Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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Marie (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Keep it.coming! This chapter is awesome :)

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Inupapa is wrong though.

Sesshomaru licked her blood and was covered in her blood, while faint, she still saw his mouth and fangs covered in her blood and saw how much he enjoyed it. Yet, she begged him to stay and even grumbled at him for not including her ownership of their people too. That is not rejection. I honestly do not believe Kagome would reject Sesshomaru for being himself. She has a youkai kit, she knows they are bloodthirsty and ruthless. It is their culture. She's attended youkai before and even protected them against her own species. I also do not think it is in Kagome to deny someone's true self because they are different from her. It would be way out of character for Kagome.

I love how he was so stoic in the loud and boisterous crowd though lol. It's such a Sesshomaru move. But I think it was very telling that Kagome not only drew strength from him, but was able to hear him through all of the noise in the arena.

Although, I am very curious why Kagome made her submit? Why not show the crowd she was stronger by holding her in a submissive pose and then kill her? I know Kagome would not wish to kill but in the youkai world, only the strong can rule.

Lovin the story!

SilverInu93 (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

i hopw there is more it keeps getting better and better

Kahdejus (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

I love this story I can't wait for more!!!!

Debra (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Great chapter I loved it. Especially the fact that Kagome's own trainer, Sesshoumaru's friend was actually frightened.

His father though has a lot of nerve. He still hasn't apologized or even talked to Sesshoumaru like Kagome told him to. The. He has the nerve to try and compare Kagome to his wife. Kagome goes into battle with him and can make both Touga and Sesshouma's mother submit, non of which Iziou can do. Not to mention Kagome has no fear of Sesshoumaru in his true form. Hell, she is a great advantage to him and his army. 

I really hope you update soon! I am dying to read the next chapter! You don't think you could put it up Wednesday?!

No Uta (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Another fantastic chapter and you made it quite lengthy...THANK YOU!!!! I enjoyed the battle scene between Kagome and Inu momma. Very well written. I fancy how he has to restrain his beast from taking her. He's still so very seductive even through his restraint. I know that whenever you do have him take will be one sizzling hot chapter!  Oh yessss it will be and I cannot wait! Thanks so much for the superb update. Oh and I was nice to you ha ha! I'm always nice to you ;-). I'll be looking forward to Thursday yaaaay!


bri (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

LOVED! thank you so much for the chapter!

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Genius. =D This was an awesome chapter! ^.^ Hope to see the next chapter on Thursday! ^.^ *grabby hands and Kazuhiko eyes*

Freespirit79 (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Wooow. Amazing Chapter. Hope you update soon.

MoonGoddess468 (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

I simply love this story!  This was an amazing chapter and I really hope you post soon!!! Keep up the amazing work ^_^

cleocleo 223015 (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

aaaaahhhh.... how sweet kazhuko healed her wounds!! love the chapter! thanks so much for it! 

Akita (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

WOoo good stuff!

WildcatYST (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

That chapter was hot hot HOT! I loved it. Looking forward to the next steamy scene. 

Shaina (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

Awesome chappie. Kagome is a beast and her power is amazing. I'm glad she is not some weak twit she is smart and powerful. look forward to the next chapter ????. 

NightQueen (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

Amazing Chapter as always! I love a strong Kagome and you've done an excellent job at truly making her a partner for Sesshoumaru.  That being said I'm really starting to dislike Toga.  He's being an ass I feel like he doesn't want his oldest son to find the love, happiness, and acceptance that he could not.  Comparing Kagome to his weak mate is impossible she is so much more and accepts her Inu for all that he is!! Please don't let that ass get in the way.  Besides I think Sesshoumaru's people already see her as a worthy mate and someone that they can trust and rely on!  I can't wait for your next chapter!! Fantastic job!!!!!

Desiree (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

Man what a way to leave me hanging! Ahhh! I can't wait till your next update!  Great story. 

QuietBookworm (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

Words cannot describe how much I love this story and eagerly wait for your Monday updates! Your updates are a spectacular plus in a day full of negatives. I can't wait for the next chapter!

tabitha (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

OMG. Can you say awesome!

Heather (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

Absolutely in love with this fic I think I might die if I dont read more 

jessabell (Chapter 18) - Mon 17 Nov 2014

I love this story. And this chapter was so good but I'm confused. I thought sesshomaru left his mokomoko with kagome, but then when his son came in it said he snuggled into it?

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