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emerald skye (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

Ack! These little snippets are absolutely adorable!! More! More!

Kanna37 (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

AWWWWWWWW!  Happy SQUEAL!  That was SO cute!  I'm so glad to see you back on this one, I have a huge grin on my face from just seeing the note in my inbox.


Rowdys girl (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

Awwwww!  Too darned cute!!!

lashon (Chapter 13) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

One word: CUTE!!!!

rss (Chapter 13) - Sat 14 May 2011



can't wait to read more!

Petals of Sakura (Chapter 13) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

These are all so adorable! I definitely look forward to more.

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 13) - Sun 06 Feb 2011

Aww i really love reading these and wish you'd update, their just so cute and full of fluff!!

DestinysTears (Chapter 3) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

ROFL! "Alright, let's just pay the bill." Naughty, naughty Sesshomaru! :3 Alright, I'm trying to think of other things to say other than it's adorably cute, hilarious and completely sweet! But really, you are an extremely talented writer, and have no trouble in portraying beautiful and clear scenes in your writing. Even more impressive is that you can do that with just a few, thoughtfully selected words. I know you've heard me say this a billion times, but that's something that's VERY hard to do, and really says something about the author! ;) Dear, wonderful job! I'll continue this lovely story once I get another chance. But for now, I'm off to bed! P.S. - I'm dying to continue Shanghai and HEA. Keep your fingers crossed for me that the hectic-ness of work and school will die down a bit! Until next time~

Inuyasha turned the wheel smoothly to the right, steering the car into the adjoining street.

DestinysTears (Chapter 2) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

OMG, LOL! Too cute. "Hot dog." Oh no! The beginning of the legendary heart-breaker bishie Sesshomaru! Hehe. ;3 I think I just about fell off my chair laughing after I read about the Statue of Liberty. Oh Sesshomaru. The things that happen when you get your hands on things. XD I definitely would have cried along with Sesshomaru if his favorite "appendage" had to be cut off too. T_T Beautiful, silver, shiny hair! *swoons*

DestinysTears (Chapter 1) - Mon 27 Sep 2010


I'm so, so, so, SO sorry I'm just getting around to reading this! *Blames work and school* Forgive my awful naughtiness! T_T

Anyways, back to wonderful Chibimaru and the Gang! I have to say, after reading this first little installment, I COULD NOT keep from smiling the whole entire time! The whole concept of little children's rumors are just TOO cute! With all the stress and work going on right now, this story really hits the spot! Imagining little Sessh giving Kagome an "impregnating" kiss just makes me want to run off into the land of rainbows and sunshine. This story is going to be beyond wonderful and sweet, not unlike all your other beautiful writing!

Triste (Chapter 13) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Hahaha! I think I might have died somewhere a few chapters back from laughing too hard. Still, i'll keep reading this fic even if it means haunting my computer as a specter! Awesome fic. The characters are admittedly a little OOC but considering their Au, chibi-fied conditions, it's understandable. The interactions between the characters, the strange conclusions drawn, the kids-say-the-darndest-things situations is entertaining to the max. I really enjoyed it.


Keep writing and good luck with future chapters!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 13) - Tue 21 Sep 2010

*giggles* And now we REALLY know why Sesshomaru knew Kagome would marry him, hm? *silly grin* But so, so sweet! *sighs* I always wished a childhood friend would have been my 'prince' growing up. ah well. Maybe not so much with Rain, as I love getting drenched with a nice rain most of the time, but certainly with other 'princely' displays of chivalry and affection just as romantic. My late husband did an admirable job exceeding my expectations while he was with me. *nostalgic* Is it any wonder I'm following his (what I thought was playful) directive to hold out for someone even better than he was; to not take whatever comes around? ^_^

Thanks so much for writing!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 13) - Tue 21 Sep 2010

hahaha thats so cute! i kinda hope at the end of all this we get to see an adult version of everything, like maybe stories told at their wedding or something.

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Sep 2010

suggestion~!!!  There could be a Parent's Day at school...  *^_^* 

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Sep 2010

Aawww...!! Sesshou-kun! That is so cute! lol I just want to see you change forms once before this series ends. After all, in the manga we see you shift three times. ;) Plus I want to see how Little Kagome reacts to your doggy-self! And you're such a perv, too, little goof! Asking for a kiss after being a, pup.

L-desu (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Sep 2010

squeeeee!!! kawaii nee!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Sep 2010

awww that was so sweet, me teeth are hurting lol. So it looks like Chibimaru is trying to get Kagome to marry him lol, i wonder how that will work out, great job and i can't wait to see what happens next!

Kanna37 (Chapter 13) - Mon 20 Sep 2010

Oh, my god that was sooo cute!  Chibimaru's such a little schemer!  I just adore this collection - I think I said this before but it reminds me so much of the Little Rascals... and the fact that I can remember them makes me feel really, really, old, lol.  Looking forward to the next piece of brilliance!  ~Hugs~


Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Sep 2010

NOOO, chibimaru!!! LOL, playing prince charming isn't always what it's cut out to be although I do find it hard to believe even as chibi, Sesshomaru could be knocked out!! Damn Aizen and his bishi hair!!! LOL I love this and can't wait for more!! 

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Sep 2010

*snickers* Aw... poor Sesshomaru. teehee. Really... that will teach him to trust someone like that, ne? ;)

It's okies about inspiration. *hugs* Sometimes we just have to deal with what our muses alot us.

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