I hope that Kagome finally sees Sango for the lying bee-tch she really is and that Naraku doesn't succeed in his plans, I pray Sesshoumaru and Miroku can stop him!
OMG OMG OMG finally I've been waiting for this! The suspense is killing me....I'm sitting in front of my notebook and keep biting my fingernails....Please don't let them hurt Kazuki...I beg you...
I can't see a child hurting...
You know I always the character 'Sango', but in this I really hate her!!! Pretending to be a friend and auntie('auntie role' my ass!!) She should just disappear and never come back!! I hope you're not planning for Miroku to end up with her.
Thank you for your update! Please do it soon!!!
I'm so glad you updated! thank you!
Damn! Sango is such a racist bitch in this fic. What nice human man would she have wanted to be with? Hojo? Too boring. She needs to get over herself. You can't help who you love, whether they be human, hanyou or demon. I hope they get Kazuki back soon and have both Naraku and Sango impaled on Sesshy's claw. Can't wait for the next chapter.
I hope they can save Kazuki in time! Just to bring Kagome in line Sango wants him killed? I can't wait for Naraku and Sango to get what's coming to them.
yasurei (Chapter 19) - Tue 02 Aug 2011
Yes Kagome, show those idiots and that bitch Sango that no one should get between a mother and her child. Go get your boy and fry everyone who tries to stop you
Chaotic.Lover (Chapter 19) - Tue 02 Aug 2011
muhahaha yeah finally the times has come!!! time to kick naraku!!! I can't wait for that scene!! Thanks for updating!! When I check two days ago - no update - I was worried! Glad you're back^^
Fair Oma (Chapter 19) - Tue 02 Aug 2011
wonderful chapter but i have to wait a week for more!!!!! please no i don;t have that kind of patients. my family will suffer harm and nasty moods. please save my family from such a week pleaseeeeee
hehe keep up the great work
Chrissie (Chapter 1) - Wed 27 Jul 2011
I can't stand the suspense... I miss when you update on a daily basis and need more of this story. Sango needs to be killed slowly and painfully... for her deeds... and naraku needs to get his... OMG what a vindictive bleep... I feel mad that Sesshomaru didn't find out for sure if the child was his or not... but I can't understand Kagome's logic in writing to his father and step mother telling them she was pregnant and never actually telling Sesshomaru that she was... and still blaming him for everything... I mean she kind of played directly into Sango's trap by not telling him that she was pregnant at all.
What was the purpose of telling the parents and not the father? Why didn't his father tell him and keep the relationship with the child hidden from Sesshomaru? I need more information... I need more updates... **** waves chocolate at author**** do bribes work?
yasurei (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 Jul 2011
I´m so glad that she trusts him in that. It´s good to see for her that he does care about his son even if he hasn´t seen him. It´s not easy for both of them. Sango has to pay for what she´s putting everyone through just because she hates demons.
joyouki (Chapter 18) - Tue 26 Jul 2011
so awesome...loved to read sango is freaking out..cant wait for her to slip up even more...loved the ending when sess hugged her and she let him..cant wait for them to get closeri
Sango should panic. I can't wait for Kagome to confront her.
Chaotic.Lover (Chapter 18) - Mon 25 Jul 2011
*sniffle* I hope with all my heart that nothing will happen to their child! I pray for it! I'm happy they still have a moment to themselves and that Kag begins to trust Sess again. It's a good thing.
Oh? You're trying to get an alibi, huh? That won't do!!We already know that is you and asking Naraku will only prove that you're the one *bitch* that destroy a happy family with your jealous, eyvious and childish act!! *cha!* get this!!!
Thank you for the update! I love every chapter of this fanfic and I will continue to review to each chapter^^.
Chaotic.Lover (Chapter 17) - Fri 22 Jul 2011
That Bitch!!! Pretend to care for her and trying to comfort her huh? ...the more I read this(about sango) the more I want to kill her!! she deserve what I have planned for her. XD I hope do she'll get that!! I want to see Kag and sess together! They both deserve to be happy after what they have been through!^^
Thanks for the fantastic updates! Please continue to do so^^
yasurei (Chapter 17) - Fri 22 Jul 2011
Sango is crazy, plain crazy. She is waiting for Kagome to call her so she can comfort her after she had her son kidnapped and to be killed? She´s a maniac and a hateful one, too. How could anyone want to kill an innocent small kid just because it´s blood? Did Kagome never see what a racist Sango is? It´s unbelievable.
Noooo!!! Sango has to be forced to face Kagome and what she did. Naraku has no idea what he is in for does he?
Really, you have to appreciate Miroku - always the man of wisdom.
joyouki (Chapter 17) - Thu 21 Jul 2011
OMG this is complete juice! I am so mad...all of this time Sango wanted to get rid of the baby...i can't wait for her to hers!
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