Took a very long time to get to where we are. It's a good story though keep gping
It's a really interesting story, I especially like that neither Kagome nor Sesshomaru are perfect as characters.
Kagome is immature and makes a lot of mistakes like following Inuyasha blindly to the point of idiocy and detrimental to her health and future, not to mention her short temper is like a gun constantly ponting at her own foot. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru is so arrogant and self-assured he can't see anyone except himself, the only thing that saved both their lives at the last clash was Tenseiga and he won't even acknowledge it, he only used it out of instinct and trained skill alone, furthermore he attacked Bokuseno and his forest, he has no problem turning on his own allies for petty reasons and that is dangerous for him.
But those very same flaws make me want to read more! How can there ever be a functioning romantic relationship if there is not even a shred of respect between those two? The potential for their growth as characters is there, and the time limit of the 'season' makes it all the more interesting.
I loved everything, the only tiny bit that I found a little exasperating was how his beauty is constantly being pointed out, like every sentence in which he appears. Other than that I really liked this story, I hope you can continue your work.
Steph (Chapter 5) - Wed 14 Dec 2016
Please continue this story. :)
I do like this chapter. I am seeing a gradual change in Sess more twoards what I favor about him. I just never saw him as such a huge douchbag in the show. I never read the manga, so I don't know if he's totally an asshole in them, but I may also be tainted by other fanfic's that I have read and authors I have followed. :)
Either way, I am dedicated to reading this particular story through to it's conclusion.
You are a skillful writer, and I do enjoy your work.
I don't much care for your vision of Sess, but only because I have a different vision of him. :)
Poor Kagome. Enjoying the story so far. I like how against each other they are. Hopefully, being alone Kagome can get some answers and maybe slowly not be imagining each other's deaths all the time. :)
Ashatan (Chapter 5) - Sun 20 Mar 2016
I love your story! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Poor Kagome...Seshoumaru is so harsh on her...taking his anger out on her when it's his very own youki that chose her!
smcandy (Chapter 5) - Fri 18 Mar 2016
Author/Authress Rinku/ForgottenHero-Rinku
So far I think you have gotten better with this story. You have kept many of the canon cast In Character much better then I normally see in fanfictions.
You have kept Myoga, Sesshaomru Kagome and Bokuseno very much Ic as best you could portray them. Especially Sesshaomru ‘s character because his is one of the most hard to keep the same in fan fictions and in my POV not many writers have that ability to pull it off well without making seem OOC. I have only read a small handful fo fiction that can be compared to this one that shows his IC cannon personality so well.
I am happy to see you are continuing with this story. I never thought you come back in action with it because when I read the first and only two chapters at that time it looked like to me you would not be completing it anytime soon or at all. Please update ASAP more chapters on demand I am start to get re-addicted to this long forgotten story that was left not updated for the longest time ^^
Authoress smcandy
Eroviaa_Hunter (Chapter 5) - Thu 17 Mar 2016
Sugoi!!!!!! I love this chapter soooo much! You did a b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l job with Kagome and Sesshomeru. It will be interesting to see if Sesshomeru can actually claim Kagome because though she does want to die would to choose to take Sesshomeru with her if he tries to force it? OOoo the plot thickens. Update please!
~Eroviaa Hunter
I'm totally interested. Keep posting updates. Updating tomorrow sounds good for me and the next day too....actually every day until the story is done sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to reading more
Please finish soon!
Nice chapters, keep it coming. Happy Easter!
Sorachan (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
Hey ! I really like your story, and I like your change in Kagome, making her a stronger and more kick ass heroine. You also have the personalities of each character down to a T. Its very believable! I also like the plot you have set up, I can't wait to read what happens next! My only criticism is that, at times you can be a bit too wordy in your writing. You repeat adjectives/ descriptive words a lot. The examples of this ( I noticed the most ) is when you describe Sesshomaru’s face (as elfen and angelic) , and also his intent to constantly want to kill her. Since you have mentioned this before, the reader already grasps this.
Less is always more.
Hope this helped.
Keep up the good work!!
Silver (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
Characters* even!!
Silver (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
This is brilliant work, I am completely in love with the plot, chatacters and the drama! Cannot wait for your next update. :)
Ahhhh! I love it!! I can't wait!!!
Eva (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
I feel like you have dug your characters a pit that will take them millennia to crawl out of a miserable existence. Is this meant to be a dark fic? I enjoy your voice and your writing style. I just wonder where you're going with this. Kagome's life and circumstances, all of them, are incredibly grave. She is indeed the Kami's whipping post with no control or choice over her life. She is enslaved to the Shimon no tama as much as Sesshoumaru. When does she get some of it back?
Ankita (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
Yayayyay new cupdate i m enjoying it XD sessho n kago clashing with each other its funn i hopee you update soon looking forward to the next confrontation i just hope somehow kago finds out what happening and she is not in the dark
Saiya (Chapter 5) - Wed 16 Mar 2016
Wow that was INTENSE!!!
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