Great story, keep it coming.
Wow! What a great update!
This is a very forboding chapter. I'm wondering what will happen between Sesshoumaru and Miko when he finds out about Izyoi.
I'm still debating if he will blame himself and Miko for his dad's actions. Or will he blame just his dad and Miko?
Or will he blame just Miko? Or will he not blame her at all? I'm wondering if InuYasha's birth and his father's death will make him want to get rid of Miko.
I'm debating what will happen to make her disappear if not what's about to happen.
I can feel it building to something sad which makes me question more.
I look forward to more! Hopefully soon!
Interesting, iiiiiiinteresting..... I wonder, oh, I really wonder how this will all turn out (it is canon universe after all)... Good work :) , can't wait for more
Awe, It's so sad. Everything is changing and he doesn't have any comfort other than her.
I'm worried about how the truth of what's going on with his father will effect their relationship.
I can't wait to see more.
So happy that you updated this!
Hope you update again soon!
Oh my goodness thanks for the update I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to read more~!
Yes I'm sure he will indeed lol!
So Sesshomaru could have, accidentaly, made his father curious about humans. I wonder whether he will see it that way.
Sesshomaru doesn't seem to approve of jeans haha
You are updating again! Yay!
I wonder if this is going to lead up to him meeting her in a 'canon' way or not. Either way, I hope that he remebers Kagome.
OMG I can't believe you updated! I've never reviewed because I've just recently made an account! I love this fic! I'm gonna read the whole thing over first before I head for the update! I'm so happy~!
It's so sad, but at least he has her to help him handle such an ugly thing. It makes me wonder if maybe that's why he's so hard on InuYasha later. Maybe he's hoping that InuYasha will be strong enough to change it all.
It also makes me wonder if he doesn't recognize 'miko' or if he does maybe he's made because she doesn't recognize him?
so many questions!
Great chapter! can't wait for your next update! :)
Well, well, well!
Little Sesshoumaru putting high and mighty daddy between a rock and a hard place, isn't he?
Excellent chapter!
I love this story. You are doing an amazing job, and I look forward to every update eagerly.
It'll be interesting to see what daddy has to say in answer to that question!
Please update again soon!
Ah...the talk. I didn't get the talk until long after I needed it, but *sigh* I remember giving the talk to my daughter, and younger brother, and my neice and my nephew. and all but my nephew, (who was all ready active) claimed I have virginized them until their 40. even three or four years later.
That's when you know you're doin' it right! lol
Always give them the truth, and then the really ugly truth, STDs. Nothing kills hormones like descriptions of the side effects or the symptoms. *grins evilly*
I even scared my sister, and she's older than me! ;D
Such funny memories! :D
OH NO! Is he out growing her?
Or is the magic fading?
And now he has to pick out a future mate from a bunch of girls he doesn't know or like!
Poor Sesshoumaru!
Can't wait to see what happens next!
He's so arrogant, but so cute.
It's so sweet that he's playing a 'contest' with her.
I love this little story.
I want to hug it and cuddle it with every new chapter!
Lots of love to the Author! <3
Oooo! I'm so eager to find out why his imaginary friend is so futuristic!
I keep thinking that maybe it's Kagome in her sleep or something, or maybe her wondering soul before she becomes Kagome or something! This is so interesting!
So many questions! I love this little story!
Okay so Sesshoumaru has gotten taller, and older, but the question still remains...Does Miko grow with him?
This is such a good story, I really like it.
I look forward to the next update! :D
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