Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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TruGemini (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

I really was excited with this chapter. Great job on describing the battle scene, which any writer will tell you is very hard to do. My favorite quote from this chapter - Kagome to Ray “So spread your legs, bitch.” She hissed.

That was awesome! I like that Kagome is not scared to stand up for herself. Keep up the great work!

Debra (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

The battle was great. I love how his mother complemented her and informed her about everyone knowing she was aroused. I hope this means that Kagome and his mother can now be friends. I mean I'm sure she is like most mothers and just wants what is best for her son and grandson. Plus, her grandson seemed happy to see her so she can't be all bad. 

Loved how his beast wanted his turn with her, and wouldn't let that Ray stop them when she asked him not to. I really hope Ray learns his place or gets killed because he could learn it. 

Hope you update soon.

Christina (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

good chapter. I'm really excited to see the conflict building with Kagome and Ray. 

Inuaddict (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

God this story just keeps getting better and better , I got hot and bothered when Kagome asked him to bring her his heart cus i knew how sexy it was. DAMN anyways. Ray needs to either die or kagome needs to save his sorry ass and then he will realise her purpose

SmilingFool (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

Loved the chapter, the battle was quick that was good and bloodly, I liked Kagome taking the first bite of the heart.   The bath was good I like when the beast comes out and play.  Now as for Ray and the Queen.  I already have a bad idea on them.  

She will offer herself to Sesshomaru because he defeated her mate and becuase Sesshomaru has no mate he will take her perhaps once to call her his or prize or something.  Kagome will be angry but get over it. However Ray is the evil that crawls under your skin...  He hates humans and anyone that stands up too him.  Ray plots and undermines what Kagome had built between her and Sesshomaru.  Yori's mate suddenly has a mind of her own and shows it.  And so on and on.  lol...  gosh hope I am wrong.  That would be bad.


Anyways those are my thoughts..  I hate Ray and his queen.  Eat them instead of keeping them.



Melissa Fizz (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

very good story, i am enjoying it very much and i am just guessing here but the character ray is the spy. hope you and your family has a happy holiday

Minime (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

Can ray die sooner? By kagome killing him epically? Please?  Love the chapter. Hope you'll update soon.

Cheryl (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

awesome new chapter! love the part when she openly requested for his heart, you go girl! such power and very strong will :) can't wait for the next chapter! 

sesshouscat (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

Kinda wish the review thing can let us post pictures or videos

of our reactions for you to see but OMG






i demand more and another up date of two for chtistmas 

just love this story more and more


chevonne knowles (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

i dont like ray. is he the spy for the east. or is that over.

Jennn (Chapter 23) - Wed 17 Dec 2014

I am just so happy I love this Kagome ((((: Cannot wait for the next chapter!!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

Liking this chapter, keep it coming.

consuelo marquez (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

ahhhhhhhh! yess~!!!!!!

Diane Peter (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

I've forgotten who Ray is so I'm going to have to go back & figure it out before I can comment on that part. You're missing a word here during the fight; Yori took the advantage and landed a blow to his , which, what did he land a blow to?

NightQueen (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

OMG!! Love the chapter!! The battle had me sitting on the edge of my seat!! When Sesshoumaru dropped the heart in front of Kagome I just knew she was going to take a bite!! And the bath, good lord the bath! So hot and sexy I love his beast as much as I love him! As for Ray he is a complete ASSHAT! But I have a feeling he is going to cause trouble.  Funny how everyone else seems to respect and like Kagome.  I found the interaction between Sesshoumaru's mother and Kagome very interesting I'd like to see genuine respect grow there.  Kagome is not The former Lady of the West! She is strong, compassionate, and respects all things about the West and Sesshoumru! I wonder to the shame of a few others if she will gain many allies and aproval

SilverInu93 (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

GURR Ray needs the stick puoled out his , It is sesshomarus choise  who he mates not his. and over all  it was great

Akita (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

sexy...I kinda want more of a showdown between Kagome and Ray...I want her to put him in his place so badly...

Malova (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

“So spread your legs, bitch.” 


This story is just fantastic, I love it!

tabitha (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

OMG I'm still blushing! My favorite chapter so far! More please!

Samara (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

Ray needs to be bitch slapped... Literally... It would be cool for mahla (sp?).. To show her continued support and do it... To spark some female bonding perhaps?


Love how confident kagome is... It really suits her...

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