so sweet...
i liked their dramatically childish way of making up. hehehe...
Lol. i couldn't stop laughing!
1. Hear damsel-in-distress's call.
2. Figure out way to save said damsel-in-distress.
3. Rescue damsel-in-distress.
4. Receive damsel-in-distress's love and kiss.
Atta-boy, Chibimaru! You're back in the game! So that was lesson number 25, right? Always thinking ahead, that Chibimaru :)
Awww, sooooo cute! I loved the 'Poof' "Woof!" Oof!
So Kagome didin't know he was the doggy....explains her reaction before. And she snuggled and apologized and he forgave.....DANG that was cute!
awww... child-drama and tears over. For now. That was really cute. I loved how Chibimaru called out to her.
Thanks for writing!
Awwwww that was so CUTE!!!! @_@ like melt your brain and rot your teeth cute! great job!
rss (Chapter 17) - Thu 30 Jun 2011
chibimaru is still hurt...
does kagome know that the dog and chibimaru are the same?
"A/N: I have no idea why I am torturing children"
Response: Because it's fun! lol
Now I'm crying for both of them. Of course little Kagome obviously hasn't made connection between the silver 'bad doggy' and 'her Chibimaru'. Poor dears.
Thanks as always for writing!
I just re read this and I've got to say I've been snickering all through it. This is just sooo cute. And why are you picking on these adorable little kids??? Better make Chibimaru Kagome's prince again and quickly or you're going to have a posse of Dokugans out to find you and make you pay for hurting that adorable little child. LOL!!!! JEN
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