly deep in thought over something. Her lips moved a fraction as she exhaled, tightening her hold on the jewel. Although she appeared to be calm, inside her emotions and thoughts were in turmoil. She wanted to shout at Inuyasha, sit him so hard that he wouldn't be able to go after her for a week or at least slap the scowl off his handsome face, but she could not. What he said was true and she felt it more now than in the past years.

If it wasn't for him protecting her over the time that they searched for the fragments of the Shikon jewel, she would surely die a long time ago. He stood by her side and got injured whilst shielding her from many power hungry youkai, helping her collect the Shikon slither by slither. Sure, at first his mind was set on offing her if the chance came and taking the power the jewel held for himself. Perhaps a part of him still craved it. But she could understand that now, after witnessing for herself what he had to go through, how hard for him it was not to be accepted by all.

She understood that it was her that got the brunt of his anger almost every time something displeased him as he insulted her profusely, but she also knew that she could never do it without him. And for that, she would be forever grateful.

With that thought, Kagome reached out towards her ranting hanyou companion, embracing him as tightly as she could, immediately silencing him. Inuyasha stood still, his form almost rigid with embarrassment, yet he could not help but enjoy how close she was to him, her wonderful fresh scent, crisp from her purity, soothing his senses.

"I'm so sorry Inuyasha" she whispered softly, feeling his arms snake around her fragile form as he pulled her in closer. "I am sorry for putting you through all of this. I am sorry that I couldn't be stronger, I really wish I was." She felt tears form in her eyes but she ignored them, choosing to put her head down onto his shoulder instead, feeling him place cheek onto her forehead, his fingers trailing through her jet black tresses.

"But you know that it must be destroyed before it causes more pain. Which is why" she withdrew from him and placed both her hands on the radiantly glowing jewel "I wish for it to disappear. For it to go to a place, where it could no longer ruin lives and cause great grief. I wish the jewel away."

With that the gentle glow that formed between her hands expanded, making her shaking hands part slightly. Tendrils of red and white spread out and around them, before cascading down and flicking upwards to engulf Kagome into a cacoon of swirling power. Inuyasha and the rest stood back in shock, as she gradually disappeared from sight, the power churning and stretching further. Miroku pulled Sango and Shippo behind him, shielding his eyes with the sleeve of his robe in an attempt to block out the blinding light.

Inuyasha shouted and attempted to pull Kagome out, but the pure raw light burnt the flesh of his hand when the appendage came close to its volatile surface, so unwillingly he withdrew. A sense of foreboding spread through Inuyasha as he felt Kagome's aura vanish to be replaced with two potent ones of a miko and a youkai. He sensed them before, but if they opposed each other previously, now they were merging with one another to create a force which in itself held so much power that it made the fine hairs on the back of his neck raise in alarm, his youkai senses screaming for him to get away even if his unyielding human nature wouldn't allow him to step back. He stood his ground, wanting to ensure that the miko, his miko, was safe and unharmed.

As suddenly as it started, it all ended, with the tendrils of red and white disintegrating completely as they saw Kagome's hunched form on the ground, clutching her chest tightly in pain. They ran towards her, Miroku catching her before she hit the ground and lowering her gently, her face displaying her fatigue, silky hair sprayed freely on the ground as she tossed and twisted. Sango dropped on her knees before Kagome and put a hand to her adoptive sister's slightly moist forehead and stroked it, trying to calm her. Kagome grit her teeth together and frowned at the touch, the soothing gesture seemingly not affecting her at all. Suddenly, she lunged forward in a silent scream before falling again abruptly, finally becoming still. Her steady breathing confirmed that she was merely resting, her strength completely wiped out by the ordeal that just took place.

"What do you think happened?" Sango asked as she brushed a tendril of hair out of her friend's damp face. The rest stayed silent, musing about what this new development could mean for them and the young priestess. So far, the possibilities seemed rather grim.

"Let us make camp. We are too far away from Edo to carry her to Kaede and seek council. We will depart tomorrow morning." Miroku finally decided and made his way out of the clearing towards the line of trees to collect firewood, picking up his staff to fend off unwanted youkai that could still be around, even after such surge of power to ward off the weak ones. Sango nodded and pulled a blanket out of Kagome's travelling bag, securing the soft material around the young priestess' form.

"Keh" Inuyasha didn't like the way everyone seemed to decide what to do for him, but begrudgingly agreed. To do otherwise was stupid, with Kagome out cold and the rest needing rest.

"Feh, humans and their weak bodies."

Sometime later, Shippo rummaged through Kagome's backpack, searching for her sleeping bag and other things that the girl deemed were necessities, as they were going to rough it outdoors once again. He knew how Kagome hated sleeping out in the wild and with her being so weak from the fight and all, he wanted to make her as comfortable as he possibly could. After all, who could possibly protect and look after her better than him?

"Stupid Inuyasha and his stupid need for eating ramen all the time" he muttered angrily as he pulled out yet another packet, before tossing it towards the growing pile to the side of himself, wondering how Inuyasha managed to keep his shape with such voracious appetite.

'It must all get used up when Inuyasha thinks, such a strain for him..'

Shippo exclaimed happily as he located the items needed and put them on the sleeping bag, dragging everything towards the resting form of his adoptive mother. It took considerable effort on his part, but what he lacked in ability he made up in stubbornness, finally managing to haul his loads to Kagome's side. She was awake now after several hours of being out cold, but felt too drained to be of any real help to others. She did make several attempts to get up and do something productive but after being assured that they were nearly finished as it was, she decided to give up rather than get in their way.

So she watched as they moved about the campsite, Sango cooking fish, Miroku tending to Inuyasha's wounds and Shippo making her a makeshift bed. A warm feeling washed over Kagome at the serene scene before her and she smiled tenderly, once again realizing how lucky she is to have them in her life. It was weird to think that she only knew each one of them for three years as she cared for her friends as if they were her family and would willingly undergo anything that Naraku or any other would fling her way in order to protect them.

A frown marred her attractive features as she felt an odd presence around herself. She wasn't the only one who noticed it either, she noted, as Inuyasha looked up and sniffed the air absentmindedly. Inuyasha's ears twitched as he stood up and slid the outer layer of his fire red haori onto his broad shoulders, his face expression almost similar to his brother's impassive one. Sesshomaru would commend him for sure if he saw.

Kagome sighed and looked away, knowing very well what this meant. As if on cue, Kikyo's soul collectors slithered past the clearing, their movements languid, taunting him into following. Kagome wondered, why was it that their mistress sent them? Was possible for her to find out about the Shikon's disappearance? She had good sources clearly, as Kagome noticed that often after a significant event or battle the slimy slithering bodies would appear to summon Inuyasha. She hoped ardently that he would not follow, knowing that his mind was already made up.

Inuyasha's eyes darted briefly towards the shivering girl not far from him as his ears twitched frantically. He could see the poorly concealed hurt flash briefly through her chocolate brown orbs, before she turned away from him completely.

Inuyasha sighed and walked away from the group, unable to resist the undead miko's call, ignoring the heated looks being sent his way by the enraged demon slayer. It wasn't as if he meant for her to hurt each time he left, he thought as he increased his space to a light jog and then more and more until everything around him was a blur. It was her, after all, that decided to remain by his side no matter what and as much as it pained him to see her so wounded, he too made a promise. He never intended not to keep it.

As he left, Kagome felt a sinking feeling in her stomach intensify, as she felt her heart break once again. She hugged herself tightly and stood up, facing away from the rest of the group, not wanting to detect pity in their eyes. In fact, she thought bitterly as she walked away from the camp making sure she walked in the opposite direction from where Inuyasha went, she isn't affected by this at all. It is not as if it is out of the norm for him to run to Kikyo like the good little doggie he is each time that she decides that she requires his presence. Well she had enough of it!

She felt her miko powers flare out slightly as her anger intensified.

'Anger is good' she thought.

Much better than wallowing in self pity for sure. She observed idly as bright, pure flames danced across her palms entrancing her with their steady beat against her sensitive skin before drawing them inwards, feeling mentally drained by Inuyasha's antics. She slumped against a tree, the roughness of the bark feeling good against her bare legs, wondering what is she to do now that the jewel disappeared.

She could stay and help others battle Naraku, which is what her intentions were all along as she felt that it was her battle too, seeing as how he hurt those she held dear to her heart over and over again. However, recently she felt increasingly reluctant to remain in the Warren era, despite her affections for her friends. She would miss them of course and she knew that defeating Naraku was partially her responsibility too, as she may tilt the scales in battle enough to secure their victory. Still, with the way a certain hanyou actions were affecting her, she better leave or find a way to detach herself completely from these emotions.

An image of Sesshomaru flicked through her mind as that thought surfaced, his cold demeanor never failing him over the years albeit once, when he thought that his brother bested him by being able to wield the sword that rejected the taiyoukai and, to add insult to the injury, used that same sword to cut off Sesshomaru's arm.

In the past, she would agree with Inuyasha that the youkai's countenance, for which Ice Lord was known throughout the land, made him appear heartless, bitter, ruthless and a royal ass. She giggled at that thought, remembering the many names that were bestowed on him by Inuyasha and others. Still, she felt increasingly envious of the way he displayed mere mild interest in practically any situation. Sesshomaru didn't exactly pioneer the idea, but he for sure turned it into an art form of sorts.

Naraku attacks? Sesshomaru sighs in boredom. Rin kidnapped? Raises one perfectly arched eyebrow and hacks the offender in pieces. Inuyasha shouting profanities? Look of utter disinterest as he unleashes one attack after another before leaving, looking just as pristine and unaffected as always, perhaps frowning ever so slightly in distaste. She was pretty sure that even during sex he gave his partner minimum to work with expressions-wise, making it look as if the whole ordeal was only a waste of his valuable time and really should be hurried along.

She blushed at that thought and chuckled to herself, feeling her stress being lifted with the silly images. Who would have thought that someone would dare to envision Sesshomaru in such a manner and laugh at it too?

'Perhaps, I should just ask him to teach me'.

Kagome froze at that thought, worrying her bottom lip until it was close to bleeding. She stopped herself abruptly and pressed a hand to her injury, frowning at the red smear that was left on the finger. She should really stop chewing on it if she wants to have any left at all. As preposterous and scandalous the thought of Sesshomaru teaching her anything, a human miko, was, it was a very tempting one indeed. He was perfection in all that he did, which was enough indication of him being capable to train her if her ever bothered to do so. However, it wasn't as if he would do it willingly. She wasn't even sure whether he would endure her for long enough to listen to her ask.

Most likely he would agree for something in return. But what did she have that he may want? She couldn't think of a bargain that would interest a creature such as Sesshomaru. There wasn't much in this era that she could refer to as hers, afterall. She doubted that he would be interested enough in her futuristic items to tolerate her presence long enough to train her, even if he would be curious as to their origins and means of use. He may want the Tetsuiga, but as desparate as she was for his help she wouldn't betray Inuyasha in such an awful way. She brushed her heavy locks away from her eyes as she climbed over a fallen tree blocking her way and walked leisurely back to the camp, still deep in thought, biting her lip viciously once again.

Sango raised her head as she heard mild rustling of the bushes to see Kagome come back from her walk. The raven haired girl was silent, but she appeared to be much calmer than she was earlier, although she was biting her lips again, clear sign of Kagome in distress. The younger girl slid into her sleeping bag next to Shippo and bid everyone good night. Waiting for her to fall asleep, Sango shuffled closer to fire and Miroku, wanting to speak to him about the situation in hand without being overheard by her sleeping companions.

"Do you think that he is going to come back tonight?" Sango asked in a hushed whisper, inclining her head slightly towards the line of trees to her right. Miroku shook his head and laid his staff down to rest next to his knee.

"It is highly unlikely lady Sango if they are doing what I think they are" She looked at his face for any sign of lechery and was pleasantly surprised to see that he himself was dismayed at what was occurring. She liked him better when he was serious like now, she realized before blush tainted the smooth skin of her cheeks. Miroku glanced at her briefly to see the brilliant scarlet hue, before inching his hand closer to her. Only another inch and his cursed hand would reach it's destination, he thought, smiling broadly. Closer.. closer.. Aha!

Sango felt something pressing against her backside and squeeze it firmly. For a moment all was still before she unleashed a primal cry which would have set fear in many hearts and knocked him out cold, a serene expression gracing the monk's handsome face. She panted heavily as adrenalin coursed through her body, before gasping as she heard a muffled grumble in the background. Realizing that her friend might be now awake due to her rashness she stood up and made her way towards Kagome, to find that she was still asleep. Sighing contently, Sango too decided it was time for her to do the same.

Inuyasha rushed through the trees without looking back once, not wanting the feeling of foreboding that gripped him before he left camp to return. He though back to Kagome and what happened earlier, after she wished the jewel away. There was more to what happened, he was sure of it, as her aura and scent have been tinged with something he could not quite put his claw on. Nonetheless, it unsettled him. He pondered on the niggling thought as he flung himself into the sky to observe the rapid movement of the soul catchers from above. He was gaining on them fast, meaning that he was about to reach his destination.

'Maybe I should ask Kikyo about it.' He thought before landing softly on the balls of his feet, catching the all too familiar scent laced with that of ashes and death.

"My bellowed, you came" Inuyasha heard someone's soprano monotone, making him whirl around to face the one he searched for with such vigor.


Well here it is! The very first chapter. Please Read and Review!


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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