Reviews for Lord Charming by forthright

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Silver Moon Inuyoukai (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011


Cathyrin (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

!!! i went to click for the next chapter and i was at the end of what you have updated and that made me sad inside!!!!!! Beautiful, funny story. Actually made me laugh while reading to the point where my bf had to read with me. Amazing story. I love it. keep up the good work!!

CutieSOS (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011


GreyEcho (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011



Just XD ~!

I can't really make a good reply. XD

But Maybe.. YAY! XD

Enchanting_Breeze (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

Loved it! Can't wait for more! :)

Mina (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

First time commenting, but I had to. I'm sitting here giggling like a school girl. Poor Kagome is always playing with fire. I'm looking forward to seeing how all this turns out! I'll be so sad if all this wonderful fluff ends up being an elaborate dream on our favorite taiyoukai's part.

Stacy (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011



I think I'm entering a near-permanent state of catatonic limbo....

I think I'm pathetic. I keep reading the whole thing from the very begining when my hands start twitching to check for updates. Oh the joys of modern ebook readers! (Amen! Amazon, you're GOD!!!)

Seriously though, a thought has been haunting me for a while now. Is this 1000 pieces of 100-words drabbles? That'd take forever T-T

EtherealCrescent (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

I'm suppose to be studying for finals, not reading or leaving reviews! But this was so freakin amazing that I had to sign on and let you know that. Gheez... I love this story!



Now back to studying I go... sighhh X__x 



teacakes (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

Okay, at this point, these 100-word snippets are killing me.  It's a veeeeeeery smart tactic--building up the anticipation and whatnot.

Good lord, that scene is hot.  I didn't know how you would push these two out of their friend zone territory (they seemed so comfortable in it!), but yet again, you've proven yourself!  The mood switched from friendly to sensual without awkwardness!  Holy hell, *fans self*

raindancer13 (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011
Talk about teasing! Just when it gets good you leave us hanging. But I Love the excitment. :) update soon please.

GG (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011


about time!

BirdHummingAlong (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

Gah! so cute, so romantic, so more more more! :) but no rush...

Forfirith (Chapter 239) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

Hot hot hot!~

Tiegrsi (Chapter 238) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

More! Oh please more! Hahah. I swear a chapter a day is not enough! Sometimes I purposely skip reading for a few days so I can come back and read several at a time...but it KILLS me! I love this story soooo much.

Stacy (Chapter 238) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

I blame you for my addiction.

Thank god it's rather harmless one!

I'd claim you like to torture us, readers, but you are likely to withhold the next fix of this pure brilliance. And franckly, updating once a day rather equates herculian effort IMHO.

Thank you for your brilliance.


Thank you.

Enchanting_Breeze (Chapter 238) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

Go Kagome! Sesshoumaru shouldn't underestimated Kagome ;)

teacakes (Chapter 238) - Sun 04 Dec 2011

So, I'm finally de-lurking because of this.

Very rarely do I get butterflies when reading something, but this...oh god, THIS.  WHY WOULD YOU KEEP US IN SUSPENSE, WOMAN?!  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?  oh god, I cannot wait for the next installment.

Kimberley (Chapter 238) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

It's about time Kagome gave a voluntary kiss. (: I wonder if he'll sense a difference from the previous ones...
And I wonder if this will effect his mate hunt...
Goodness gracious, this just gets better and better! 
Keep up the fabulous work! 

GreyEcho (Chapter 238) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

8D ! Does that men she does. >D
GAH! Can't wait for the next chapter and all the reactions. >D

Loveyaa (Chapter 238) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

woot woot!! way better than Sesshoumaru just asking in the beginning/first place. And Kagome keeps him on his toes. I wonder what the outcome of this "wanted" kiss will be. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

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