so far i lyke wat is goin on and cant wait 4 the next chappie also im jamaican couldn't help but laugh at my friend's part n be slightly offended at wat ppl believe is the typical jcan smokin ganja buuuuuuuuuut no worries! update soon
Well a bit odd, but good overall, do have a bit of a correction; women is more than 1, woman is singular, it kept throwing me off when you kept referring to a single female as women. The only place you used women correctly was when you referred to both Karin & Aiko when they were arguing.
are you crossovering? if yes, with what? looks like fun! total anachronism here! XD
Wattle (Chapter 1) - Fri 17 Dec 2010
This is a facinating story idea. I especially enjoyed the dialogue between the soldiers. I hope to read a continuation of this story soon =3 Good job!
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