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Tessitura (Chapter 6) - Mon 07 May 2012

Awww! come on there has to be more!

Emma (Chapter 6) - Sun 29 Apr 2012

Love this <3

zandria (Chapter 1) - Mon 30 Jan 2012

pleassssse update soon :)

theunknownchild (Chapter 6) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

Not many authors can hook me in less than 10 chapters. And yet, you have! Great story line, great grammer and attention to detail...and so far, an amazing story. I look forward to the rest of it...eventually :)

MissKatt (Chapter 6) - Tue 18 Oct 2011

Very nice fic so far! I look forward to future updates!


Yulimon (Chapter 6) - Sun 16 Oct 2011

this story is great!

its very different from everything else i've read so far, and i'm really looking forward to the rest.

love how sesshomaru isnt fully mature yet and love how you do his personality.

kagome is very well represented as well.

cant wait for more!

Sandreline Moon (Chapter 6) - Wed 12 Oct 2011

*squeals*  LLLOOOVVVEEE it!!!!


Midnight_rose (Chapter 6) - Wed 12 Oct 2011

please hurry and write the next chapter I gotta know what happens next!

TruGemini (Chapter 6) - Wed 12 Oct 2011

Yay for more! I am patiently waiting for what is next.

Zalika (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

I do enjoy this story...its been a while for an update, but it was worth it.

Zalika (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

I do enjoy this story...its been a while for an update, but it was worth it.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

so totally amusing!

Alexandra (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

What do you mean "unfortunately you have more planed"?! It's an amazing story! I can't believe you’re alive and updated! XD This story is just so cute and shows Sesshoumaru in a way that he still acts like himself but acts more adoringly with Kagome. I love it! I can’t wait for the next update!!

X3 (Chapter 6) - Tue 11 Oct 2011


Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 5) - Mon 22 Aug 2011

*eyes glimmer* Ha! Sesshomaru's family has given him Exactly what he wanted, without the fuss it could have been later, all on their own! Haha! AND he gets a bonus wedding present! *filled with laughter* Booyaka!

But now... O_O eep! Who's attacking the Higurashi? O_O Beta better get the next chapter to us SOON!

Thanks so much for writing!

yasurei (Chapter 5) - Mon 22 Aug 2011

Interesting, who is it that attacts them and I really want to know why Ino no Taisho seems to dislike his own son so much. If it´s because Sesshoumaru is strong then that´s a bit petty and he is still stronger than his son so why? It´s weird that anyone would dislike his heir so much and dote on the second son who is normally the one who is more ignored.

Alexandra (Chapter 5) - Mon 22 Aug 2011

NOO! Cliffhanger! DX


Please update soon. This story is getting good. I can't wait to figure out who is attacking the Higurashi's.

snowbird (Chapter 5) - Mon 22 Aug 2011

I like the fact that this story is so completely different from most Sess/Kag stories.  I also like the different twist you've done with Sesshoumaru's 'sex life'.  He's a virgin, too.  I'm sure you plan for him to someday in their marriage to reach his maturity level.  I just have one request, please do not leave her with the lifespan of a human.  That would be so unfair to Sesshoumaru.  I never like that done to him in any story.  He would only have her such a short time and any children would not get to finish being raised by her.

TruGemini (Chapter 5) - Sun 21 Aug 2011

Cool! We get to see Kagome in action right? I'm excited!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 5) - Sun 21 Aug 2011

lmao *giggles* this is awesome and inupapa and inuyasha think they one-uped everyone GO SESS! *cheers*

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