Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3333 LOVE this! I still hope that kagome beats the hell out of kikyo before the fic is over and done with, but yesssssssssssssssssssssss
only thing that confused me was this:
“Obliging your wishes,” Sesshomaru said, the smug smirk on his face making her scowl again. “I thought after you spent the day in the tank that we could get dinner. You barely stopped to eat so you have to be hungry.”
Kagome had a hand over her mouth, he hadn’t pierced the skin but it still stung a bit. Had he always been so aggressive? He usually seemed pretty laid back.
“I was trying to oblige your wishes.” He commented as he stood up straight. “I wanted to see if you were up for going out for a bit, just the two of us. I thought I could thank you for the help today with dinner. You barely stopped to eat all evening, you have to be hungry.”
it's in there and i was like O_o did i re-read on accident? but it's there ^_^ still love it all, MORE please!
mah, poor kagome. I seriously want something horrible to happen to kikyo and her group of idiots, inuyasha including mostly b/c he's going along with it. seriosuly would love it if kagome jsut EFing snapped and went on some terror filled beng. after all someone can only take it so long before they snap
Wow! It was going so smoothly and all of a sudden cat fight! I really wasn't expecting that and I've forgotten how drama like high school could be. I'm excited you updated but I can't wait to see what's going to happen next :)
o.o go kagoem! i really hope she gets to hbeat the hell out of them. though i hafta go to work now @_@ MORE!
common catty kagome!@ grow some back bone girlie! i was excited to see this update :3
awesome shorts keep going :D i want to know what happens :D
awww! wow! i love it! :) it just get better and better!
awe sweet!
hahahahahahahahaha =x awesome!
>:3 i thought i reviewed this but i seemingly didnt! i'm sorry! i thought it was amusing =x
lmao! =x
HAHAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEEEW! :x Which annoying cd did Kikyo get? Was it David or the evil Justin? Lol. Stupid Yusha. XD
REDWOLF (Chapter 1) - Thu 28 Oct 2010
Just gotta love Sesshoumaru's sarcasm at times. Love the chapter, i'm sure Kikyo had a lot more to do with stranding Kagome.
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