Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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maricela (Chapter 8) - Tue 16 Sep 2014

aweswome and love the long update thank you.

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 8) - Tue 16 Sep 2014

Kyaaaaa! I love the new chapter! XD please update again soon! ^.^

WildcatYST (Chapter 8) - Tue 16 Sep 2014

Great chapter! I love the subtle moments between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Can't wait for more!

SilverInu93 (Chapter 8) - Mon 15 Sep 2014
More please!

bri (Chapter 7) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

LOVE LOVE LOVE this story!!!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 7) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

More, keep it coming.

WildcatYST (Chapter 7) - Thu 28 Aug 2014

Great fic! I usually only enjoy canon, but this one has me hooked. You characterize Sesshoumaru and Kagome perfectly. Can't wait to read more!

SilverInu93 (Chapter 7) - Wed 27 Aug 2014

more please

Saya Otonashi (Chapter 5) - Wed 27 Aug 2014

This chapter brought me to tears.

vhfluffy (Chapter 7) - Tue 26 Aug 2014

I love this update! It stages some critical plots for the story. I'm guessing Kikyou is involved in the mysterious youkai deaths as revenge for her parents death and Kaede excommunicated Kagome to keep her protected from the miko congregation. I feel like Kaede knows exactly what's going on but has to play nice for both sides.

I absolutely love Sesshomaru in this story. He is obviously Lord and as such plays the role of a lord yet you can see his character now. His stubborn and aggressive emotions just barely hidden under the surface. His instincts have already accepted Kagome now it's just a matter of time before he can as well. I'm sure it will not be as easy to just claim her. Kagome is just as stubborn and will not relinquish her independence to him just coz she's living in the youkai realm. It will be interesting. I can already see the chemistry between them both, more from him than her. Update soon please, the romance is just budding and I feel the miko congregation are plotting something in retaliation.

rose (Chapter 7) - Tue 26 Aug 2014

next chapter please

Elizabeth (Chapter 7) - Tue 26 Aug 2014

I am link the development of Sesshoumaru's character. Also I feel that Kaede did what she did to best meet Kagome's desires, especially when she just quit her job at the hospital. Now Kikyou is another matter - I have a feeling that she is inadvertently helping whoever it is killing all the youkai...I guess I'll just have to wait and see ;)

SpookiiPanda (Chapter 6) - Mon 25 Aug 2014

I an in love with this story, please keep adding chapters. I would like to see the end, but not so soon haha.

SilverInu93 (Chapter 6) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

aww more please

maricela (Chapter 6) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

awesome keeps getting better thank you.

princess of the western lands (Chapter 6) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

The story is wonderful, I love it when the pups snuggle with kagome and cheer her up. Will kaede excommunicate kagome for helping sesshomaru? What about kikyou? I didn't think things would stay neutral with them. Doesn't kikyou realize that she's destroying her parents legacy. If it goes bad will kagome be forced to live in the demon realm? 

I think it's kikyou and a few others killing off the young youkai. Because they are the future of there race, the older ones are to strong to be killed by some virus. Is it time for kagome and sesshomaru to get a little closer? 

Update soon onegai 

Treasure (Chapter 6) - Thu 21 Aug 2014

This is awesome ! Keep it coming ! (:

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 6) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

Nice chapter, keep it coming

NightQueen (Chapter 6) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

I so love those two little cherubs! There is nothing like a good snuggle buddy, someone to listen to your and set your fears to rest! Did I mention how much I dislike Kikyo! LOL I don't think there is one story that I actually like her in!! Excellent job!

Christina (Chapter 6) - Wed 20 Aug 2014

This is such an awesome story! Love all the characters especially the kids! opps...the pups. Keep it up. 

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